#import namespace mbgl { class Map; class Renderer; } /// Minimum size of an annotation’s accessibility element. FOUNDATION_EXTERN const CGSize MGLAnnotationAccessibilityElementMinimumSize; /// Indicates that a method (that uses `mbgl::Map`) was called after app termination. FOUNDATION_EXTERN MGL_EXPORT MGLExceptionName const MGLUnderlyingMapUnavailableException; @interface MGLMapView (Private) /// Currently shown popover representing the selected annotation. @property (nonatomic) UIView *calloutViewForSelectedAnnotation; /** Triggers another render pass even when it is not necessary. */ - (void)setNeedsGLDisplay; - (mbgl::Renderer *)renderer; /** Returns whether the map view is currently loading or processing any assets required to render the map */ - (BOOL)isFullyLoaded; /** Empties the in-memory tile cache. */ - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning; @end