package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.lint import import* import com.intellij.lang.jvm.JvmModifier import com.intellij.psi.PsiType import org.jetbrains.uast.* class KeepDetector : Detector(), SourceCodeScanner, FileScanner { companion object { private val DETECTOR_CLASS = private val DETECTOR_SCOPE = Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE private val IMPLEMENTATION = Implementation(DETECTOR_CLASS, DETECTOR_SCOPE) private const val ISSUE_ID = "KeepMissing" private const val ISSUE_DESCRIPTION = "Element cannot be minified." private const val ISSUE_EXPLANATION = "This class, method or field might contain native references. " + "It has to be annotated with @Keep if it cannot be obfuscated/removed, otherwise, the warning should be suppressed. " + "There can also be another methods/fields of this class that cannot be obfuscated/removed, " + "look closely for any methods that are referenced from the JNI context." private val ISSUE_CATEGORY = Category.CORRECTNESS private const val ISSUE_PRIORITY = 9 private val ISSUE_SEVERITY = Severity.ERROR var ISSUE_NOT_KEPT = Issue.create( ISSUE_ID, ISSUE_DESCRIPTION, ISSUE_EXPLANATION, ISSUE_CATEGORY, ISSUE_PRIORITY, ISSUE_SEVERITY, IMPLEMENTATION ) } override fun getApplicableUastTypes(): List>? = listOf(, override fun createUastHandler(context: JavaContext): UElementHandler? = KeepHandler(context) class KeepHandler(private val context: JavaContext) : UElementHandler() { override fun visitMethod(node: UMethod) { if (node.hasModifier(JvmModifier.NATIVE) && checkKeepAnnotation(node)) {, node, context.getNameLocation(node), "This method contains native references and will be minified.") } else if (node.isConstructor && node.parameterList.parameters.find { it.type == PsiType.LONG &&!!.contains("native") } != null && checkKeepAnnotation(node)) {, node, context.getNameLocation(node as UElement), "This constructor might contain native references and will be minified. " + "Either suppress the warning or use @Keep.") } } override fun visitField(node: UField) { if (node.type == PsiType.LONG &&"native") && checkKeepAnnotation(node)) {, node, context.getNameLocation(node as UElement), "This field might contain native references and will be minified. " + "Either suppress the warning or use @Keep.") } } private fun checkKeepAnnotation(uAnnotated: UAnnotated): Boolean { return !hasKeepAnnotation(uAnnotated) && !hasKeepAnnotation(uAnnotated.getContainingUClass()!!) } private fun hasKeepAnnotation(uAnnotated: UAnnotated): Boolean { return uAnnotated.findAnnotation("") != null } } }