#import "MGLFoundation_Private.h" #import "MGLLoggingConfiguration_Private.h" #import "MGLMapView+OpenGL.h" #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE || TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR #import "MMEConstants.h" #import "MGLMapboxEvents.h" #endif #include #import #import #import @interface MGLMapViewImplDelegate : NSObject @end @implementation MGLMapViewImplDelegate { MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl* _impl; } - (instancetype)initWithImpl:(MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl*)impl { if (self = [super init]) { _impl = impl; } return self; } - (void)glkView:(nonnull GLKView*)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect { _impl->render(); } @end namespace { CGFloat contentScaleFactor() { return [UIScreen instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(nativeScale)] ? [[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeScale] : [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]; } } // namespace class MGLMapViewOpenGLRenderableResource final : public mbgl::gl::RenderableResource { public: MGLMapViewOpenGLRenderableResource(MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl& backend_) : backend(backend_), delegate([[MGLMapViewImplDelegate alloc] initWithImpl:&backend]), atLeastiOS_12_2_0([NSProcessInfo.processInfo isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:(NSOperatingSystemVersion){ 12, 2, 0 }]) { } void bind() override { backend.restoreFramebufferBinding(); } mbgl::Size framebufferSize() { assert(glView); return { static_cast(glView.drawableWidth), static_cast(glView.drawableHeight) }; } private: MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl& backend; public: MGLMapViewImplDelegate* delegate = nil; GLKView *glView = nil; EAGLContext *context = nil; const bool atLeastiOS_12_2_0; // We count how often the context was activated/deactivated so that we can truly deactivate it // after the activation count drops to 0. NSUInteger activationCount = 0; }; MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl(MGLMapView* nativeView_) : MGLMapViewImpl(nativeView_), mbgl::gl::RendererBackend(mbgl::gfx::ContextMode::Unique), mbgl::gfx::Renderable({ 0, 0 }, std::make_unique(*this)) { } MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::~MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl() { auto& resource = getResource(); if (resource.context && [[EAGLContext currentContext] isEqual:resource.context]) { [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil]; } } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::setOpaque(const bool opaque) { auto& resource = getResource(); resource.glView.opaque = opaque; resource.glView.layer.opaque = opaque; } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::setPresentsWithTransaction(const bool value) { auto& resource = getResource(); CAEAGLLayer* eaglLayer = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST(resource.glView.layer, CAEAGLLayer); eaglLayer.presentsWithTransaction = value; } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::display() { auto& resource = getResource(); // See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/14232 // glClear can be blocked for 1 second. This code is an "escape hatch", // an attempt to detect this situation and rebuild the GL views. if (mapView.enablePresentsWithTransaction && resource.atLeastiOS_12_2_0) { CFTimeInterval before = CACurrentMediaTime(); [resource.glView display]; CFTimeInterval after = CACurrentMediaTime(); if (after - before >= 1.0) { #ifdef MGL_RECREATE_GL_IN_AN_EMERGENCY dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ emergencyRecreateGL(); }); #else static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:MGLErrorDomain code:MGLErrorCodeRenderingError userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : @"https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/14232" }]; [[MMEEventsManager sharedManager] reportError:error]; }); #endif } } else { [resource.glView display]; } } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::createView() { auto& resource = getResource(); if (resource.glView) { return; } if (!resource.context) { resource.context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2]; assert(resource.context); } resource.glView = [[GLKView alloc] initWithFrame:mapView.bounds context:resource.context]; resource.glView.delegate = resource.delegate; resource.glView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; resource.glView.contentScaleFactor = contentScaleFactor(); resource.glView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter; resource.glView.drawableStencilFormat = GLKViewDrawableStencilFormat8; resource.glView.drawableDepthFormat = GLKViewDrawableDepthFormat16; resource.glView.opaque = mapView.opaque; resource.glView.layer.opaque = mapView.opaque; resource.glView.enableSetNeedsDisplay = NO; CAEAGLLayer* eaglLayer = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST(resource.glView.layer, CAEAGLLayer); eaglLayer.presentsWithTransaction = NO; [mapView insertSubview:resource.glView atIndex:0]; } UIView* MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::getView() { auto& resource = getResource(); return resource.glView; } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::deleteView() { auto& resource = getResource(); [resource.glView deleteDrawable]; } #ifdef MGL_RECREATE_GL_IN_AN_EMERGENCY // See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/14232 void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::emergencyRecreateGL() { auto& resource = getResource(); MGLLogError(@"Rendering took too long - creating GL views"); CAEAGLLayer* eaglLayer = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST(resource.glView.layer, CAEAGLLayer); eaglLayer.presentsWithTransaction = NO; [mapView pauseRendering:nil]; // Just performing a pauseRendering:/resumeRendering: pair isn't sufficient - in this case // we can still get errors when calling bindDrawable. Here we completely // recreate the GLKView [mapView.userLocationAnnotationView removeFromSuperview]; [resource.glView removeFromSuperview]; // Recreate the view resource.glView = nil; createView(); if (mapView.annotationContainerView) { [resource.glView insertSubview:mapView.annotationContainerView atIndex:0]; } [mapView updateUserLocationAnnotationView]; // Do not bind...yet if (mapView.window) { [mapView resumeRendering:nil]; eaglLayer = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST(resource.glView.layer, CAEAGLLayer); eaglLayer.presentsWithTransaction = mapView.enablePresentsWithTransaction; } else { MGLLogDebug(@"No window - skipping resumeRendering"); } } #endif mbgl::gl::ProcAddress MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::getExtensionFunctionPointer(const char* name) { static CFBundleRef framework = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.apple.opengles")); if (!framework) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load OpenGL framework."); } return reinterpret_cast(CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( framework, (__bridge CFStringRef)[NSString stringWithUTF8String:name])); } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::activate() { auto& resource = getResource(); if (resource.activationCount++) { return; } [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:resource.context]; } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::deactivate() { auto& resource = getResource(); if (--resource.activationCount) { return; } [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil]; } /// This function is called before we start rendering, when iOS invokes our rendering method. /// iOS already sets the correct framebuffer and viewport for us, so we need to update the /// context state with the anticipated values. void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::updateAssumedState() { auto& resource = getResource(); assumeFramebufferBinding(ImplicitFramebufferBinding); assumeViewport(0, 0, resource.framebufferSize()); } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::restoreFramebufferBinding() { auto& resource = getResource(); if (!implicitFramebufferBound()) { // Something modified our state, and we need to bind the original drawable again. // Doing this also sets the viewport to the full framebuffer. // Note that in reality, iOS does not use the Framebuffer 0 (it's typically 1), and we // only use this is a placeholder value. [resource.glView bindDrawable]; updateAssumedState(); } else { // Our framebuffer is still bound, but the viewport might have changed. setViewport(0, 0, resource.framebufferSize()); } } UIImage* MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::snapshot() { auto& resource = getResource(); return resource.glView.snapshot; } void MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::layoutChanged() { const auto scaleFactor = contentScaleFactor(); size = { static_cast(mapView.bounds.size.width * scaleFactor), static_cast(mapView.bounds.size.height * scaleFactor) }; } EAGLContext* MGLMapViewOpenGLImpl::getEAGLContext() { auto& resource = getResource(); return resource.context; }