apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/dependencies.gradle" def MAPBOX_JAVA_DIR = 'mapbox-java' def MAPBOX_JAVA_TAG_PREFIX = 'v' def MAPBOX_TELEMETRY_DIR = 'mapbox-events-android' def MAPBOX_TELEMETRY_TAG_PREFIX = 'telem-' def MAPBOX_GESTURES_DIR = 'mapbox-gestures-android' def MAPBOX_GESTURES_TAG_PREFIX = 'v' task androidNitpick { doLast { println "Running android nitpick script" println "Verify vendor submodule pins" verifyVendorSubmodulePin(MAPBOX_JAVA_DIR, MAPBOX_JAVA_TAG_PREFIX, versions.mapboxServices) verifyVendorSubmodulePin(MAPBOX_TELEMETRY_DIR, MAPBOX_TELEMETRY_TAG_PREFIX, versions.mapboxTelemetry) verifyVendorSubmodulePin(MAPBOX_GESTURES_DIR, MAPBOX_GESTURES_TAG_PREFIX, versions.mapboxGestures) verifyLicenseGeneration() } } private def verifyVendorSubmodulePin(def dir, def prefix, def version) { println "Verify vendor submodule pin: ${dir} (${prefix + version})" exec { workingDir = "${rootDir}/vendor/${dir}" commandLine "git", "fetch", "-t" } def output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { workingDir = "${rootDir}/vendor/${dir}" commandLine "git", "rev-list", "-n", "1", "tags/${prefix + version}" standardOutput = output } def expectedCommit = output.toString().trim() output.reset() exec { workingDir = "${rootDir}/vendor/${dir}" commandLine "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD" standardOutput = output } def actualCommit = output.toString().trim() if (actualCommit != expectedCommit) { throw new IllegalStateException("${dir} vendor repository is not checked out on the consumed binary's tag.\n" + "Expected commit: " + expectedCommit + "(${prefix + version} tag).\n" + "Actual commit: " + actualCommit + ".\n" + "If you've updated the version in the dependencies.gradle file, make sure to bump the submodule pin in the platform/android/vendor/ directory to match the release tag.\n" + "If you've bumped the pin, make sure to verify the version tag prefix in the android-nitpick.gradle file.") } output.close() } private def verifyLicenseGeneration() { println "Verify license generation with git diff..." exec { workingDir = "${rootDir}" commandLine "python", "scripts/" } }