#import #import "MGLFoundation.h" #import "MGLTypes.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN FOUNDATION_EXTERN MGL_EXPORT MGLExceptionName const MGLInvalidStyleLayerException; /** `MGLStyleLayer` is an abstract base class for style layers. A style layer manages the layout and appearance of content at a specific z-index in a style. An `MGLStyle` object consists of one or more `MGLStyleLayer` objects. Each style layer defined by the style JSON file is represented at runtime by an `MGLStyleLayer` object, which you can use to refine the map’s appearance. You can also add and remove style layers dynamically. Create instances of `MGLBackgroundStyleLayer` and the concrete subclasses of `MGLForegroundStyleLayer` in order to use `MGLStyleLayer`'s properties and methods. You do not create instances of `MGLStyleLayer` directly, and do not create your own subclasses of this class. Do not add `MGLStyleLayer` objects to the `style` property of a `MGLMapView` before `-mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:` is called. */ MGL_EXPORT @interface MGLStyleLayer : NSObject #pragma mark Initializing a Style Layer - (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use -init methods of concrete subclasses instead."))); #pragma mark Identifying a Style Layer /** A string that uniquely identifies the style layer in the style to which it is added. */ @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *identifier; #pragma mark Configuring a Style Layer’s Visibility /** Whether this layer is displayed. A value of `NO` hides the layer. #### Related examples See the Show and hide a layer example to learn how to toggle an `MGLStyleLayer` object's visibility. */ @property (nonatomic, assign, getter=isVisible) BOOL visible; /** The maximum zoom level at which the layer gets parsed and appears. This value is a floating-point number. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) float maximumZoomLevel; /** The minimum zoom level at which the layer gets parsed and appears. This value is a floating-point number. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) float minimumZoomLevel; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END