#import "MGLStyle_Private.h" #import "MGLMapView_Private.h" #import "MGLStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLStyleLayer_Private.h" #import "MGLFillStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLLineStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLCircleStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLSymbolStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLHeatmapStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLHillshadeStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLRasterStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLBackgroundStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLOpenGLStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLStyleLayerManager.h" #import "MGLSource.h" #import "MGLSource_Private.h" #import "MGLLight_Private.h" #import "MGLTileSource_Private.h" #import "MGLVectorTileSource_Private.h" #import "MGLRasterTileSource.h" #import "MGLRasterDEMSource.h" #import "MGLShapeSource.h" #import "MGLImageSource.h" #import "MGLAttributionInfo_Private.h" #import "MGLLoggingConfiguration_Private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #import "NSDate+MGLAdditions.h" #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE #import "UIImage+MGLAdditions.h" #else #import "NSImage+MGLAdditions.h" #endif const MGLExceptionName MGLInvalidStyleURLException = @"MGLInvalidStyleURLException"; const MGLExceptionName MGLRedundantLayerException = @"MGLRedundantLayerException"; const MGLExceptionName MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException = @"MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException"; const MGLExceptionName MGLRedundantSourceException = @"MGLRedundantSourceException"; const MGLExceptionName MGLRedundantSourceIdentifierException = @"MGLRedundantSourceIdentifierException"; /** Model class for localization changes. */ @interface MGLTextLanguage: NSObject @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *originalTextField; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *updatedTextField; - (instancetype)initWithTextLanguage:(NSString *)originalTextField updatedTextField:(NSString *)updatedTextField; @end @implementation MGLTextLanguage - (instancetype)initWithTextLanguage:(NSString *)originalTextField updatedTextField:(NSString *)updatedTextField { if (self = [super init]) { _originalTextField = originalTextField; _updatedTextField = updatedTextField; } return self; } @end @interface MGLStyle() @property (nonatomic, readonly, weak) MGLMapView *mapView; @property (nonatomic, readonly) mbgl::style::Style *rawStyle; @property (readonly, copy, nullable) NSURL *URL; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSMutableDictionary *openGLLayers; @property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary *> *localizedLayersByIdentifier; @end @implementation MGLStyle #pragma mark Default style URLs /// @param name The style’s marketing name, written in lower camelCase. /// @param fileName The last path component in the style’s URL, excluding the version suffix. #define MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(name, fileName) \ static NSURL *MGLStyleURL_##name; \ + (NSURL *)name##StyleURL { \ static dispatch_once_t onceToken; \ dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ \ MGLStyleURL_##name = [self name##StyleURLWithVersion:mbgl::util::default_styles::name.currentVersion]; \ }); \ return MGLStyleURL_##name; \ } \ \ + (NSURL *)name##StyleURL##WithVersion:(NSInteger)version { \ return [NSURL URLWithString:[@"mapbox://styles/mapbox/" #fileName "-v" stringByAppendingFormat:@"%li", (long)version]]; \ } MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(streets, streets) MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(outdoors, outdoors) MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(light, light) MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(dark, dark) MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(satellite, satellite) MGL_DEFINE_STYLE(satelliteStreets, satellite-streets) // Make sure all the styles listed in mbgl::util::default_styles::orderedStyles // are defined above and also declared in MGLStyle.h. static_assert(6 == mbgl::util::default_styles::numOrderedStyles, "mbgl::util::default_styles::orderedStyles and MGLStyle have different numbers of styles."); #pragma mark - - (instancetype)initWithRawStyle:(mbgl::style::Style *)rawStyle mapView:(MGLMapView *)mapView { MGLLogInfo(@"Initializing %@ with mapView: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), mapView); if (self = [super init]) { _mapView = mapView; _rawStyle = rawStyle; _openGLLayers = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _localizedLayersByIdentifier = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; MGLLogDebug(@"Initializing with style name: %@ mapView: %@", self.name, mapView); } return self; } - (NSURL *)URL { return [NSURL URLWithString:@(self.rawStyle->getURL().c_str())]; } - (NSString *)name { std::string name = self.rawStyle->getName(); return name.empty() ? nil : @(name.c_str()); } #pragma mark Sources - (NSSet<__kindof MGLSource *> *)sources { auto rawSources = self.rawStyle->getSources(); NSMutableSet<__kindof MGLSource *> *sources = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:rawSources.size()]; for (auto rawSource = rawSources.begin(); rawSource != rawSources.end(); ++rawSource) { MGLSource *source = [self sourceFromMBGLSource:*rawSource]; [sources addObject:source]; } return sources; } - (void)setSources:(NSSet<__kindof MGLSource *> *)sources { MGLLogDebug(@"Setting: %lu sources", sources.count); for (MGLSource *source in self.sources) { [self removeSource:source]; } for (MGLSource *source in sources) { [self addSource:source]; } } - (NSUInteger)countOfSources { return self.rawStyle->getSources().size(); } - (MGLSource *)memberOfSources:(MGLSource *)object { return [self sourceWithIdentifier:object.identifier]; } - (MGLSource *)sourceWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier { MGLLogDebug(@"Querying source with identifier: %@", identifier); auto rawSource = self.rawStyle->getSource(identifier.UTF8String); return rawSource ? [self sourceFromMBGLSource:rawSource] : nil; } - (MGLSource *)sourceFromMBGLSource:(mbgl::style::Source *)rawSource { if (MGLSource *source = rawSource->peer.has_value() ? rawSource->peer.get().source : nil) { return source; } // TODO: Fill in options specific to the respective source classes // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/6584 if (auto vectorSource = rawSource->as()) { return [[MGLVectorTileSource alloc] initWithRawSource:vectorSource mapView:self.mapView]; } else if (auto geoJSONSource = rawSource->as()) { return [[MGLShapeSource alloc] initWithRawSource:geoJSONSource mapView:self.mapView]; } else if (auto rasterSource = rawSource->as()) { return [[MGLRasterTileSource alloc] initWithRawSource:rasterSource mapView:self.mapView]; } else if (auto rasterDEMSource = rawSource->as()) { return [[MGLRasterDEMSource alloc] initWithRawSource:rasterDEMSource mapView:self.mapView]; } else if (auto imageSource = rawSource->as()) { return [[MGLImageSource alloc] initWithRawSource:imageSource mapView:self.mapView]; } else { return [[MGLSource alloc] initWithRawSource:rawSource mapView:self.mapView]; } } - (void)addSource:(MGLSource *)source { MGLLogDebug(@"Adding source: %@", source); if (!source.rawSource) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The source %@ cannot be added to the style. " @"Make sure the source was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLSource.", source]; } try { [source addToMapView:self.mapView]; } catch (std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantSourceIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } } - (void)removeSource:(MGLSource *)source { [self removeSource:source error:nil]; } - (BOOL)removeSource:(MGLSource *)source error:(NSError * __nullable * __nullable)outError { MGLLogDebug(@"Removing source: %@", source); if (!source.rawSource) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The source %@ cannot be removed from the style. " @"Make sure the source was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLSource.", source]; } return [source removeFromMapView:self.mapView error:outError]; } - (nullable NSArray *)attributionInfosWithFontSize:(CGFloat)fontSize linkColor:(nullable MGLColor *)linkColor { // It’d be incredibly convenient to use -sources here, but this operation // depends on the sources being sorted in ascending order by creation, as // with the std::vector used in mbgl. auto rawSources = self.rawStyle->getSources(); NSMutableArray *infos = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:rawSources.size()]; for (auto rawSource = rawSources.begin(); rawSource != rawSources.end(); ++rawSource) { MGLTileSource *source = (MGLTileSource *)[self sourceFromMBGLSource:*rawSource]; if (![source isKindOfClass:[MGLTileSource class]]) { continue; } NSArray *tileSetInfos = [source attributionInfosWithFontSize:fontSize linkColor:linkColor]; [infos growArrayByAddingAttributionInfosFromArray:tileSetInfos]; } return infos; } #pragma mark Style layers - (NSArray<__kindof MGLStyleLayer *> *)layers { auto layers = self.rawStyle->getLayers(); NSMutableArray<__kindof MGLStyleLayer *> *styleLayers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:layers.size()]; for (auto layer : layers) { MGLStyleLayer *styleLayer = [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layer]; [styleLayers addObject:styleLayer]; } return styleLayers; } - (void)setLayers:(NSArray<__kindof MGLStyleLayer *> *)layers { MGLLogDebug(@"Setting: %lu layers", layers.count); for (MGLStyleLayer *layer in self.layers) { [self removeLayer:layer]; } for (MGLStyleLayer *layer in layers) { [self addLayer:layer]; } } - (NSUInteger)countOfLayers { return self.rawStyle->getLayers().size(); } - (MGLStyleLayer *)objectInLayersAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { auto layers = self.rawStyle->getLayers(); if (index >= layers.size()) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"No style layer at index %lu.", (unsigned long)index]; return nil; } auto layer = layers.at(index); return [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layer]; } - (void)getLayers:(MGLStyleLayer **)buffer range:(NSRange)inRange { auto layers = self.rawStyle->getLayers(); if (NSMaxRange(inRange) > layers.size()) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Style layer range %@ is out of bounds.", NSStringFromRange(inRange)]; } NSUInteger i = 0; for (auto layer = *(layers.rbegin() + inRange.location); i < inRange.length; ++layer, ++i) { MGLStyleLayer *styleLayer = [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layer]; buffer[i] = styleLayer; } } - (void)insertObject:(MGLStyleLayer *)styleLayer inLayersAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { if (!styleLayer.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The style layer %@ cannot be inserted into the style. " @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.", styleLayer]; } auto layers = self.rawStyle->getLayers(); if (index > layers.size()) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Cannot insert style layer at out-of-bounds index %lu.", (unsigned long)index]; } else if (index == 0) { try { MGLStyleLayer *sibling = layers.size() ? [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layers.at(0)] : nil; [styleLayer addToStyle:self belowLayer:sibling]; } catch (const std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } } else { try { MGLStyleLayer *sibling = [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layers.at(index)]; [styleLayer addToStyle:self belowLayer:sibling]; } catch (std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } } } - (void)removeObjectFromLayersAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { auto layers = self.rawStyle->getLayers(); if (index >= layers.size()) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Cannot remove style layer at out-of-bounds index %lu.", (unsigned long)index]; } auto layer = layers.at(index); MGLStyleLayer *styleLayer = [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layer]; [styleLayer removeFromStyle:self]; } - (MGLStyleLayer *)layerFromMBGLLayer:(mbgl::style::Layer *)rawLayer { NSParameterAssert(rawLayer); if (MGLStyleLayer *layer = rawLayer->peer.has_value() ? rawLayer->peer.get().layer : nil) { return layer; } return mbgl::LayerManagerDarwin::get()->createPeer(rawLayer); } - (MGLStyleLayer *)layerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier { MGLLogDebug(@"Querying layerWithIdentifier: %@", identifier); auto mbglLayer = self.rawStyle->getLayer(identifier.UTF8String); return mbglLayer ? [self layerFromMBGLLayer:mbglLayer] : nil; } - (void)removeLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer { MGLLogDebug(@"Removing layer: %@", layer); if (!layer.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The style layer %@ cannot be removed from the style. " @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.", layer]; } [self willChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; [layer removeFromStyle:self]; [self didChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; } - (void)addLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer { MGLLogDebug(@"Adding layer: %@", layer); if (!layer.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The style layer %@ cannot be added to the style. " @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.", layer]; } [self willChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; try { [layer addToStyle:self belowLayer:nil]; } catch (std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } [self didChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; } - (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer atIndex:(NSUInteger)index { [self insertObject:layer inLayersAtIndex:index]; } - (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer belowLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)sibling { MGLLogDebug(@"Inseting layer: %@ belowLayer: %@", layer, sibling); if (!layer.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The style layer %@ cannot be added to the style. " @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.", layer]; } if (!sibling.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"A style layer cannot be placed below %@ in the style. " @"Make sure sibling was obtained using -[MGLStyle layerWithIdentifier:].", sibling]; } [self willChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; try { [layer addToStyle:self belowLayer:sibling]; } catch (std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } [self didChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; } - (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer aboveLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)sibling { MGLLogDebug(@"Inseting layer: %@ aboveLayer: %@", layer, sibling); if (!layer.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"The style layer %@ cannot be added to the style. " @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.", layer]; } if (!sibling.rawLayer) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"A style layer cannot be placed above %@ in the style. " @"Make sure sibling was obtained using -[MGLStyle layerWithIdentifier:].", sibling]; } auto layers = self.rawStyle->getLayers(); std::string siblingIdentifier = sibling.identifier.UTF8String; NSUInteger index = 0; for (auto siblingLayer : layers) { if (siblingLayer->getID() == siblingIdentifier) { break; } index++; } [self willChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; if (index + 1 > layers.size()) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"A style layer cannot be placed above %@ in the style. " @"Make sure sibling was obtained using -[MGLStyle layerWithIdentifier:].", sibling]; } else if (index + 1 == layers.size()) { try { [layer addToStyle:self belowLayer:nil]; } catch (std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } } else { MGLStyleLayer *nextSibling = [self layerFromMBGLLayer:layers.at(index + 1)]; try { [layer addToStyle:self belowLayer:nextSibling]; } catch (std::runtime_error & err) { [NSException raise:MGLRedundantLayerIdentifierException format:@"%s", err.what()]; } } [self didChangeValueForKey:@"layers"]; } #pragma mark Style images - (void)setImage:(MGLImage *)image forName:(NSString *)name { MGLLogDebug(@"Setting image: %@ forName: %@", image, name); if (!image) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Cannot assign nil image to “%@”.", name]; } if (!name) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Cannot assign image %@ to a nil name.", image]; } self.rawStyle->addImage([image mgl_styleImageWithIdentifier:name]); } - (void)removeImageForName:(NSString *)name { MGLLogDebug(@"Removing imageForName: %@", name); if (!name) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Cannot remove image with nil name."]; } self.rawStyle->removeImage([name UTF8String]); } - (MGLImage *)imageForName:(NSString *)name { MGLLogDebug(@"Querying imageForName: %@", name); if (!name) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Cannot get image with nil name."]; } auto styleImage = self.rawStyle->getImage([name UTF8String]); return styleImage ? [[MGLImage alloc] initWithMGLStyleImage:styleImage] : nil; } #pragma mark Style transitions - (void)setTransition:(MGLTransition)transition { self.rawStyle->setTransitionOptions(MGLOptionsFromTransition(transition)); } - (MGLTransition)transition { const mbgl::style::TransitionOptions transitionOptions = self.rawStyle->getTransitionOptions(); return MGLTransitionFromOptions(transitionOptions); } - (void)setPerformsPlacementTransitions:(BOOL)performsPlacementTransitions { mbgl::style::TransitionOptions transitionOptions = self.rawStyle->getTransitionOptions(); transitionOptions.enablePlacementTransitions = static_cast(performsPlacementTransitions); self.rawStyle->setTransitionOptions(transitionOptions); } - (BOOL)performsPlacementTransitions { mbgl::style::TransitionOptions transitionOptions = self.rawStyle->getTransitionOptions(); return transitionOptions.enablePlacementTransitions; } #pragma mark Style light - (void)setLight:(MGLLight *)light { std::unique_ptr mbglLight = std::make_unique([light mbglLight]); self.rawStyle->setLight(std::move(mbglLight)); } - (MGLLight *)light { auto mbglLight = self.rawStyle->getLight(); MGLLight *light = [[MGLLight alloc] initWithMBGLLight:mbglLight]; return light; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; name = %@, URL = %@>", NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self, self.name ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.name] : self.name, self.URL ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.URL] : self.URL]; } #pragma mark Mapbox Streets source introspection - (void)localizeLabelsIntoLocale:(nullable NSLocale *)locale { NSSet *streetsSources = [self.sources filteredSetUsingPredicate: [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(MGLVectorTileSource * _Nullable source, NSDictionary * _Nullable bindings) { return [source isKindOfClass:[MGLVectorTileSource class]] && [source isMapboxStreets]; }]]; NSSet *streetsSourceIdentifiers = [streetsSources valueForKey:@"identifier"]; for (MGLSymbolStyleLayer *layer in self.layers) { if (![layer isKindOfClass:[MGLSymbolStyleLayer class]]) { continue; } if (![streetsSourceIdentifiers containsObject:layer.sourceIdentifier]) { continue; } NSExpression *text = layer.text; NSExpression *localizedText = [text mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale]; if (![localizedText isEqual:text]) { layer.text = localizedText; } } } - (NSSet *)mapboxStreetsSources { return [self.sources objectsPassingTest:^BOOL (__kindof MGLVectorTileSource * _Nonnull source, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { return [source isKindOfClass:[MGLVectorTileSource class]] && source.mapboxStreets; }]; } - (NSArray *)placeStyleLayers { NSSet *streetsSourceIdentifiers = [self.mapboxStreetsSources valueForKey:@"identifier"]; NSSet *placeSourceLayerIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"marine_label", @"country_label", @"state_label", @"place_label", @"water_label", @"poi_label", @"rail_station_label", @"mountain_peak_label", @"natural_label", @"transit_stop_label", nil]; NSPredicate *isPlacePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL (MGLVectorStyleLayer * _Nullable layer, NSDictionary * _Nullable bindings) { return [layer isKindOfClass:[MGLVectorStyleLayer class]] && [streetsSourceIdentifiers containsObject:layer.sourceIdentifier] && [placeSourceLayerIdentifiers containsObject:layer.sourceLayerIdentifier]; }]; return [self.layers filteredArrayUsingPredicate:isPlacePredicate]; } - (NSArray *)roadStyleLayers { NSSet *streetsSourceIdentifiers = [self.mapboxStreetsSources valueForKey:@"identifier"]; NSSet *roadStyleLayerIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"road_label", @"road", nil]; NSPredicate *isPlacePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL (MGLVectorStyleLayer * _Nullable layer, NSDictionary * _Nullable bindings) { return [layer isKindOfClass:[MGLVectorStyleLayer class]] && [streetsSourceIdentifiers containsObject:layer.sourceIdentifier] && [roadStyleLayerIdentifiers containsObject:layer.sourceLayerIdentifier]; }]; return [self.layers filteredArrayUsingPredicate:isPlacePredicate]; } @end