#import #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE #import #else #import #endif #import "MGLTypes.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN typedef NSString *MGLExpressionInterpolationMode NS_TYPED_ENUM; /** An `NSString` identifying the `linear` interpolation type in an `NSExpression`. This attribute corresponds to the `linear` value in the interpolate expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ extern MGL_EXPORT const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeLinear; /** An `NSString` identifying the `expotential` interpolation type in an `NSExpression`. This attribute corresponds to the `exponential` value in the interpolate expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ extern MGL_EXPORT const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeExponential; /** An `NSString` identifying the `cubic-bezier` interpolation type in an `NSExpression`. This attribute corresponds to the `cubic-bezier` value in the interpolate expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ extern MGL_EXPORT const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeCubicBezier; /** Methods for creating expressions that use Mapbox-specific functionality and for converting to and from the JSON format defined in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ @interface NSExpression (MGLAdditions) #pragma mark Creating Variable Expressions /** `NSExpression` variable that corresponds to the zoom expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSExpression *zoomLevelVariableExpression; /** `NSExpression` variable that corresponds to the heatmap-density expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSExpression *heatmapDensityVariableExpression; /** `NSExpression` variable that corresponds to the geometry-type expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSExpression *geometryTypeVariableExpression; /** `NSExpression` variable that corresponds to the id expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSExpression *featureIdentifierVariableExpression; /** `NSExpression` variable that corresponds to the properties expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSExpression *featureAttributesVariableExpression; @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSExpression *featurePropertiesVariableExpression __attribute__((deprecated("Use -featureAttributesVariableExpression."))); #pragma mark Creating Conditional Expressions /** Returns a conditional function expression specifying the string predicate, and expressions for each condition. @param conditionPredicate The predicate to get evaluated. @param trueExpression The expression for conditions equal to true. @param falseExpression The expression for conditions equal to false. */ + (instancetype)mgl_expressionForConditional:(nonnull NSPredicate *)conditionPredicate trueExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)trueExpression falseExpresssion:(nonnull NSExpression *)falseExpression NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(forMGLConditional:trueExpression:falseExpression:)); #pragma mark Creating Ramp, Scale, and Curve Expressions /** Returns a step function expression specifying the stepping, from expression and stops. @param steppingExpression The stepping expression. @param minimumExpression The expression which could be a constant or function expression. @param stops The stops must be an `NSDictionary` constant `NSExpression`. */ + (instancetype)mgl_expressionForSteppingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression*)steppingExpression fromExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)minimumExpression stops:(nonnull NSExpression*)stops NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(forMGLStepping:from:stops:)); /** Returns an interpolated function expression specifying the function operator, curve type, parameters and steps. @param inputExpression The interpolating expression input. @param curveType The curve type could be `MGLExpressionInterpolationModeLinear`, `MGLExpressionInterpolationModeExponential` and `MGLExpressionInterpolationModeCubicBezier`. @param parameters The parameters expression. @param stops The stops expression. */ + (instancetype)mgl_expressionForInterpolatingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression*)inputExpression withCurveType:(nonnull MGLExpressionInterpolationMode)curveType parameters:(nullable NSExpression *)parameters stops:(nonnull NSExpression*)stops NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(forMGLInterpolating:curveType:parameters:stops:)); /** Returns a match function expression specifying the input, matching values, and default value. @param inputExpression The matching expression. @param matchedExpressions The matched values expression dictionary must be condition : value. @param defaultExpression The defaultValue expression to be used in case there is no match. */ + (instancetype)mgl_expressionForMatchingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)inputExpression inDictionary:(nonnull NSDictionary *)matchedExpressions defaultExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)defaultExpression NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(forMGLMatchingKey:in:default:)); #pragma mark Concatenating String Expressions /** Returns a constant expression appending the passed expression. @note Both the receiver and the given expression must be an `NSString` constant expression type; otherwise, an exception is rised. @param expression The expression to append to the receiver. */ - (instancetype)mgl_expressionByAppendingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)expression NS_SWIFT_NAME(mgl_appending(_:)); #pragma mark Converting JSON Expressions /** Returns an expression equivalent to the given Foundation object deserialized from JSON data. The Foundation object is interpreted according to the [Mapbox Style Specification](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/#expressions). See the “[Information for Style Authors](../for-style-authors.html#setting-attribute-values)” guide for a correspondence of operators and types between the style specification and the `NSExpression` representation used by this SDK. @param object A Foundation object deserialized from JSON data, for example using `NSJSONSerialization`. @return An initialized expression equivalent to `object`, suitable for use as the value of a style layer attribute. */ + (instancetype)expressionWithMGLJSONObject:(id)object NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(mglJSONObject:)); /** An equivalent Foundation object that can be serialized as JSON. The Foundation object conforms to the [Mapbox Style Specification](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/#expressions). See the “[Information for Style Authors](../for-style-authors.html#setting-attribute-values)” guide for a correspondence of operators and types between the style specification and the `NSExpression` representation used by this SDK. You can use `NSJSONSerialization` to serialize the Foundation object as data to write to a file. */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) id mgl_jsonExpressionObject; #pragma mark Localizing the Expression /** Returns a copy of the receiver localized into the given locale. This method assumes the receiver refers to the feature attributes that are available in vector tiles supplied by the Mapbox Streets source. On iOS, the user can set the system’s preferred language in Settings, General Settings, Language & Region. On macOS, the user can set the system’s preferred language in the Language & Region pane of System Preferences. @param locale The locale into which labels should be localized. To use the system’s preferred language, if supported, specify `nil`. To use the local language, specify a locale with the identifier `mul`. */ - (NSExpression *)mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:(nullable NSLocale *)locale; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END