Mapbox Android SDK TestApp MapboxMap Activity Support Map Fragment Map Fragment Add Markers In Bulk Animated Marker (experimental) Dynamic Marker Polyline Polygon Press Map For Marker View Marker API Standard InfoWindow example Custom InfoWindow Adapter Animation Types Zoom Methods LatLngBounds Method CameraPosition Method Scroll By Method Directions Geocoder Double Map Activity Back to map activity Snapshot Activity User tracking mode User location drawable User location tint color User location toggle Custom Layer Map Padding Debug Mode Offline Map Min/Max Zoom Tracks the location of the user Customize the location of the user Customize the user location color Toggle location of the user on and off Overlay a custom native layer on the map Learn how to create a custom InfoWindow CameraPosition capabilities Showcase MapFragment Showcase SupportMapFragment Add marker to map on long press Different types of zoom methods Configure a max and min zoomlevel Learn how to handle the InfoWindow InfoWindow example with multiple open Add Markers In Bulk to a Map Showcase the different animation types Center the camera around a bounds Update position and icon Map Padding example Debug Mode Offline Map example Animate the position change of a Marker Add a polyline to a map Add a polygon to a map Example with Directions API Example with Geocoder API Scroll with pixels in x,y direction Example to make a snapshot of the map 2 maps in a view hierarchy Restart map view after temporarily leaving to another activity Use an Android SDK View as marker Concurrent Open InfoWindowsr Dismiss location tracking on gesture Dismiss bearing tracking on gesture Reset category Annotation Camera Custom Layer Directions Fragment Geocoding Image Generator InfoWindow Map Layout Offline User Location Center map around 2 markers Remove polylines Move Ease Animate Snapshot Default Tint dot Tint ring FPS: Mapbox Streets Emerald Light Dark Satellite Satellite Streets Day Night 10 100 1000 10000 Disabled Follow tracking Disabled GPS bearing Compass bearing Zoom X: %1$d Y: %1$d Download region List regions Animate to new position Tap Map To Geocode Where Black Marker Is Currently Located Chelsea Stamford Bridge Arsenal Emirates Stadium