#import #import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** Defines the area spanned by an `MGLCoordinateBounds`. */ typedef struct MGLCoordinateSpan { /** Latitudes spanned by an `MGLCoordinateBounds`. */ CLLocationDegrees latitudeDelta; /** Longitudes spanned by an `MGLCoordinateBounds`. */ CLLocationDegrees longitudeDelta; } MGLCoordinateSpan; /** Creates a new `MGLCoordinateSpan` from the given latitudinal and longitudinal deltas. */ NS_INLINE MGLCoordinateSpan MGLCoordinateSpanMake(CLLocationDegrees latitudeDelta, CLLocationDegrees longitudeDelta) { MGLCoordinateSpan span; span.latitudeDelta = latitudeDelta; span.longitudeDelta = longitudeDelta; return span; } /** Returns `YES` if the two coordinate spans represent the same latitudinal change and the same longitudinal change. */ NS_INLINE BOOL MGLCoordinateSpanEqualToCoordinateSpan(MGLCoordinateSpan span1, MGLCoordinateSpan span2) { return (span1.latitudeDelta == span2.latitudeDelta && span1.longitudeDelta == span2.longitudeDelta); } /** An area of zero width and zero height. */ extern const MGLCoordinateSpan MGLCoordinateSpanZero; /** A rectangular area as measured on a two-dimensional map projection. */ typedef struct MGLCoordinateBounds { /** Coordinate at the southwest corner. */ CLLocationCoordinate2D sw; /** Coordinate at the northeast corner. */ CLLocationCoordinate2D ne; } MGLCoordinateBounds; /** Creates a new `MGLCoordinateBounds` structure from the given southwest and northeast coordinates. */ NS_INLINE MGLCoordinateBounds MGLCoordinateBoundsMake(CLLocationCoordinate2D sw, CLLocationCoordinate2D ne) { MGLCoordinateBounds bounds; bounds.sw = sw; bounds.ne = ne; return bounds; } /** Returns `YES` if the two coordinate bounds are equal to each other. */ NS_INLINE BOOL MGLCoordinateBoundsEqualToCoordinateBounds(MGLCoordinateBounds bounds1, MGLCoordinateBounds bounds2) { return (bounds1.sw.latitude == bounds2.sw.latitude && bounds1.sw.longitude == bounds2.sw.longitude && bounds1.ne.latitude == bounds2.ne.latitude && bounds1.ne.longitude == bounds2.ne.longitude); } /** Returns `YES` if the coordinate is within the coordinate bounds. */ NS_INLINE BOOL MGLCoordinateInCoordinateBounds(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, MGLCoordinateBounds bounds) { return (coordinate.latitude >= bounds.sw.latitude && coordinate.latitude <= bounds.ne.latitude && coordinate.longitude >= bounds.sw.longitude && coordinate.longitude <= bounds.ne.longitude); } /** Returns the area spanned by the coordinate bounds. */ NS_INLINE MGLCoordinateSpan MGLCoordinateBoundsGetCoordinateSpan(MGLCoordinateBounds bounds) { return MGLCoordinateSpanMake(bounds.ne.latitude - bounds.sw.latitude, bounds.ne.longitude - bounds.sw.longitude); } /** Returns a coordinate bounds with southwest and northeast coordinates that are offset from those of the source bounds. */ NS_INLINE MGLCoordinateBounds MGLCoordinateBoundsOffset(MGLCoordinateBounds bounds, MGLCoordinateSpan offset) { MGLCoordinateBounds offsetBounds = bounds; offsetBounds.sw.latitude += offset.latitudeDelta; offsetBounds.sw.longitude += offset.longitudeDelta; offsetBounds.ne.latitude += offset.latitudeDelta; offsetBounds.ne.longitude += offset.longitudeDelta; return offsetBounds; } /** Returns `YES` if the coordinate bounds covers no area. @note A bounds may be empty but have a non-zero coordinate span (e.g., when its northeast point lies due north of its southwest point). */ NS_INLINE BOOL MGLCoordinateBoundsIsEmpty(MGLCoordinateBounds bounds) { MGLCoordinateSpan span = MGLCoordinateBoundsGetCoordinateSpan(bounds); return span.latitudeDelta == 0 || span.longitudeDelta == 0; } /** Returns a formatted string for the given coordinate bounds. */ NS_INLINE NSString *MGLStringFromCoordinateBounds(MGLCoordinateBounds bounds) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ sw = {%.1f, %.1f}, ne = {%.1f, %.1f}}", bounds.sw.latitude, bounds.sw.longitude, bounds.ne.latitude, bounds.ne.longitude]; } /** Returns radians, converted from degrees. */ NS_INLINE CGFloat MGLRadiansFromDegrees(CLLocationDegrees degrees) { return (CGFloat)(degrees * M_PI) / 180; } /** Returns degrees, converted from radians. */ NS_INLINE CLLocationDegrees MGLDegreesFromRadians(CGFloat radians) { return radians * 180 / M_PI; } /** Methods for round-tripping Mapbox geometry structure values. */ @interface NSValue (MGLGeometryAdditions) @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END