#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs'); const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const ejs = require('ejs'); const _ = require('lodash'); const semver = require('semver'); const changelog = fs.readFileSync('platform/ios/CHANGELOG.md', 'utf8'); let outputMode = {}; switch(process.argv[2]) { case "jazzy": outputMode.isJazzy = true; break; case "github": default: outputMode.isGitHub = true; } /* Find current and immediately previous releases by parsing git tags. */ let currentVersion = execSync('git describe --tags --match=ios-v*.*.* --abbrev=0') .toString() .trim() .replace('ios-v', ''); let gitTags = execSync('git tag --list ios-v*.*.*') .toString() .split('\n') .map(function (tag) { tag = tag.replace('ios-v', '').trim(); return semver.clean(tag); }); let previousVersion = semver.maxSatisfying(gitTags, "<" + currentVersion); /* Parse the raw changelog text and split it into individual releases. This regular expression: - Matches lines starting with "## x.x.x". - Groups the version number. - Skips the (optional) release date. - Groups the changelog content. - Ends when another "## x.x.x" is found. */ const regex = /^## (\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*?\n(.+?)(?=\n^## \d+\.\d+\.\d+.*?\n)/gms; let releaseNotes = []; while (match = regex.exec(changelog)) { releaseNotes.push({ 'version': match[1], 'changelog': match[2].trim(), }); } /* Match the current tag with the most appropriate release notes. */ const versionsInReleaseNotes = _.map(releaseNotes, 'version'); const bestReleaseNotesForCurrentVersion = semver.minSatisfying(versionsInReleaseNotes, ">=" + currentVersion); const currentReleaseNotes = _.find(releaseNotes, { version: bestReleaseNotesForCurrentVersion }); /* Fill and print the release notes template. */ let templatedReleaseNotes; if (outputMode.isGitHub) { templatedReleaseNotes = ejs.render(fs.readFileSync('platform/ios/scripts/release-notes-github.md.ejs', 'utf8'), { 'CURRENTVERSION': currentVersion, 'PREVIOUSVERSION': previousVersion, 'CHANGELOG': currentReleaseNotes.changelog, 'isPrerelease': semver.prerelease(currentVersion) }); } if (outputMode.isJazzy) { const minorReleaseSeries = semver.major(currentVersion) + "." + semver.minor(currentVersion) + ".0"; const range = ">=" + minorReleaseSeries + " <" + currentVersion; const otherReleasesInSeries = _.filter(releaseNotes, function(release) { return semver.satisfies(release.version, range); }); otherReleasesInSeries.forEach(function(release) { // Bump section headings from h3 to h4. release.changelog = release.changelog.replace(/^### /gm, '#### '); }); templatedReleaseNotes = ejs.render(fs.readFileSync('platform/ios/scripts/release-notes-jazzy.md.ejs', 'utf8'), { 'CURRENTVERSION': currentVersion, 'CURRENTCHANGELOG': currentReleaseNotes.changelog, 'OTHERRELEASES': otherReleasesInSeries }); } process.stdout.write(templatedReleaseNotes);