#import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface NSString (MGLAdditions) /** Returns the range spanning the entire receiver. */ - (NSRange)mgl_wholeRange; /** Returns the receiver if non-empty or nil if empty. */ - (nullable NSString *)mgl_stringOrNilIfEmpty; /** Returns a title-cased representation of the receiver using the specified locale. @param locale The locale. For strings presented to users, pass in the current locale (`+[NSLocale currentLocale]`). To use the system locale, pass in `nil`. */ - (NSString *)mgl_titleCasedStringWithLocale:(NSLocale *)locale; /** Returns a transliterated representation of the receiver using the specified script. If transliteration fails, the receiver will be returned. Only supports scripts for languages used by Mapbox Streets. @note On iOS 8 or older, this will method will always return the untransliterated receiver. @param script The four-letter code representing the name of the script, as specified by ISO 15924. */ - (NSString *)mgl_stringByTransliteratingIntoScript:(NSString *)script; @end @interface NSAttributedString (MGLAdditions) /** Returns the range spanning the entire receiver. */ - (NSRange)mgl_wholeRange; /** Returns a copy of the receiver with leading and trailing members of the given set removed. */ - (NSAttributedString *)mgl_attributedStringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)set; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END