INSERT INTO regions SELECT DISTINCT NULL, sr.definition, sr.description -- Merge duplicate regions FROM side.regions sr LEFT JOIN regions r ON sr.definition = r.definition AND sr.description IS r.description WHERE r.definition IS NULL; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE region_mapping AS SELECT AS side_region_id, AS main_region_id FROM side.regions sr JOIN regions r ON sr.definition = r.definition AND sr.description IS r.description; --Insert /Update tiles REPLACE INTO tiles SELECT, -- use the old ID in case we run a REPLACE. If it doesn't exist yet, it'll be NULL which will auto-assign a new ID. st.url_template, st.pixel_ratio, st.z, st.x, st.y, st.expires, st.modified, st.etag,, st.compressed, st.accessed, st.must_revalidate FROM (SELECT DISTINCT sti.* FROM side.region_tiles srt JOIN side.tiles sti ON srt.tile_id = -- ensure that we're only considering region tiles, and not ambient tiles. AS st LEFT JOIN tiles t ON st.url_template = t.url_template AND st.pixel_ratio = t.pixel_ratio AND st.z = t.z AND st.x = t.x AND st.y = t.y WHERE IS NULL -- only consider tiles that don't exist yet in the original database. OR st.modified > t.modified; -- ...or tiles that are newer in the side loaded DB. -- Update region_tiles usage INSERT OR IGNORE INTO region_tiles SELECT rm.main_region_id, FROM side.region_tiles srt JOIN region_mapping rm ON srt.region_id = rm.side_region_id JOIN (SELECT, AS side_tile_id FROM side.tiles st JOIN tiles t ON st.url_template = t.url_template AND st.pixel_ratio = t.pixel_ratio AND st.z = t.z AND st.x = t.x AND st.y = t.y ) AS sti ON srt.tile_id = sti.side_tile_id; -- copy over resources REPLACE INTO resources SELECT, sr.url, sr.kind, sr.expires, sr.modified, sr.etag,, sr.compressed, sr.accessed, sr.must_revalidate FROM side.region_resources srr JOIN side.resources sr ON srr.resource_id = --only consider region resources, and not ambient resources. LEFT JOIN resources r ON sr.url = r.url WHERE IS NULL -- only consider resources that don't exist yet in the main database OR sr.modified > r.modified; -- ...or resources that are newer in the side loaded DB. -- Update region_resources usage INSERT OR IGNORE INTO region_resources SELECT rm.main_region_id, FROM side.region_resources srr JOIN region_mapping rm ON srr.region_id = rm.side_region_id JOIN (SELECT, AS side_resource_id FROM side.resources sr JOIN resources r ON sr.url = r.url) AS sri ON srr.resource_id = sri.side_resource_id; DROP TABLE region_mapping;