package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.utils import android.content.Context import android.os.AsyncTask import import import java.lang.ref.WeakReference class FileUtils { /** * Task that copies a file from the assets directory to a provided directory. * The asset's name is going to be kept in the new directory. */ class CopyFileFromAssetsTask(context: Context, listener: OnFileCopiedFromAssetsListener) : AsyncTask() { private val contextWeakReference: WeakReference = WeakReference(context) private val listenerWeakReference: WeakReference = WeakReference(listener) override fun doInBackground(vararg strings: String): Boolean? { val assetName = strings[0] val destinationPath = strings[1] contextWeakReference.get()?.let { try { copyAsset(it, assetName, destinationPath) } catch (ex: Exception) { return false } } return true } override fun onCancelled() { listenerWeakReference.get()?.onError() } override fun onPostExecute(result: Boolean) { if (result) { listenerWeakReference.get()?.onFileCopiedFromAssets() } else { listenerWeakReference.get()?.onError() } } private fun copyAsset(context: Context, assetName: String, destinationPath: String) { val bufferSize = 1024 val assetManager = context.assets val inputStream = val outputStream = FileOutputStream(File(destinationPath, assetName)) try { inputStream.copyTo(outputStream, bufferSize) } finally { inputStream.close() outputStream.flush() outputStream.close() } } } interface OnFileCopiedFromAssetsListener { fun onFileCopiedFromAssets() fun onError() } }