Overlay a custom native layer on the map Learn how to create a custom InfoWindow CameraPosition capabilities Showcase MapFragment Showcase SupportMapFragment Activity with multiple maps on screen Add marker to map on long press Different types of zoom methods Configure a max and min zoomlevel Learn how to handle the InfoWindow Add Markers In Bulk to a Map Showcase the different animation types Center the camera around a bounds Update position and icon Map Padding example Debug Mode Offline Map example Update metadata example Delete region example Animate the position change of a symbol layer Add a polyline to a map Add a polygon to a map Scroll with pixels in x,y direction Example to make a snapshot of the map 2 maps in a view hierarchy Learn how to create a dynamic custom InfoWindow Use SupportMapFragments in a ViewPager Adopt the map style on the fly Show a gradient line layer from a geojson source Use functions to change the map appearance Manipulate symbols at runtime Use a custom sprite in a Symbol Layer Use GeoJson sources and dynamic layers to cluster information Use realtime GeoJSON data streams to move a symbol on your map Shows how to print a map Query rendered feature properties on click Count all rendered features in box Count all rendered symbols in box Highlight buildings in box Query source for features Shows a simple map Logs map change events to Logcat Changes visibility of map and view parent Change Symbol icon when zoom levels changes Use a local file as the style Display a map inside a dialog fragment Show bus stops and route in Singapore Transform urls on the fly Limit viewport to Iceland Shows how to add 3D extruded shapes Shows how to show 3D extruded buildings Shows how to animate georeferenced images Show 2 MapView on screen with a bottom sheet Show a static bitmap taken with the MapSnapshotter Show how to reuse a MapSnapshotter instance Show how to add a marker to a Snapshot Show how to load a local style with a Snapshot Use Android SDK Animators to animate camera position changes Use Android SDK Views as symbols Use TextureView to render the map Resize a map rendered on a TextureView Animate a map rendered on a TextureView Enable a transparent surface on TextureView Blend an overlay on a map Example Custom Geometry Source Suzhou using Droid Sans for Chinese glyphs Example raster-dem source and hillshade layer Use HeatmapLayer to visualise earthquakes Manipulate gestures detector\'s settings Merge external offline database Click to add a marker, long-click to drag Change map\'s style while location is displayed Showcases location render and tracking modes Uses LocationComponent in a Fragment Force location updates and don\'t rely on the engine Show a MapView as a recyclerView item Show a MapView inside a viewpager inside a recyclerView