#!/usr/bin/env bash # This relies on either: # 1. You being authenticated locally with CocoaPods trunk. # 2. The `COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN` environment variable being set. set -euo pipefail function step { >&2 echo -e "\033[1m\033[36m* $@\033[0m"; } function finish { >&2 echo -en "\033[0m"; } trap finish EXIT CIRCLE_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG:-""} step "Pushing release to CocoaPods trunk…" if [[ $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then pod trunk push platform/ios/Mapbox-iOS-SDK.podspec --allow-warnings else echo "Skipping push to CocoaPods trunk for untagged build" fi step "Pushing release/builds to Mapbox podspecs repo…" if [[ -z $(pod repo list | grep -i mapbox-public) ]]; then pod repo add mapbox-public https://github.com/mapbox/pod-specs else echo "Found existing mapbox-public podspecs repo" fi if [[ -z $(git config --global user.email) && $CI ]]; then echo "Setting machine user as git committer" git config --global user.email "MapboxCI@users.noreply.github.com" fi if [[ $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then pod repo push mapbox-public platform/ios/Mapbox-iOS-SDK.podspec --allow-warnings pod repo push mapbox-public platform/ios/Mapbox-iOS-SDK-stripped.podspec --allow-warnings else echo "Skipping push of release podspecs to mapbox-public for untagged build" # pod repo push mapbox-public platform/ios/Mapbox-iOS-SDK-snapshot-dynamic.podspec --allow-warnings echo "Skipping push of snapshot to mapbox-public until we have a way to update the versions in the snapshot podspec" fi