#import #import "MGLFoundation.h" #import "MGLStyleLayer.h" #import "MGLTypes.h" @class MGLSource; @class MGLLight; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** A version number identifying the default version of the Mapbox Streets style obtained through the `-streetsStyleURL` method. This version number may also be passed into the `-streetsStyleURLWithVersion:` method. The value of this constant generally corresponds to the latest released version as of the date on which this SDK was published. You can use this constant to ascertain the style used by `MGLMapView` and `MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion` when no style URL is specified. Consult the Mapbox Styles API documentation for the most up-to-date style versioning information. @warning The value of this constant may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads – you may use the current value of this constant or the underlying style URL, but do not use the constant itself. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ static MGL_EXPORT const NSInteger MGLStyleDefaultVersion = 10; /** The proxy object for the current map style. MGLStyle provides a set of convenience methods for changing Mapbox default styles using `-[MGLMapView styleURL]`. Learn more about Mapbox default styles. It is also possible to directly manipulate the current map style via `-[MGLMapView style]` by updating the style's data sources or layers. @note Wait until the map style has finished loading before modifying a map's style via any of the `MGLStyle` instance methods below. You can use the `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:]` or `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:]` methods as indicators that it's safe to modify the map's style. */ MGL_EXPORT @interface MGLStyle : NSObject #pragma mark Accessing Default Styles /** Returns the URL to the current version of the Mapbox Streets style as of publication. Streets is a general-purpose style with detailed road and transit networks. `MGLMapView` and `MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion` use Mapbox Streets when no style is specified explicitly. @warning The return value may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads – use the `-streetsStyleURLWithVersion:` method instead. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *streetsStyleURL; /** Returns the URL to the given version of the Mapbox Streets style. Streets is a general-purpose style with detailed road and transit networks. `MGLMapView` and `MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion` use Mapbox Streets when no style is specified explicitly. @param version A specific version of the style. */ + (NSURL *)streetsStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version; + (NSURL *)emeraldStyleURL __attribute__((unavailable("Create an NSURL object with the string “mapbox://styles/mapbox/emerald-v8”."))); /** Returns the URL to the current version of the Mapbox Outdoors style as of publication. Outdoors is a general-purpose style tailored to outdoor activities. @warning The return value may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads – use the `-outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:` method instead. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *outdoorsStyleURL; /** Returns the URL to the given version of the Mapbox Outdoors style. Outdoors is a general-purpose style tailored to outdoor activities. @param version A specific version of the style. */ + (NSURL *)outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version; /** Returns the URL to the current version of the Mapbox Light style. Light is a subtle, light-colored backdrop for data visualizations. @warning The return value may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads – use the `-lightStyleURLWithVersion:` method instead. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *lightStyleURL; /** Returns the URL to the given version of the Mapbox Light style as of publication. Light is a subtle, light-colored backdrop for data visualizations. @param version A specific version of the style. */ + (NSURL *)lightStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version; /** Returns the URL to the current version of the Mapbox Dark style. Dark is a subtle, dark-colored backdrop for data visualizations. @warning The return value may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads – use the `-darkStyleURLWithVersion:` method instead. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *darkStyleURL; /** Returns the URL to the given version of the Mapbox Dark style as of publication. Dark is a subtle, dark-colored backdrop for data visualizations. @param version A specific version of the style. */ + (NSURL *)darkStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version; /** Returns the URL to the current version of the Mapbox Satellite style. Satellite is high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery. @warning The return value may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the raster tile sets included in the style – use the `-satelliteStyleURLWithVersion:` method instead. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *satelliteStyleURL; /** Returns the URL to the given version of the Mapbox Satellite style as of publication. Satellite is high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery. @param version A specific version of the style. */ + (NSURL *)satelliteStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version; + (NSURL *)hybridStyleURL __attribute__((unavailable("Use -satelliteStreetsStyleURL."))); /** Returns the URL to the current version of the Mapbox Satellite Streets style as of publication. Satellite Streets combines the high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery of Mapbox Satellite with unobtrusive labels and translucent roads from Mapbox Streets. @warning The return value may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style – for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads – use the `-satelliteStreetsStyleURLWithVersion:` method instead. Such details may change significantly from version to version. */ @property (class, nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *satelliteStreetsStyleURL; /** Returns the URL to the given version of the Mapbox Satellite Streets style. Satellite Streets combines the high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery of Mapbox Satellite with unobtrusive labels and translucent roads from Mapbox Streets. @param version A specific version of the style. */ + (NSURL *)satelliteStreetsStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version; + (NSURL *)trafficDayStyleURL __attribute__((unavailable("Create an NSURL object with the string “mapbox://styles/mapbox/traffic-day-v2”."))); + (NSURL *)trafficDayStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version __attribute__((unavailable("Create an NSURL object with the string “mapbox://styles/mapbox/traffic-day-v2”.")));; + (NSURL *)trafficNightStyleURL __attribute__((unavailable("Create an NSURL object with the string “mapbox://styles/mapbox/traffic-night-v2”."))); + (NSURL *)trafficNightStyleURLWithVersion:(NSInteger)version __attribute__((unavailable("Create an NSURL object with the string “mapbox://styles/mapbox/traffic-night-v2”."))); #pragma mark Accessing Metadata About the Style /** The name of the style. You can customize the style’s name in Mapbox Studio. */ @property (readonly, copy, nullable) NSString *name; #pragma mark Managing Sources /** A set containing the style’s sources. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) NS_SET_OF(__kindof MGLSource *) *sources; /** Values describing animated transitions to changes on a style's individual paint properties. */ @property (nonatomic) MGLTransition transition; /** Returns a source with the given identifier in the current style. @note Source identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids source identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s sources over time. @return An instance of a concrete subclass of `MGLSource` associated with the given identifier, or `nil` if the current style contains no such source. */ - (nullable MGLSource *)sourceWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier; /** Adds a new source to the current style. @note Adding the same source instance more than once will result in a `MGLRedundantSourceException`. Reusing the same source identifier, even with different source instances, will result in a `MGLRedundantSourceIdentifierException`. @note Sources should be added in `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:]` or `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:]` to ensure that the map has loaded the style and is ready to accept a new source. @param source The source to add to the current style. */ - (void)addSource:(MGLSource *)source; /** Removes a source from the current style. @note Source identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids source identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s sources over time. @param source The source to remove from the current style. */ - (void)removeSource:(MGLSource *)source; #pragma mark Managing Style Layers /** The layers included in the style, arranged according to their back-to-front ordering on the screen. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) NS_ARRAY_OF(__kindof MGLStyleLayer *) *layers; /** Returns a style layer with the given identifier in the current style. @note Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time. @return An instance of a concrete subclass of `MGLStyleLayer` associated with the given identifier, or `nil` if the current style contains no such style layer. */ - (nullable MGLStyleLayer *)layerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier; /** Adds a new layer on top of existing layers. @note Adding the same layer instance more than once will result in a `MGLRedundantLayerException`. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception. @note Layers should be added in `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:]` or `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:]` to ensure that the map has loaded the style and is ready to accept a new layer. @param layer The layer object to add to the map view. This object must be an instance of a concrete subclass of `MGLStyleLayer`. */ - (void)addLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer; /** Inserts a new layer into the style at the given index. @note Adding the same layer instance more than once will result in a `MGLRedundantLayerException`. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception. @note Layers should be added in `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:]` or `-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:]` to ensure that the map has loaded the style and is ready to accept a new layer. @param layer The layer to insert. @param index The index at which to insert the layer. An index of 0 would send the layer to the back; an index equal to the number of objects in the `layers` property would bring the layer to the front. */ - (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer atIndex:(NSUInteger)index; /** Inserts a new layer below another layer. @note Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time. Inserting the same layer instance more than once will result in a `MGLRedundantLayerException`. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception. @param layer The layer to insert. @param sibling An existing layer in the style. */ - (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer belowLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)sibling; /** Inserts a new layer above another layer. @note Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time. Inserting the same layer instance more than once will result in a `MGLRedundantLayerException`. Reusing the same layer identifer, even with different layer instances, will also result in an exception. @param layer The layer to insert. @param sibling An existing layer in the style. */ - (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer aboveLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)sibling; /** Removes a layer from the map view. @note Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids layer identifer name changes that will occur in the default style’s layers over time. @param layer The layer object to remove from the map view. This object must conform to the `MGLStyleLayer` protocol. */ - (void)removeLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer; #pragma mark Managing Style Classes @property (nonatomic) NS_ARRAY_OF(NSString *) *styleClasses __attribute__((unavailable("Support for style classes has been removed."))); - (BOOL)hasStyleClass:(NSString *)styleClass __attribute__((unavailable("Support for style classes has been removed."))); - (void)addStyleClass:(NSString *)styleClass __attribute__((unavailable("Support for style classes has been removed."))); - (void)removeStyleClass:(NSString *)styleClass __attribute__((unavailable("Support for style classes has been removed."))); #pragma mark Managing a Style’s Images /** Returns the image associated with the given name in the style. @note Names and their associated images are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids image name changes that will occur in the default style over time. @param name The name associated with the image you want to obtain. @return The image associated with the given name, or `nil` if no image is associated with that name. */ - (nullable MGLImage *)imageForName:(NSString *)name; /** Adds or overrides an image used by the style’s layers. To use an image in a style layer, give it a unique name using this method, then set the `iconImageName` property of an `MGLSymbolStyleLayer` object to that name. @param image The image for the name. @param name The name of the image to set to the style. */ - (void)setImage:(MGLImage *)image forName:(NSString *)name; /** Removes a name and its associated image from the style. @note Names and their associated images are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like `+[MGLStyle outdoorsStyleURLWithVersion:]`, `MGLMapView`’s “Style URL” inspectable in Interface Builder, or a manually constructed `NSURL`. This approach also avoids image name changes that will occur in the default style over time. @param name The name of the image to remove. */ - (void)removeImageForName:(NSString *)name; #pragma mark Managing the Style's Light /** Provides global light source for the style. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) MGLLight *light; #pragma mark Localizing Map Content /** Attempts to localize labels in the style into the given locale. This method automatically modifies the text property of any symbol style layer in the style whose source is the Mapbox Streets source. On iOS, the user can set the system’s preferred language in Settings, General Settings, Language & Region. On macOS, the user can set the system’s preferred language in the Language & Region pane of System Preferences. @param locale The locale into which labels should be localized. To use the system’s preferred language, if supported, specify `nil`. To use the local language, specify a locale with the identifier `mul`. */ - (void)localizeLabelsIntoLocale:(nullable NSLocale *)locale; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END