# Contributing to the Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS This document explains how to build the Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS from source. It is intended for advanced developers who wish to contribute to Mapbox GL and the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS. ## Requirements See the "Requirements" section in [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md). ## Building the SDK Build and package the SDK by using one of the following commands: * `make xpackage` builds a dynamic framework in the Debug configuration, including debug symbols. * `make xdocument` generates API documentation using jazzy. You can customize the build output by passing the following arguments into the `make` invocation: * `BUILDTYPE=Release` will optimize for distribution. Defaults to `Debug`. * `SYMBOLS=NO` strips the build output of any debug symbols, yielding much smaller binaries. Defaults to `YES`. An example command that creates a dynamic framework suitable for distribution: ```bash make xpackage BUILDTYPE=Release SYMBOLS=NO ``` The products of these build commands can be found in the `build/macos/pkg` folder at the base of the repository. ## Contributing ### Making any symbol public To add any Objective-C type, constant, or member to the macOS maps SDK’s public interface: 1. Ensure that the symbol is pure Objective-C and does not rely on any language features specific to Objective-C++ or the C11 dialect of C – so no namespaced types or classes named with emoji! 🙃 Most projects that depend on this SDK are either written in pure Objective-C (GNU99 dialect) or Swift, which cannot yet bridge C++ types. 1. Name the symbol according to [Cocoa naming conventions](https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CodingGuidelines/CodingGuidelines.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000146i). Use the `MGL` class prefix to avoid conflicts with client code. If the symbol has an analogue in MapKit, name the symbol according to MapKit. 1. Provide full documentation comments. We use [jazzy](https://github.com/realm/jazzy/) to produce the documentation found in the SDK distribution. We also recognize that many developers rely on Xcode’s Quick Help feature. jazzy supports Markdown formatting; however, Quick Help supports only [HeaderDoc](https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/HeaderDoc/intro/intro.html) syntax and a subset of Doxygen syntax. For hyperlinks, use HTML syntax, which is recognized by both tools. ### Making a type or constant public To add an Objective-C class, protocol, category, typedef, enumeration, or global constant to the macOS maps SDK’s public interface: 1. _(Optional.)_ Add the macro `MGL_EXPORT` prior to the declaration for classes and global constants. To use this macro, include `MGLFoundation.h`. You can check whether all public symbols are exported correctly by running `make check-public-symbols`. 1. _(Optional.)_ Add the type or constant’s name to the relevant category in the `custom_categories` section of [the jazzy configuration file](./jazzy.yml). This is required for classes and protocols and also recommended for any other type that is strongly associated with a particular class or protocol. If you leave out this step, the symbol will appear in an “Other” section in the generated HTML documentation’s table of contents. 1. _(Optional.)_ If the symbol would also be publicly exposed in the iOS maps SDK, consult [the companion iOS document](../ios/DEVELOPING.md#making-a-type-or-constant-public) for further instructions. ### Adding a source code file To add an Objective-C header or implementation file to the macOS maps SDK: 1. Add the file to the “dynamic” target’s Headers or Compile Sources build phase, as appropriate. You can either use the Build Phases tab of the project editor or the Target Membership section of the File inspector. 1. Audit new headers for nullability. Typically, you will wrap a header with `NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN` and `NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END`. 1. _(Optional.)_ If it’s a public header, change its visibility from Project to Public and import it in [the macOS SDK’s umbrella header](./src/Mapbox.h). 1. _(Optional.)_ If the file would also be used by the iOS maps SDK, make sure it’s in [platform/darwin/src/](../darwin/src/), then consult [the companion iOS document](../ios/DEVELOPING.md#adding-a-source-code-file) for further instructions. 1. Run `scripts/generate-cmake-files.js` to update the generated source file list for third party build systems. ### Adding a resource To add a resource (such as an image, SSL certificate, property list, or strings table) to the macOS maps SDK: 1. Add the header to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase of the “dynamic” target. You can either use the Build Phases tab of the project editor or the Target Membership section of the File inspector. 1. _(Optional.)_ If the resource would also be used by the iOS maps SDK, make sure it’s in [platform/darwin/resources/](../darwin/resources/), then consult [the companion iOS document](../ios/DEVELOPING.md#adding-a-resource) for further instructions. ### Adding user-facing text To add or update text that the user may see in the macOS maps SDK: 1. Make sure the implementation file imports [NSBundle+MGLAdditions.h](../darwin/src/NSBundle+MGLAdditions.h). 1. Use the `NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue()` macro: * `key` is a unique identifier that won’t change if the user-facing text ever needs to change. * `tbl` is `Foundation` in code shared between the iOS and macOS maps SDKs, or `nil` otherwise. * `bundle` is `nil`; the redefined macro looks for the SDK bundle at runtime and ignores this argument. * `val` is the English string. 1. _(Optional.)_ When dealing with a number followed by a pluralized word, do not split the string. Instead, use a format string and make `val` ambiguous, like `%d file(s)`. Then pluralize for English in the appropriate [.stringsdict file](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/StringsdictFileFormat/StringsdictFileFormat.html). See [platform/darwin/resources/en.lproj/Foundation.stringsdict](../darwin/resources/en.lproj/Foundation.stringsdict) for an example. Localizers should do likewise for their languages. 1. Run `make genstrings` and commit any changes it makes to .strings files. The make rule also updates the iOS maps SDK’s strings tables. ### Adding a localization Translations of all the Mapbox GL Native SDKs are managed [in Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/). If your language already has a translation, feel free to complete or proofread it. Otherwise, please [request your language](https://www.transifex.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/languages/). Note that we’re primarily interested in languages that macOS supports as system languages. Once you’ve finished translating the SDK into a new language in Transifex, perform these steps to make Xcode aware of the translation: 1. In macos.xcworkspace, open the project editor for macos.xcodeproj. Using the project editor’s sidebar or tab bar dropdown, go to the “macos” project; under the Localizations section of the Info tab, click the + button to add your language to the project. 1. In the sheet that appears, select all the .strings and .stringsdict files but no .xib file. (Most of the XIBs are part of the macosapp example application, which is not localized, while MGLAnnotationCallout.xib contains no localizable strings.) If your language lacks declension and pluralization, as in the case of Chinese, omit the .stringsdict files. 1. In the Project navigator, expand each .stringsdict file in the project. An additional version for your localization should be listed; translate it. See Apple’s documentation on the [.stringsdict format](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/StringsdictFileFormat/StringsdictFileFormat.html). 1. In the Project navigator, select Demo App/Localizable.strings and then, in the File Inspector, check the box for your new localization. 1. Repeat the steps above in ios.xcworkspace. The .strings files should still be in the original English – that’s expected. Now you can pull your translations into this repository: 1. _(First time only.)_ Download the [`tx` command line tool](https://docs.transifex.com/client/installing-the-client) and [configure your .transifexrc](https://docs.transifex.com/client/client-configuration). 1. Run `tx pull -a`. 1. Convert any added .strings files from UTF-16 encoding to UTF-8 encoding to facilitate diffing and merging. You can convert the file encoding using Xcode’s File inspector or the following command (substituting _MYLANG_ for the locale code): ``` find platform/{darwin,ios}/resources platform/macos/sdk -path '*/MYLANG.lproj/*.strings' -exec textutil -convert txt -extension strings -inputencoding UTF-16 -encoding UTF-8 {} -output {} \; ``` ### Adding a code example To add an example code listing to the documentation for a class or class member: 1. Add a test method named in the form `testMGLClass` or `testMGLClass$method` to [MGLDocumentationExampleTests](test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift). Wrap the code you’d like to appear in the documentation within `//#-example-code` and `//#-end-example-code` comments. 1. If the header doesn’t already have an example code listing, add the path to the header to platform/darwin/scripts/update-examples.list. 1. Insert the code listings into the headers: ```bash make darwin-update-examples ``` [SourceKitten](https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten/) is required and will be installed automatically using Homebrew. ## Testing `make macos-test` builds and runs unit tests of cross-platform code as well as the SDK. To instead run the cross-platform tests in Xcode instead of on the command line: 1. Run `make xproj` to set up the workspace. 1. Change the scheme to “mbgl-test” and press Command-R to run core unit tests. 1. Change the scheme to “CI” and press Command-U to run SDK integration tests. ## Access tokens The demo applications use Mapbox vector tiles, which require a Mapbox account and API access token. Obtain an access token on the [Mapbox account page](https://www.mapbox.com/studio/account/tokens/). You will be prompted for this access token the first time you launch the demo application. ## Using macosapp Through the macOS maps SDK, the demo application supports a variety of standard gestures and keyboard shortcuts. For more details, open Mapbox GL Help from the Help menu. You can also [integrate the Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS into your own Cocoa application](INSTALL.md).