#import #import #import "MGLMultiPoint.h" #import "MGLOverlay.h" #import "MGLTypes.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** The `MGLPolyline` class represents a shape consisting of one or more points that define connecting line segments. The points are connected end-to-end in the order they are provided. The first and last points are not connected to each other. */ @interface MGLPolyline : MGLMultiPoint /** Creates and returns an `MGLPolyline` object from the specified set of coordinates. @param coords The array of coordinates defining the shape. The data in this array is copied to the new object. @param count The number of items in the `coords` array. @return A new polyline object. */ + (instancetype)polylineWithCoordinates:(CLLocationCoordinate2D *)coords count:(NSUInteger)count; @end /** The `MGLMultiPolyline` class represents a shape consisting of one or more polylines. For example, you could use an `MGLMultiPolyline` object to represent both sides of a divided highway (dual carriageway), excluding the median (central reservation): each carriageway would be a distinct `MGLPolyline` object. @note `MGLMultiPolyline` objects cannot be added to a map view using `-[MGLMapView addAnnotations:]` and related methods. */ @interface MGLMultiPolyline : MGLShape /** An array of polygons forming the multipolyline. */ @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NS_ARRAY_OF(MGLPolyline *) *polylines; /** Creates and returns a multipolyline object consisting of the given polylines. @param polylines The array of polylines defining the shape. @return A new multipolyline object. */ + (instancetype)multiPolylineWithPolylines:(NS_ARRAY_OF(MGLPolyline *) *)polylines; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END