<% const type = locals.type; const layoutProperties = locals.layoutProperties; const paintProperties = locals.paintProperties; -%> // This file is generated. // Edit platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make style-code-darwin`. #import "MGLTypes.h" #import "MGLStyleAttributeValue.h" #import "MGLBaseStyleLayer.h" <% for (const property of layoutProperties) { -%> <% if (property.type == "enum") { -%> typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer<%- camelize(property.name) %>) { <% for (const value of property.values) { -%> MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer<%- camelize(property.name) %><%- camelize(value) %>, <% } -%> }; <% } -%> <% } -%> <% for (const property of paintProperties) { -%> <% if (property.type == "enum") { -%> typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer<%- camelize(property.name) %>) { <% for (const value of property.values) { -%> MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer<%- camelize(property.name) %><%- camelize(value) %>, <% } -%> }; <% } -%> <% } -%> @interface MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer : MGLBaseStyleLayer <% if (layoutProperties.length) { -%> #pragma mark - Accessing the Layout Attributes <% for (const property of layoutProperties) { -%> /** <%- property.doc %> */ @property (nonatomic) <%- propertyType(property, false, type) %> <%- camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(property.name) %>; <% } -%> <% } -%> #pragma mark - Accessing the Paint Attributes <% for (const property of paintProperties) { -%> /** <%- property.doc %> */ @property (nonatomic) <%- propertyType(property, false, type) %> <%- camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(property.name) %>; <% } -%> @end