#import #import "MGLFoundation.h" #import "MGLStyleLayer.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @class MGLSource; /** `MGLForegroundStyleLayer` is an abstract superclass for style layers whose content is defined by an `MGLSource` object. Do not create instances of this class directly, and do not create your own subclasses of this class. Instead, create instances of `MGLRasterStyleLayer` and the concrete subclasses of `MGLVectorStyleLayer`. */ MGL_EXPORT @interface MGLForegroundStyleLayer : MGLStyleLayer #pragma mark Initializing a Style Layer - (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use -initWithIdentifier:source: instead."))); - (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier __attribute__((unavailable("Use -initWithIdentifier:source: instead."))); /** Returns a foreground style layer initialized with an identifier and source. After initializing and configuring the style layer, add it to a map view’s style using the `-[MGLStyle addLayer:]` or `-[MGLStyle insertLayer:belowLayer:]` method. @param identifier A string that uniquely identifies the source in the style to which it is added. @param source The source from which to obtain the data to style. If the source has not yet been added to the current style, the behavior is undefined. @return An initialized foreground style layer. */ - (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier source:(MGLSource *)source NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; #pragma mark Specifying a Style Layer’s Content /** Identifier of the source from which the receiver obtains the data to style. */ @property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *sourceIdentifier; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END