'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const ejs = require('ejs'); const _ = require('lodash'); const colorParser = require('csscolorparser'); require('../../../scripts/style-code'); const cocoaConventions = require('./style-spec-cocoa-conventions-v8.json'); const prefix = 'MGL'; const suffix = 'StyleLayer'; let spec = _.merge(require('../../../mapbox-gl-js/src/style-spec/reference/v8'), require('./style-spec-overrides-v8.json')); /// // Temporarily IGNORE layers that are in the spec yet still not supported in mbgl core /// delete spec.layer.type.values['fill-extrusion']; // Rename properties and keep `original` for use with setters and getters _.forOwn(cocoaConventions, function (properties, kind) { _.forOwn(properties, function (newName, oldName) { let property = spec[kind][oldName]; if (newName.startsWith('is-')) { property.getter = newName; newName = newName.substr(3); } if (newName !== oldName) { property.original = oldName; } delete spec[kind][oldName]; spec[kind][newName] = property; // Update requirements in other properties. let updateRequirements = function (property, name) { let requires = property.requires || []; for (let i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) { if (requires[i] === oldName) { property.requires[i] = newName; } if (typeof requires[i] !== 'string') { let prop = name; _.forOwn(requires[i], function (values, name, require) { if (name === oldName) { require[newName] = values; delete require[name]; } }); } } }; _.forOwn(spec[kind.replace(/^layout_/, 'paint_')], updateRequirements); _.forOwn(spec[kind.replace(/^paint_/, 'layout_')], updateRequirements); }) }); String.prototype.wrap = function (cols, indent) { let wrapRe = new RegExp(`(.{1,${cols - indent}})(?: +|\n|$)`, "gm"); return this.replace(wrapRe, "$1\n").replace(/\s+$/, "").indent(indent); }; String.prototype.indent = function (cols) { return this.replace(/^|\n/g, "$&" + " ".repeat(cols)); }; global.camelize = function (str) { return str.replace(/(?:^|-)(.)/g, function (_, x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }); }; global.camelizeWithLeadingLowercase = function (str) { return str.replace(/-(.)/g, function (_, x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }); }; global.objCName = function (property) { return camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(property.name); }; global.objCGetter = function (property) { return camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(property.getter || property.name); }; global.objCType = function (layerType, propertyName) { return `${prefix}${camelize(propertyName)}`; }; global.arrayType = function (property) { return property.type === 'array' ? originalPropertyName(property).split('-').pop() : false; }; global.testImplementation = function (property, layerType, isFunction) { let helperMsg = testHelperMessage(property, layerType, isFunction); return `layer.${objCName(property)} = [MGLRuntimeStylingHelper ${helperMsg}];`; }; global.objCTestValue = function (property, layerType, indent) { let propertyName = originalPropertyName(property); switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return property.default ? '@NO' : '@YES'; case 'number': return '@0xff'; case 'string': return `@"${_.startCase(propertyName)}"`; case 'enum': let type = objCType(layerType, property.name); let value = `${type}${camelize(_.last(_.keys(property.values)))}`; return `[NSValue valueWith${type}:${value}]`; case 'color': return '[MGLColor redColor]'; case 'array': switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'dasharray': return '@[@1, @2]'; case 'font': return `@[@"${_.startCase(propertyName)}", @"${_.startCase(_.reverse(propertyName.split('')).join(''))}"]`; case 'padding': { let iosValue = '[NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(1, 1, 1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4); let macosValue = '[NSValue valueWithEdgeInsets:NSEdgeInsetsMake(1, 1, 1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4); return `\n#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE\n${iosValue}\n#else\n${macosValue}\n#endif\n${''.indent((indent - 1) * 4)}`; } case 'offset': case 'translate': let iosValue = '[NSValue valueWithCGVector:CGVectorMake(1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4); let macosValue = '[NSValue valueWithMGLVector:CGVectorMake(1, -1)]'.indent(indent * 4); return `\n#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE\n${iosValue}\n#else\n${macosValue}\n#endif\n${''.indent((indent - 1) * 4)}`; default: throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${property.name}`); } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.mbglTestValue = function (property, layerType) { let propertyName = originalPropertyName(property); switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return property.default ? 'false' : 'true'; case 'number': return '0xff'; case 'string': return `"${_.startCase(propertyName)}"`; case 'enum': { let type = camelize(originalPropertyName(property)); if (/-translate-anchor$/.test(originalPropertyName(property))) { type = 'TranslateAnchor'; } if (/-(rotation|pitch)-alignment$/.test(originalPropertyName(property))) { type = 'Alignment'; } let value = camelize(_.last(_.keys(property.values))); return `mbgl::style::${type}Type::${value}`; } case 'color': return '{ 1, 0, 0, 1 }'; case 'array': switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'dasharray': return '{1, 2}'; case 'font': return `{ "${_.startCase(propertyName)}", "${_.startCase(_.reverse(propertyName.split('')).join(''))}" }`; case 'padding': return '{ 1, 1, 1, 1 }'; case 'offset': case 'translate': return '{ 1, 1 }'; default: throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${property.name}`); } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.testGetterImplementation = function (property, layerType, isFunction) { let helperMsg = testHelperMessage(property, layerType, isFunction); let value = `[MGLRuntimeStylingHelper ${helperMsg}]`; if (property.type === 'enum') { if (isFunction) { return `XCTAssertEqualObjects(gLayer.${objCName(property)}, ${value});`; } return `XCTAssert([gLayer.${objCName(property)} isKindOfClass:[MGLStyleConstantValue class]]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(gLayer.${objCName(property)}, ${value});`; } return `XCTAssertEqualObjects(gLayer.${objCName(property)}, ${value});`; }; global.testHelperMessage = function (property, layerType, isFunction) { let fnSuffix = isFunction ? 'Function' : ''; switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return 'testBool' + fnSuffix; case 'number': return 'testNumber' + fnSuffix; case 'string': return 'testString' + fnSuffix; case 'enum': let objCType = global.objCType(layerType, property.name); let objCEnum = `${objCType}${camelize(Object.keys(property.values)[Object.keys(property.values).length-1])}`; return `testEnum${fnSuffix}:${objCEnum} type:@encode(${objCType})`; case 'color': return 'testColor' + fnSuffix; case 'array': switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'dasharray': return 'testDashArray' + fnSuffix; case 'font': return 'testFont' + fnSuffix; case 'padding': return 'testPadding' + fnSuffix; case 'offset': case 'translate': return 'testOffset' + fnSuffix; default: throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${property.name}`); } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.propertyDoc = function (propertyName, property, layerType, kind) { // Match references to other property names & values. // Requires the format 'When `foo` is set to `bar`,'. let doc = property.doc.replace(/`([^`]+?)` is set to `([^`]+?)`/g, function (m, peerPropertyName, propertyValue, offset, str) { let otherProperty = camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(peerPropertyName); let otherValue = objCType(layerType, peerPropertyName) + camelize(propertyValue); return '`' + `${otherProperty}` + '` is set to `' + `${otherValue}` + '`'; }); // Match references to our own property values. // Requires the format 'is equivalent to `bar`'. doc = doc.replace(/is equivalent to `(.+?)`/g, function(m, propertyValue, offset, str) { propertyValue = objCType(layerType, propertyName) + camelize(propertyValue); return 'is equivalent to `' + propertyValue + '`'; }); // Format everything else: our property name & its possible values. // Requires symbols to be surrounded by backticks. doc = doc.replace(/`(.+?)`/g, function (m, symbol, offset, str) { if ('values' in property && Object.keys(property.values).indexOf(symbol) !== -1) { let objCType = global.objCType(layerType, property.name); return '`' + `${objCType}${camelize(symbol)}` + '`'; } if (str.substr(offset - 4, 3) !== 'CSS') { symbol = camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(symbol); } return '`' + symbol + '`'; }); // Format references to units. if ('units' in property) { if (!property.units.match(/s$/)) { property.units += 's'; } doc += `\n\nThis property is measured in ${property.units}.`; } doc = doc.replace(/(p)ixel/gi, '$1oint').replace(/(\d)px\b/g, '$1pt'); if (kind !== 'enum') { if ('default' in property) { doc += `\n\nThe default value of this property is ${propertyDefault(property, layerType)}.`; if (!property.required) { doc += ' Set this property to `nil` to reset it to the default value.'; } } if ('requires' in property) { doc += '\n\n' + propertyReqs(property, spec[`${kind}_${layerType}`], layerType); } if ('original' in property) { let anchor; switch (kind) { case 'layout': anchor = `layout-${layerType}-${property.original}`; break; case 'paint': anchor = `paint-${property.original}`; break; } doc += `\n\nThis attribute corresponds to the ${property.original} layout property in the Mapbox Style Specification.`; } doc += '\n\nYou can set this property to an instance of:\n\n' + '* `MGLStyleConstantValue`\n'; if (property["property-function"]) { doc += '* `MGLCameraStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n' + '* `MGLSourceStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeCategorical`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeIdentity`\n' + '* `MGLCompositeStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeCategorical`\n'; } else { if (property.function === "interpolated") { doc += '* `MGLCameraStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' + ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n'; } else { doc += '* `MGLCameraStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n'; } } } return doc; }; global.propertyReqs = function (property, propertiesByName, type) { return 'This property is only applied to the style if ' + property.requires.map(function (req) { if (typeof req === 'string') { return '`' + camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(req) + '` is non-`nil`'; } else if ('!' in req) { return '`' + camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(req['!']) + '` is set to `nil`'; } else { let name = Object.keys(req)[0]; return '`' + camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(name) + '` is set to an `MGLStyleValue` object containing ' + describeValue(req[name], propertiesByName[name], type); } }).join(', and ') + '. Otherwise, it is ignored.'; }; global.parseColor = function (str) { let color = colorParser.parseCSSColor(str); return { r: color[0] / 255, g: color[1] / 255, b: color[2] / 255, a: color[3], }; }; global.describeValue = function (value, property, layerType) { switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return 'an `NSNumber` object containing ' + (value ? '`YES`' : '`NO`'); case 'number': return 'an `NSNumber` object containing the float `' + value + '`'; case 'string': if (value === '') { return 'the empty string'; } return 'the string `' + value + '`'; case 'enum': let displayValue; if (Array.isArray(value)) { let separator = (value.length === 2) ? ' ' : ', '; displayValue = value.map((possibleValue, i) => { let conjunction = ''; if (value.length === 2 && i === 0) conjunction = 'either '; if (i === value.length - 1) conjunction = 'or '; let objCType = global.objCType(layerType, property.name); return `${conjunction}\`${objCType}${camelize(possibleValue)}\``; }).join(separator); } else { let objCType = global.objCType(layerType, property.name); displayValue = `\`${objCType}${camelize(value)}\``; } return `an \`NSValue\` object containing ${displayValue}`; case 'color': let color = parseColor(value); if (!color) { throw new Error(`unrecognized color format in default value of ${property.name}`); } if (color.r === 0 && color.g === 0 && color.b === 0 && color.a === 0) { return '`UIColor.clearColor`'; } if (color.r === 0 && color.g === 0 && color.b === 0 && color.a === 1) { return '`UIColor.blackColor`'; } if (color.r === 1 && color.g === 1 && color.b === 1 && color.a === 1) { return '`UIColor.whiteColor`'; } return 'a `UIColor`' + ` object whose RGB value is ${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b} and whose alpha value is ${color.a}`; case 'array': let units = property.units || ''; if (units) { units = ` ${units}`.replace(/pixel/, 'point'); } switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'padding': if (value[0] === 0 && value[1] === 0 && value[2] === 0 && value[3] === 0) { return 'an `NSValue` object containing `UIEdgeInsetsZero`'; } return 'an `NSValue` object containing a `UIEdgeInsets` struct set to' + ` ${value[0]}${units} on the top, ${value[3]}${units} on the left, ${value[2]}${units} on the bottom, and ${value[1]}${units} on the right`; case 'offset': case 'translate': return 'an `NSValue` object containing a `CGVector` struct set to' + ` ${value[0]}${units} rightward and ${value[1]}${units} downward`; default: return 'the array `' + value.join('`, `') + '`'; } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.propertyDefault = function (property, layerType) { return 'an `MGLStyleValue` object containing ' + describeValue(property.default, property, layerType); }; global.originalPropertyName = function (property) { return property.original || property.name; }; global.propertyType = function (property) { switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return 'NSNumber *'; case 'number': return 'NSNumber *'; case 'string': return 'NSString *'; case 'enum': return 'NSValue *'; case 'color': return 'MGLColor *'; case 'array': switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'dasharray': return 'NSArray *'; case 'font': return 'NSArray *'; case 'padding': return 'NSValue *'; case 'offset': case 'translate': return 'NSValue *'; default: throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${property.name}`); } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.valueTransformerArguments = function (property) { let objCType = propertyType(property); switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return ['bool', objCType]; case 'number': return ['float', objCType]; case 'string': return ['std::string', objCType]; case 'enum': return [`mbgl::style::${mbglType(property)}`, objCType]; case 'color': return ['mbgl::Color', objCType]; case 'array': switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'dasharray': return ['std::vector', objCType, 'float']; case 'font': return ['std::vector', objCType, 'std::string']; case 'padding': return ['std::array', objCType]; case 'offset': case 'translate': return ['std::array', objCType]; default: throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${property.name}`); } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.mbglType = function(property) { switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return 'bool'; case 'number': return 'float'; case 'string': return 'std::string'; case 'enum': { let type = camelize(originalPropertyName(property)); if (/-translate-anchor$/.test(originalPropertyName(property))) { type = 'TranslateAnchor'; } if (/-(rotation|pitch)-alignment$/.test(originalPropertyName(property))) { type = 'Alignment'; } return `mbgl::style::${type}Type`; } case 'color': return 'mbgl::Color'; case 'array': switch (arrayType(property)) { case 'dasharray': return 'std::vector'; case 'font': return 'std::vector'; case 'padding': return 'std::array'; case 'offset': case 'translate': return 'std::array'; default: throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${property.name}`); } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`); } }; global.initLayer = function (layerType) { if (layerType == "background") { return `_layer = new mbgl::style::${camelize(layerType)}Layer(identifier.UTF8String);` } else { return `_layer = new mbgl::style::${camelize(layerType)}Layer(identifier.UTF8String, source.identifier.UTF8String);` } }; global.setSourceLayer = function() { return `_layer->setSourceLayer(sourceLayer.UTF8String);` }; const layerH = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('platform/darwin/src/MGLStyleLayer.h.ejs', 'utf8'), { strict: true }); const layerM = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('platform/darwin/src/MGLStyleLayer.mm.ejs', 'utf8'), { strict: true}); const testLayers = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleLayerTests.mm.ejs', 'utf8'), { strict: true}); const guideMD = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style Authors.md.ejs', 'utf8'), { strict: true }); const layers = _(spec.layer.type.values).map((value, layerType) => { const layoutProperties = Object.keys(spec[`layout_${layerType}`]).reduce((memo, name) => { if (name !== 'visibility') { spec[`layout_${layerType}`][name].name = name; memo.push(spec[`layout_${layerType}`][name]); } return memo; }, []); const paintProperties = Object.keys(spec[`paint_${layerType}`]).reduce((memo, name) => { spec[`paint_${layerType}`][name].name = name; memo.push(spec[`paint_${layerType}`][name]); return memo; }, []); return { doc: spec.layer.type.values[layerType].doc, type: layerType, layoutProperties: _.sortBy(layoutProperties, ['name']), paintProperties: _.sortBy(paintProperties, ['name']), }; }).sortBy(['type']).value(); function duplicatePlatformDecls(src) { // Look for a documentation comment that contains “MGLColor” or “UIColor” // and the subsequent function, method, or property declaration. Try not to // match greedily. return src.replace(/(\/\*\*(?:\*[^\/]|[^*])*?\*\/)(\s*[^;]+?\b(?:MGL|NS|UI)(?:Color|EdgeInsets(?:Zero)?)\b[^;]+?;)/g, (match, comment, decl) => { let macosComment = comment.replace(/\b(?:MGL|UI)(Color|EdgeInsets(?:Zero)?)\b/g, 'NS$1') // Use the correct indefinite article. .replace(/\ba(\s+`?NS(?:Color|EdgeInsets))\b/gi, 'an$1'); let iosDecl = decl.replace(/\bMGL(Color|EdgeInsets)\b/g, 'UI$1'); let macosDecl = decl.replace(/\b(?:MGL|UI)(Color|EdgeInsets)\b/g, 'NS$1'); return `\ #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE ${comment}${iosDecl} #else ${macosComment}${macosDecl} #endif`; }) // Do the same for CGVector-typed properties. .replace(/(\/\*\*(?:\*[^\/]|[^*])*?\b(?:CGVector|UIEdgeInsets(?:Zero)?)\b[\s\S]*?\*\/)(\s*.+?;)/g, (match, comment, decl) => { let macosComment = comment.replace(/\bdownward\b/g, 'upward') .replace(/\bUI(EdgeInsets(?:Zero)?)\b/g, 'NS$1'); return `\ #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE ${comment}${decl} #else ${macosComment}${decl} #endif`; }); } var renamedPropertiesByLayerType = {}; for (var layer of layers) { layer.properties = _.concat(layer.layoutProperties, layer.paintProperties); let enumProperties = _.filter(layer.properties, prop => prop.type === 'enum'); if (enumProperties.length) { layer.enumProperties = enumProperties; } let renamedProperties = {}; _.assign(renamedProperties, _.filter(layer.properties, prop => 'original' in prop || 'getter' in prop)); if (!_.isEmpty(renamedProperties)) { renamedPropertiesByLayerType[layer.type] = renamedProperties; } fs.writeFileSync(`platform/darwin/src/${prefix}${camelize(layer.type)}${suffix}.h`, duplicatePlatformDecls(layerH(layer))); fs.writeFileSync(`platform/darwin/src/${prefix}${camelize(layer.type)}${suffix}.mm`, layerM(layer)); fs.writeFileSync(`platform/darwin/test/${prefix}${camelize(layer.type)}${suffix}Tests.mm`, testLayers(layer)); } fs.writeFileSync(`platform/ios/docs/guides/For Style Authors.md`, guideMD({ os: 'iOS', renamedProperties: renamedPropertiesByLayerType, layers: layers, })); fs.writeFileSync(`platform/macos/docs/guides/For Style Authors.md`, guideMD({ os: 'macOS', renamedProperties: renamedPropertiesByLayerType, layers: layers, }));