package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.activity.userlocation; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Handler; import; import; /** * Sample LocationEngine that provides mocked locations simulating GPS updates */ public class MockLocationEngine extends LocationEngine { // Mocked data private static final int UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; private static final double[][] locations = new double[][] { new double[] {39.489309, -0.360415}, new double[] {39.492469, -0.358777}, new double[] {40.393285, -3.707260}, new double[] {40.394374, -3.707767}, new double[] {40.398012, -3.715943}, new double[] {40.416913, -3.703861}}; private Handler handler; int currentIndex; public MockLocationEngine() { super(); } @Override public void activate() { currentIndex = 0; // "Connection" is immediate here for (LocationEngineListener listener : locationListeners) { listener.onConnected(); } } @Override public void deactivate() { handler = null; } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return true; // Always connected } @Override public Location getLastLocation() { return getNextLocation(); } @Override public void requestLocationUpdates() { // Fake regular updates with a handler handler = new Handler(); handler.postDelayed(new LocationUpdateRunnable(), UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); } @Override public void removeLocationUpdates() { handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } private Location getNextLocation() { // Build the next location and rotate the index Location location = new Location(MockLocationEngine.class.getSimpleName()); location.setLatitude(locations[currentIndex][0]); location.setLongitude(locations[currentIndex][1]); currentIndex = (currentIndex == locations.length - 1 ? 0 : currentIndex + 1); return location; } private class LocationUpdateRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // Notify of an update Location location = getNextLocation(); for (LocationEngineListener listener : locationListeners) { listener.onLocationChanged(location); } if (handler != null) { // Schedule the next update handler.postDelayed(new LocationUpdateRunnable(), UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); } } } }