CREATE TABLE resources ( -- Generic table for style, source, sprite, and glyph resources. id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT NOT NULL, kind INTEGER NOT NULL, expires INTEGER, modified INTEGER, etag TEXT, data BLOB, compressed INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, accessed INTEGER NOT NULL, must_revalidate INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (url) ); CREATE TABLE tiles ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url_template TEXT NOT NULL, pixel_ratio INTEGER NOT NULL, z INTEGER NOT NULL, x INTEGER NOT NULL, y INTEGER NOT NULL, expires INTEGER, modified INTEGER, etag TEXT, data BLOB, compressed INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, accessed INTEGER NOT NULL, must_revalidate INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (url_template, pixel_ratio, z, x, y) ); CREATE TABLE regions ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, definition TEXT NOT NULL, -- JSON formatted definition of region. Regions may be of variant types: -- e.g. bbox and zoom range, route path, flyTo parameters, etc. Note that -- the set of tiles required for a region may span multiple sources. description BLOB -- User provided data in user-defined format ); CREATE TABLE region_resources ( region_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES regions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, resource_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES resources(id), UNIQUE (region_id, resource_id) ); CREATE TABLE region_tiles ( region_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES regions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, tile_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES tiles(id), UNIQUE (region_id, tile_id) ); -- Indexes for efficient eviction queries CREATE INDEX resources_accessed ON resources (accessed); CREATE INDEX tiles_accessed ON tiles (accessed); CREATE INDEX region_resources_resource_id ON region_resources (resource_id); CREATE INDEX region_tiles_tile_id ON region_tiles (tile_id);