#import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN typedef NSString *MBXAccountsSKUID NS_TYPED_ENUM; FOUNDATION_EXTERN const MBXAccountsSKUID MBXAccountsSKUIDMaps; FOUNDATION_EXTERN const MBXAccountsSKUID MBXAccountsSKUIDNavigation; typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MBXAccountsSKUType) { MBXAccountsSKUTypeUser, MBXAccountsSKUTypeSession }; @interface MBXSKUToken : NSObject /** Generates a token for the given identifier and type. @param skuId The sku identifier, e.g. maps or navigation. @param type The type of token, e.g. user or session. @return A SKU token for use with API requests. */ + (NSString *)tokenForSKUID:(MBXAccountsSKUID)skuId type:(MBXAccountsSKUType)type NS_SWIFT_NAME(token(for:type:)); @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END