#import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @protocol MGLLocationManagerDelegate; /** The `MGLLocationManager` protocol defines a set of methods that a class must implement in order to serve as the location manager of an `MGLMapView`. A location manager is responsible for notifying the map view about location-related events, such as a change in the user’s location. This protocol is similar to the Core Location framework’s `CLLocationManager` class, but your implementation does not need to be based on `CLLocationManager`. */ @protocol MGLLocationManager @optional #pragma mark Configuring Location Update Precision /** Specifies the minimum distance (measured in meters) a device must move horizontally before a location update is generated. The default value of this property is `kCLDistanceFilterNone` when `MGLMapView` uses its default location manager. @see `CLLocationManager.distanceFilter` */ @property(nonatomic, assign) CLLocationDistance distanceFilter; /** Specifies the accuracy of the location data. The default value is `kCLLocationAccuracyBest` when `MGLMapView` uses its default location manager. @note Determining a location with greater accuracy requires more time and more power. @see `CLLocationManager.desiredAccuracy` */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CLLocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy; /** Specifies the type of user activity associated with the location updates. The location manager uses this property as a cue to determine when location updates may be automatically paused. The default value is `CLActivityTypeOther` when `MGLMapView` uses its default location manager. @see `CLLocationManager.activityType` */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CLActivityType activityType; @required /** The delegate to receive location updates. Do not set the location manager’s delegate yourself. `MGLMapView` sets this property after the location manager becomes `MGLMapView`’s location manager. */ @property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate; #pragma mark Requesting Authorization for Location Services /** Returns the current localization authorization status. @see `+[CLLocationManger authorizationStatus]` */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) CLAuthorizationStatus authorizationStatus; /** Requests permission to use the location services whenever the app is running. */ - (void)requestAlwaysAuthorization; /** Requests permission to use the location services while the app is in the foreground. */ - (void)requestWhenInUseAuthorization; #pragma mark Initiating Location Updates /** Starts the generation of location updates that reports the user's current location. */ - (void)startUpdatingLocation; /** Stops the generation of location updates. */ - (void)stopUpdatingLocation; #pragma mark Initiating Heading Updates /** Specifies a physical device orientation. */ @property (nonatomic) CLDeviceOrientation headingOrientation; /** Starts the generation of heading updates that reports the user's current hading. */ - (void)startUpdatingHeading; /** Stops the generation of heading updates. */ - (void)stopUpdatingHeading; /** Dissmisses immediately the heading calibration view from screen. */ - (void)dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay; @end /** The `MGLLocationManagerDelegate` protocol defines a set of methods that respond to location updates from an `MGLLocationManager` object that is serving as the location manager of an `MGLMapView`. */ @protocol MGLLocationManagerDelegate #pragma mark Responding to Location Updates /** Notifies the delegate with the new location data. @param manager The location manager reporting the update. @param locations An array of `CLLocation` objects in chronological order, with the last object representing the most recent location. This array contains multiple `CLLocation` objects when `MGLMapView` uses its default location manager. */ - (void)locationManager:(id)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations; #pragma mark Responding to Heading Updates /** Notifies the delegate with the new heading data. @param manager The location manager reporting the update. @param newHeading The new heading update. */ - (void)locationManager:(id)manager didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading *)newHeading; /** Asks the delegate if the calibration alert should be displayed. @param manager The location manager reporting the calibration. */ - (BOOL)locationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration:(id)manager; #pragma mark Responding to Location Updates Errors /** Notifies the delegate that the location manager was unable to retrieve location updates. @param manager The location manager reporting the error. @param error An error object containing the error code that indicates why the location manager failed. */ - (void)locationManager:(id)manager didFailWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error; @optional @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END