--- format_version: 1.0.0 default_step_lib_source: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git trigger_map: - pattern: devicefarmUpload workflow: devicefarmUpload - pattern: scheduled workflow: scheduled - pattern: nightly-release workflow: nightly-release - pattern: "*" workflow: primary workflows: primary: steps: - script: title: Check for skipping CI inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash if [[ -n "$(echo $GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT | sed -n '/\[skip ci\]/p')" || -n "$(echo $GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT | sed -n '/\[ci skip\]/p')" || -n "$(echo $GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE_BODY | sed -n 's/\[skip ci\]/p')" || -n "$(echo $GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE_BODY | sed -n 's/\[ci skip\]/p')" ]]; then envman add --key SKIPCI --value true else envman add --key SKIPCI --value false fi - script: title: Configure GL-native build environement run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config cmake - script: title: Run Checkstyle run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash # Run checkstyle gradle task on all modules cd platform/android && ./gradlew checkstyle - script: title: Configure Google Cloud SDK run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash # Install python tools for pip sudo apt-get install -y gcc python-dev python-setuptools sudo easy_install -U pip sudo pip uninstall crcmod sudo pip install -U crcmod # Install Google Cloud SDK for Firebase export CLOUD_SDK_REPO="cloud-sdk-$(lsb_release -c -s)" echo "deb http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt $CLOUD_SDK_REPO main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y google-cloud-sdk # Get authentication secret echo "Downloading Google Cloud authentication:" wget -O secret.json "$BITRISEIO_GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_URL" - script: title: Build libmapbox-gl.so for armeabi-v7a run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Compile libmapbox-gl.so for armeabi-v7a abi:" export BUILDTYPE=Debug make android-lib-arm-v7 - script: title: Compile Core tests run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Compiling core tests:" BUILDTYPE=Debug make android-test-lib-arm-v7 - script: title: Run local JVM Unit tests on phone module run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Running unit tests from MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/test:" make run-android-unit-test - script: title: Run local JVM Unit tests on wear module run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Running unit tests from MapboxGLAndroidSDKWearTestApp/src/test:" make run-android-wear-unit-test - script: title: Generate Espresso sanity tests run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Generate these test locally by executing:" make test-code-android - script: title: Run Firebase instrumentation tests run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Downloading Mapbox accesstoken for running tests:" wget -O platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/main/res/values/developer-config.xml "$BITRISEIO_TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN_UI_TEST_URL" echo "Build seperate test apk:" make android-ui-test echo "Run tests on firebase:" gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file secret.json --project android-gl-native gcloud beta test android devices list gcloud beta test android run --type instrumentation --app platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp-debug.apk --test platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp-debug-androidTest.apk --device-ids shamu --os-version-ids 22 --locales en --orientations portrait --timeout 15m --test-targets "class com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.maps.widgets.AttributionTest" - script: title: Download Firebase results run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' is_always_run: true inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash mkdir -p platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk echo "The details from Firebase will be downloaded, zipped and attached as a build artefact." testUri=$(gsutil ls "gs://test-lab-wrrntqk05p31w-h3y1qk44vuunw/" | tail -n1) echo "Downloading from : "$testUri gsutil -m cp -R -Z $testUri platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk echo "Try running ndk-stack on downloaded logcat to symbolicate the stacktraces:" find platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk -type f -name "logcat" -print0 | xargs -0 -Imylogcat mv -i mylogcat ./ cat logcat | ndk-stack -sym build/android-arm-v7/Debug - deploy-to-bitrise-io: run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' inputs: - deploy_path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk - is_compress: 'true' - notify_user_groups: none - slack: run_if: '{{enveq "SKIPCI" "false"}}' title: Post to Slack inputs: - webhook_url: "$SLACK_HOOK_URL" - channel: "#gl-bots" - from_username: 'Bitrise Android' - from_username_on_error: 'Bitrise Android' - message: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> for by ${GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_COMMITER_NAME} passed' - message_on_error: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> for by ${GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_COMMITER_NAME} failed' - icon_url: https://bitrise-public-content-production.s3.amazonaws.com/slack/bitrise-slack-icon-128.png - icon_url_on_error: https://bitrise-public-content-production.s3.amazonaws.com/slack/bitrise-slack-error-icon-128.png scheduled: steps: - script: title: Configure GL-native build environement inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config cmake - script: title: Configure AWS-CLI inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev build-essential pip install awscli - script: title: Download maven credentials inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash aws s3 cp s3://mapbox/android/signing-credentials/secring.gpg platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/secring.gpg # Add maven credentals for publishing echo "NEXUS_USERNAME=$PUBLISH_NEXUS_USERNAME NEXUS_PASSWORD=$PUBLISH_NEXUS_PASSWORD signing.keyId=$SIGNING_KEYID signing.password=$SIGNING_PASSWORD signing.secretKeyRingFile=secring.gpg" >> platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/gradle.properties - script: title: Build release inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Compile libmapbox-gl.so for all supportd abi's:" export BUILDTYPE=Release make apackage cd platform/android && ./gradlew :MapboxGLAndroidSDK:assembleRelease - script: title: Publish to maven inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Upload aar file to maven:" cd platform/android && ./gradlew :MapboxGLAndroidSDK:uploadArchives - slack: title: Post to Slack inputs: - webhook_url: "$SLACK_HOOK_URL" - channel: "#gl-bots" - from_username: 'Bitrise Android' - from_username_on_error: 'Bitrise Android' - message: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> Publish of nightly Android SDK SNAPSHOT to maven succeeded.' - message_on_error: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> Publish of nightly Android SDK SNAPSHOT to maven failed. @android_team.' - icon_url: https://bitrise-public-content-production.s3.amazonaws.com/slack/bitrise-slack-icon-128.png - icon_url_on_error: https://bitrise-public-content-production.s3.amazonaws.com/slack/bitrise-slack-error-icon-128.png devicefarmUpload: steps: - script: title: Configure GL-native build environement inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config cmake - script: title: Build release inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Compile libmapbox-gl.so for all supportd abi's:" export BUILDTYPE=Release make apackage - script: title: Add AWS credentials inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_DEVICE_FARM=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_DEVICE_FARM" >> platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/gradle.properties echo "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_DEVICE_FARM=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_DEVICE_FARM" >> platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/gradle.properties - script: title: Generate sanity tests inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Generate these test locally by executing:" make test-code-android - script: title: Run AWS Device Farm instrumentation tests inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Run tests on device farm:" cd platform/android && ./gradlew devicefarmUpload - slack: title: Post to Slack inputs: - webhook_url: "$SLACK_HOOK_URL" - channel: "#gl-bots" - from_username: 'Bitrise Android' - from_username_on_error: 'Bitrise Android' - message: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> for devicefarmUpload passed' - message_on_error: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> for devicefarmUpload failed' - icon_url: https://bitrise-public-content-production.s3.amazonaws.com/slack/bitrise-slack-icon-128.png - icon_url_on_error: https://bitrise-public-content-production.s3.amazonaws.com/slack/bitrise-slack-error-icon-128.png nightly-release: steps: - script: title: Configure GL-native build environement inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config cmake - script: title: Configure AWS-CLI inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev build-essential pip install awscli - script: title: Build release inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Compile libmapbox-gl.so for all supportd abi's:" export BUILDTYPE=Release make apackage cd platform/android && ./gradlew :MapboxGLAndroidSDK:assembleRelease - script: title: Log metrics inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash echo "Log binary size metrics to AWS CloudWatch:" CLOUDWATCH=true platform/android/scripts/metrics.sh