#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if UV_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 && UV_VERSION_MINOR <= 10 #define UV_TIMER_PARAMS(timer) uv_timer_t *timer, int #else #define UV_TIMER_PARAMS(timer) uv_timer_t *timer #endif void handleError(CURLMcode code) { if (code != CURLM_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("CURL multi error: ") + curl_multi_strerror(code)); } } void handleError(CURLcode code) { if (code != CURLE_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("CURL easy error: ") + curl_easy_strerror(code)); } } namespace mbgl { class HTTPCURLRequest; class HTTPCURLContext : public HTTPContextBase { MBGL_STORE_THREAD(tid) public: explicit HTTPCURLContext(uv_loop_t *loop); ~HTTPCURLContext(); HTTPRequestBase* createRequest(const Resource&, RequestBase::Callback, uv_loop_t*, std::shared_ptr) final; static int handleSocket(CURL *handle, curl_socket_t s, int action, void *userp, void *socketp); static void perform(uv_poll_t *req, int status, int events); static int startTimeout(CURLM *multi, long timeout_ms, void *userp); static void onTimeout(UV_TIMER_PARAMS(req)); CURL *getHandle(); void returnHandle(CURL *handle); void checkMultiInfo(); uv_loop_t *loop = nullptr; // Used as the CURL timer function to periodically check for socket updates. uv_timer_t *timeout = nullptr; // CURL multi handle that we use to request multiple URLs at the same time, without having to // block and spawn threads. CURLM *multi = nullptr; // CURL share handles are used for sharing session state (e.g.) CURLSH *share = nullptr; // A queue that we use for storing resuable CURL easy handles to avoid creating and destroying // them all the time. std::queue handles; }; class HTTPCURLRequest : public HTTPRequestBase { MBGL_STORE_THREAD(tid) public: HTTPCURLRequest(HTTPCURLContext*, const Resource&, Callback, uv_loop_t*, std::shared_ptr); ~HTTPCURLRequest(); void cancel() final; void handleResult(CURLcode code); private: static size_t headerCallback(char *const buffer, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb, void *userp); static size_t writeCallback(void *const contents, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb, void *userp); HTTPCURLContext *context = nullptr; // Will store the current response. std::shared_ptr data; std::unique_ptr response; // In case of revalidation requests, this will store the old response. const std::shared_ptr existingResponse; CURL *handle = nullptr; curl_slist *headers = nullptr; char error[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; }; struct Socket { private: uv_poll_t poll; public: HTTPCURLContext *context = nullptr; const curl_socket_t sockfd = 0; public: Socket(HTTPCURLContext *context_, curl_socket_t sockfd_) : context(context_), sockfd(sockfd_) { assert(context); uv_poll_init_socket(context->loop, &poll, sockfd); poll.data = this; } void start(int events, uv_poll_cb cb) { uv_poll_start(&poll, events, cb); } void stop() { assert(poll.data); uv_poll_stop(&poll); uv_close((uv_handle_t *)&poll, [](uv_handle_t *handle) { assert(handle->data); delete reinterpret_cast(handle->data); }); } private: // Make the destructor private to ensure that we can only close the Socket // with stop(), and disallow manual deletion. ~Socket() = default; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTPCURLContext::HTTPCURLContext(uv_loop_t *loop_) : HTTPContextBase(), loop(loop_) { if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL)) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not init cURL"); } timeout = new uv_timer_t; timeout->data = this; uv_timer_init(loop, timeout); share = curl_share_init(); multi = curl_multi_init(); handleError(curl_multi_setopt(multi, CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION, handleSocket)); handleError(curl_multi_setopt(multi, CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA, this)); handleError(curl_multi_setopt(multi, CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION, startTimeout)); handleError(curl_multi_setopt(multi, CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA, this)); } HTTPCURLContext::~HTTPCURLContext() { while (!handles.empty()) { curl_easy_cleanup(handles.front()); handles.pop(); } curl_multi_cleanup(multi); multi = nullptr; curl_share_cleanup(share); share = nullptr; uv_timer_stop(timeout); uv::close(timeout); } HTTPRequestBase* HTTPCURLContext::createRequest(const Resource& resource, RequestBase::Callback callback, uv_loop_t* loop_, std::shared_ptr response) { return new HTTPCURLRequest(this, resource, callback, loop_, response); } CURL *HTTPCURLContext::getHandle() { if (!handles.empty()) { auto handle = handles.front(); handles.pop(); return handle; } else { return curl_easy_init(); } } void HTTPCURLContext::returnHandle(CURL *handle) { curl_easy_reset(handle); handles.push(handle); } void HTTPCURLContext::checkMultiInfo() { MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(tid); CURLMsg *message = nullptr; int pending = 0; while ((message = curl_multi_info_read(multi, &pending))) { switch (message->msg) { case CURLMSG_DONE: { HTTPCURLRequest *baton = nullptr; curl_easy_getinfo(message->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, (char *)&baton); assert(baton); baton->handleResult(message->data.result); } break; default: // This should never happen, because there are no other message types. throw std::runtime_error("CURLMsg returned unknown message type"); } } } void HTTPCURLContext::perform(uv_poll_t *req, int /* status */, int events) { assert(req->data); auto socket = reinterpret_cast(req->data); auto context = socket->context; MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(context->tid); int flags = 0; if (events & UV_READABLE) { flags |= CURL_CSELECT_IN; } if (events & UV_WRITABLE) { flags |= CURL_CSELECT_OUT; } int running_handles = 0; curl_multi_socket_action(context->multi, socket->sockfd, flags, &running_handles); context->checkMultiInfo(); } int HTTPCURLContext::handleSocket(CURL * /* handle */, curl_socket_t s, int action, void *userp, void *socketp) { auto socket = reinterpret_cast(socketp); assert(userp); auto context = reinterpret_cast(userp); MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(context->tid); if (!socket && action != CURL_POLL_REMOVE) { socket = new Socket(context, s); curl_multi_assign(context->multi, s, (void *)socket); } switch (action) { case CURL_POLL_IN: socket->start(UV_READABLE, perform); break; case CURL_POLL_OUT: socket->start(UV_WRITABLE, perform); break; case CURL_POLL_REMOVE: if (socket) { socket->stop(); curl_multi_assign(context->multi, s, nullptr); } break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled CURL socket action"); } return 0; } void HTTPCURLContext::onTimeout(UV_TIMER_PARAMS(req)) { assert(req->data); auto context = reinterpret_cast(req->data); MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(context->tid); int running_handles; CURLMcode error = curl_multi_socket_action(context->multi, CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, 0, &running_handles); if (error != CURLM_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("CURL multi error: ") + curl_multi_strerror(error)); } context->checkMultiInfo(); } int HTTPCURLContext::startTimeout(CURLM * /* multi */, long timeout_ms, void *userp) { assert(userp); auto context = reinterpret_cast(userp); MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(context->tid); if (timeout_ms < 0) { // A timeout of 0 ms means that the timer will invoked in the next loop iteration. timeout_ms = 0; } uv_timer_stop(context->timeout); uv_timer_start(context->timeout, onTimeout, timeout_ms, 0); return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __ANDROID__ // This function is called to load the CA bundle // from http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/cacertinmem.html¯ static CURLcode sslctx_function(CURL * /* curl */, void *sslctx, void * /* parm */) { int error = 0; struct zip *apk = zip_open(mbgl::android::apkPath.c_str(), 0, &error); if (apk == nullptr) { return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } struct zip_file *apkFile = zip_fopen(apk, "assets/ca-bundle.crt", ZIP_FL_NOCASE); if (apkFile == nullptr) { zip_close(apk); apk = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } struct zip_stat stat; if (zip_stat(apk, "assets/ca-bundle.crt", ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &stat) != 0) { zip_fclose(apkFile); apkFile = nullptr; zip_close(apk); apk = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } if (stat.size > std::numeric_limits::max()) { zip_fclose(apkFile); apkFile = nullptr; zip_close(apk); apk = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } const auto pem = std::make_unique(stat.size); if (static_cast(zip_fread(apkFile, reinterpret_cast(pem.get()), stat.size)) != stat.size) { zip_fclose(apkFile); apkFile = nullptr; zip_close(apk); apk = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } // get a pointer to the X509 certificate store (which may be empty!) X509_STORE *store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store((SSL_CTX *)sslctx); if (store == nullptr) { return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } // get a BIO BIO *bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(pem.get(), static_cast(stat.size)); if (bio == nullptr) { store = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } // use it to read the PEM formatted certificate from memory into an X509 // structure that SSL can use X509 *cert = nullptr; while (PEM_read_bio_X509(bio, &cert, 0, nullptr) != nullptr) { if (cert == nullptr) { BIO_free(bio); bio = nullptr; store = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } // add our certificate to this store if (X509_STORE_add_cert(store, cert) == 0) { X509_free(cert); cert = nullptr; BIO_free(bio); bio = nullptr; store = nullptr; return CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE; } X509_free(cert); cert = nullptr; } // decrease reference counts BIO_free(bio); bio = nullptr; zip_fclose(apkFile); apkFile = nullptr; zip_close(apk); apk = nullptr; // all set to go return CURLE_OK; } #endif HTTPCURLRequest::HTTPCURLRequest(HTTPCURLContext* context_, const Resource& resource_, Callback callback_, uv_loop_t*, std::shared_ptr response_) : HTTPRequestBase(resource_, callback_), context(context_), existingResponse(response_), handle(context->getHandle()) { // Zero out the error buffer. memset(error, 0, sizeof(error)); // If there's already a response, set the correct etags/modified headers to make sure we are // getting a 304 response if possible. This avoids redownloading unchanged data. if (existingResponse) { if (!existingResponse->etag.empty()) { const std::string header = std::string("If-None-Match: ") + existingResponse->etag; headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header.c_str()); } else if (existingResponse->modified) { const std::string time = std::string("If-Modified-Since: ") + util::rfc1123(existingResponse->modified); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, time.c_str()); } } if (headers) { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); } handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, this)); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, error)); #ifdef __ANDROID__ handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, "PEM")); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION, sslctx_function)); #else handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "ca-bundle.crt")); #endif handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, resource.url.c_str())); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCallback)); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this)); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, headerCallback)); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this)); #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= ((7) << 16 | (21) << 8 | 6) // Renamed in 7.21.6 handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate")); #else handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate")); #endif handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "MapboxGL/1.0")); handleError(curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_SHARE, context->share)); // Start requesting the information. handleError(curl_multi_add_handle(context->multi, handle)); } HTTPCURLRequest::~HTTPCURLRequest() { MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(tid); handleError(curl_multi_remove_handle(context->multi, handle)); context->returnHandle(handle); handle = nullptr; if (headers) { curl_slist_free_all(headers); headers = nullptr; } } void HTTPCURLRequest::cancel() { delete this; } // This function is called when we have new data for a request. We just append it to the string // containing the previous data. size_t HTTPCURLRequest::writeCallback(void *const contents, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb, void *userp) { assert(userp); auto impl = reinterpret_cast(userp); MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(impl->tid); if (!impl->data) { impl->data = std::make_shared(); } impl->data->append((char *)contents, size * nmemb); return size * nmemb; } // Compares the beginning of the (non-zero-terminated!) data buffer with the (zero-terminated!) // header string. If the data buffer contains the header string at the beginning, it returns // the length of the header string == begin of the value, otherwise it returns npos. // The comparison of the header is ASCII-case-insensitive. size_t headerMatches(const char *const header, const char *const buffer, const size_t length) { const size_t headerLength = strlen(header); if (length < headerLength) { return std::string::npos; } size_t i = 0; while (i < length && i < headerLength && std::tolower(buffer[i]) == std::tolower(header[i])) { i++; } return i == headerLength ? i : std::string::npos; } size_t HTTPCURLRequest::headerCallback(char *const buffer, const size_t size, const size_t nmemb, void *userp) { assert(userp); auto baton = reinterpret_cast(userp); MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(baton->tid); if (!baton->response) { baton->response = std::make_unique(); } const size_t length = size * nmemb; size_t begin = std::string::npos; if ((begin = headerMatches("last-modified: ", buffer, length)) != std::string::npos) { // Always overwrite the modification date; We might already have a value here from the // Date header, but this one is more accurate. const std::string value { buffer + begin, length - begin - 2 }; // remove \r\n baton->response->modified = curl_getdate(value.c_str(), nullptr); } else if ((begin = headerMatches("etag: ", buffer, length)) != std::string::npos) { baton->response->etag = { buffer + begin, length - begin - 2 }; // remove \r\n } else if ((begin = headerMatches("cache-control: ", buffer, length)) != std::string::npos) { const std::string value { buffer + begin, length - begin - 2 }; // remove \r\n baton->response->expires = parseCacheControl(value.c_str()); } else if ((begin = headerMatches("expires: ", buffer, length)) != std::string::npos) { const std::string value { buffer + begin, length - begin - 2 }; // remove \r\n baton->response->expires = curl_getdate(value.c_str(), nullptr); } return length; } void HTTPCURLRequest::handleResult(CURLcode code) { MBGL_VERIFY_THREAD(tid); if (cancelled) { // In this case, it doesn't make sense to even process the response even further since // the request was canceled anyway. delete this; return; } // Make sure a response object exists in case we haven't got any headers or content. if (!response) { response = std::make_unique(); } using Error = Response::Error; // Add human-readable error code if (code != CURLE_OK) { switch (code) { case CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY: case CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST: case CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT: case CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT: response->error = std::make_unique( Error::Reason::Connection, std::string{ curl_easy_strerror(code) } + ": " + error); break; default: response->error = std::make_unique( Error::Reason::Other, std::string{ curl_easy_strerror(code) } + ": " + error); break; } } else { long responseCode = 0; curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &responseCode); // Move over any data we got. We're storing this in a separate object because the Response // object defines it as const. if (data) { response->data = std::move(data); } else { response->data = std::make_shared(); } if (responseCode == 200) { // Nothing to do; this is what we want. } else if (responseCode == 304) { if (existingResponse) { // We're going to copy over the existing response's data. if (existingResponse->error) { response->error = std::make_unique(*existingResponse->error); } response->data = existingResponse->data; response->modified = existingResponse->modified; // We're not updating `expired`, it was probably set during the request. response->etag = existingResponse->etag; } else { // This is an unsolicited 304 response and should only happen on malfunctioning // HTTP servers. It likely doesn't include any data, but we don't have much options. } } else if (responseCode == 404) { response->error = std::make_unique(Error::Reason::NotFound, "HTTP status code 404"); } else if (responseCode >= 500 && responseCode < 600) { response->error = std::make_unique(Error::Reason::Server, std::string{ "HTTP status code " } + std::to_string(responseCode)); } else { response->error = std::make_unique(Error::Reason::Other, std::string{ "HTTP status code " } + std::to_string(responseCode)); } } // Actually return the response. notify(std::move(response)); delete this; } std::unique_ptr HTTPContextBase::createContext(uv_loop_t* loop) { return std::make_unique(loop); } } // namespace mbgl