#import #import #import "MGLTypes.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** The `MGLClockDirectionFormatter` class provides properly formatted descriptions of headings relative to the user, known as clock positions. For example, a value of `90` may be formatted as “3 o’clock”, depending on the locale. Use this class to create localized heading strings when displaying directions relative to the user’s current location and heading. To format a direction irrespective of the user’s orientation, use `MGLCompassDirectionFormatter` instead. */ @interface MGLClockDirectionFormatter : NSFormatter /** The unit style used by this formatter. This property defaults to `NSFormattingUnitStyleMedium`. */ @property (nonatomic) NSFormattingUnitStyle unitStyle; /** The locale of the receiver. The locale determines the output language and numeral system of the output. */ @property (copy) NSLocale *locale; /** Returns a clock position string for the provided value. @param direction The heading, measured in degrees, where 0° means “straight ahead” and 90° means “directly to your right”. @return The clock position string appropriately formatted for the receiver’s locale. */ - (NSString *)stringFromDirection:(CLLocationDirection)direction; /** This method is not supported for the `MGLDirectionFormatter` class. */ - (BOOL)getObjectValue:(out id __nullable * __nullable)obj forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(out NSString * __nullable * __nullable)error; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END