package; import; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; /** * Expression unit tests that validate the expression output with the expected Object[]array representation. */ public class ExpressionTest { @Test public void testRgb() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"rgb", 0, 0, 0}; Object[] actual = rgb(literal(0), literal(0), literal(0)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testRgbLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"rgb", 0, 0, 0}; Object[] actual = rgb(0, 0, 0).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testRgba() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"rgba", 0, 0, 0, 1}; Object[] actual = rgba(literal(0), literal(0), literal(0), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testRgbaLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"rgba", 0, 0, 0, 1}; Object[] actual = rgba(0, 0, 0, 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testToRgba() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"to-rgba", new Object[] {"to-color", "rgba(255, 0, 0, 255)"}}; Object[] actual = toRgba(color(Color.RED)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testEq() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"==", 1, 1}; Object[] actual = eq(literal(1), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testEqLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"==", 1, 1}; Object[] actual = eq(literal(1), 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testNeq() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"!=", 0, 1}; Object[] actual = neq(literal(0), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testNeqLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"!=", 0, 1}; Object[] actual = neq(literal(0), 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGt() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {">", 0, 1}; Object[] actual = gt(literal(0), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGtLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {">", 0, 1}; Object[] actual = gt(literal(0), 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLt() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"<", 1, 0}; Object[] actual = lt(literal(1), literal(0)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLtLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"<", 1, 0}; Object[] actual = lt(literal(1), 0).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGte() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {">=", 1, 1}; Object[] actual = gte(literal(1), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGteLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {">=", 1, 1}; Object[] actual = gte(literal(1), 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLte() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"<=", 1, 1}; Object[] actual = lte(literal(1), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLteLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"<=", 1, 1}; Object[] actual = lte(literal(1), 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAll() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"all", true, true, true}; Object[] actual = all(literal(true), literal(true), literal(true)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAny() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"any", true, false, false}; Object[] actual = any(literal(true), literal(false), literal(false)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testNot() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"!", false}; Object[] actual = not(literal(false)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testNotLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"!", false}; Object[] actual = not(false).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSwitchCase() throws Exception { Object[] expectedCaseOneGet = new Object[] {"get", "key1"}; Object[] expectedCaseOne = new Object[] {"==", expectedCaseOneGet, "value1"}; Object[] expectedCaseTwoGet = new Object[] {"get", "key2"}; Object[] expectedCaseTwo = new Object[] {"!=", expectedCaseTwoGet, "value2"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"case", expectedCaseOne, expectedCaseTwo}; Object[] actual = switchCase( eq(get(literal("key1")), literal("value1")), neq(get(literal("key2")), literal("value2")) ).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSwitchCaseLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expectedCaseOneGet = new Object[] {"get", "key1"}; Object[] expectedCaseOne = new Object[] {"==", expectedCaseOneGet, "value1"}; Object[] expectedCaseTwoGet = new Object[] {"get", "key2"}; Object[] expectedCaseTwo = new Object[] {"!=", expectedCaseTwoGet, "value2"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"case", expectedCaseOne, expectedCaseTwo}; Object[] actual = switchCase( eq(get("key1"), literal("value1")), neq(get("key2"), literal("value2")) ).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMatch() throws Exception { String input = "input"; String[] labels = new String[] {"a", "b", "c"}; String[] outputs = new String[] {"1", "2", "3"}; String defaultOutput = "0"; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"match", input, labels[0], outputs[0], labels[1], outputs[1], labels[2], outputs[2], defaultOutput}; Object[] actual = match(literal(input), literal(labels[0]), literal(outputs[0]), literal(labels[1]), literal(outputs[1]), literal(labels[2]), literal(outputs[2]), literal(defaultOutput) ).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMatchWithStops() throws Exception { String input = "input"; String[] labels = new String[] {"a", "b", "c"}; String[] outputs = new String[] {"1", "2", "3"}; String defaultOutput = "0"; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"match", input, labels[0], outputs[0], labels[1], outputs[1], labels[2], outputs[2], defaultOutput}; Object[] actual = match(literal(input), literal(defaultOutput), stop(labels[0], outputs[0]), stop(labels[1], outputs[1]), stop(labels[2], outputs[2])) .toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCoalesce() throws Exception { Object[] expectedGetOne = new Object[] {"get", "invalidKey"}; Object[] expectedGetTwo = new Object[] {"get", "validKey"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"coalesce", expectedGetOne, expectedGetTwo}; Object[] actual = coalesce( get(literal("invalidKey")), get(literal("validKey")) ).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCoalesceLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expectedGetOne = new Object[] {"get", "invalidKey"}; Object[] expectedGetTwo = new Object[] {"get", "validKey"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"coalesce", expectedGetOne, expectedGetTwo}; Object[] actual = coalesce( get("invalidKey"), get("validKey") ).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testProperties() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"properties"}; Object[] actual = properties().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGeometryType() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"geometry-type"}; Object[] actual = geometryType().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testId() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"id"}; Object[] actual = id().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHeatmapDensity() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"heatmap-density"}; Object[] actual = heatmapDensity().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAt() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"at", 3, new Object[] {"literal", new Object[] {"one", "two"}}}; Object[] actual = at(literal(3), literal(new Object[] {"one", "two"})).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAtLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"at", 3, new Object[] {"literal", new Object[] {"one", "two"}}}; Object[] actual = at(3, literal(new Object[] {"one", "two"})).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAtExpression() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"at", 3, new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = at(literal(3), properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGet() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"get", "key"}; Object[] actual = get(literal("key")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGetLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"get", "key"}; Object[] actual = get("key").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGetObject() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"get", "key", new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = get(literal("key"), properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testGetObjectLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"get", "key", new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = get("key", properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHas() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"has", "key"}; Object[] actual = has(literal("key")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHasLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"has", "key"}; Object[] actual = has("key").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHasObject() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"has", "key", new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = has(literal("key"), properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHasObjectLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"has", "key", new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = has("key", properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHasExpression() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"has", new Object[] {"get", "key"}, new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = has(get(literal("key")), properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testHasExpressionLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"has", new Object[] {"get", "key"}, new Object[] {"properties"}}; Object[] actual = has(get("key"), properties()).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLength() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"length", "key"}; Object[] actual = length(literal("key")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLengthLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"length", "key"}; Object[] actual = length("key").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLengthExpression() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"length", new Object[] {"get", "key"}}; Object[] actual = length(get(literal("key"))).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLn2() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"ln2"}; Object[] actual = ln2().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testPi() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"pi"}; Object[] actual = pi().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testE() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"e"}; Object[] actual = e().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSum() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"+", 1, 2}; Object[] actual = sum(literal(1), literal(2)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSumLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"+", 1, 2}; Object[] actual = sum(1, 2).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testProduct() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"*", 1, 2}; Object[] actual = product(literal(1), literal(2)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testProductLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"*", 1, 2}; Object[] actual = product(1, 2).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSubtract() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"-", 2, 1}; Object[] actual = subtract(literal(2), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSubtractLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"-", 2, 1}; Object[] actual = subtract(2, 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testDivision() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"/", 2, 1}; Object[] actual = division(literal(2), literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testDivisionLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"/", 2, 1}; Object[] actual = division(2, 1).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testDivisionWithNestedGet() throws Exception { Object nestedGet = new Object[] {"get", "key"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"/", 2, nestedGet}; Object[] actual = division(literal(2), get(literal("key"))).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMod() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"%", 1, 3}; Object[] actual = mod(literal(1), literal(3)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testModLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"%", 1, 3}; Object[] actual = mod(1, 3).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testPow() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"^", 2, 3}; Object[] actual = pow(literal(2), literal(3)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testPowLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"^", 2, 3}; Object[] actual = pow(2, 3).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSqrt() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"sqrt", 4}; Object[] actual = sqrt(literal(4)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSqrtLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"sqrt", 4}; Object[] actual = sqrt(4).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLog10() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"log10", 10}; Object[] actual = log10(literal(10)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLog10Literal() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"log10", 10}; Object[] actual = log10(10).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLn() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"ln", 2}; Object[] actual = ln(literal(2)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLnLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"ln", 2}; Object[] actual = ln(2).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLog2() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"log2", 16}; Object[] actual = log2(literal(16)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLog2Literal() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"log2", 16}; Object[] actual = log2(16).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSin() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"sin", 45}; Object[] actual = sin(literal(45)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testSinLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"sin", 45}; Object[] actual = sin(45).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCos() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"cos", 45}; Object[] actual = cos(literal(45)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCosLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"cos", 45}; Object[] actual = cos(45).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testTan() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"tan", 45}; Object[] actual = tan(literal(45)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testTanLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"tan", 45}; Object[] actual = tan(45).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAsin() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"asin", 45}; Object[] actual = asin(literal(45)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAsinLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"asin", 45}; Object[] actual = asin(45).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAcos() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"acos", 45}; Object[] actual = acos(literal(45)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAcosLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"acos", 45}; Object[] actual = acos(45).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAtan() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"atan", 45}; Object[] actual = atan(literal(45)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAtanLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"atan", 45}; Object[] actual = atan(45).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMin() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"min", 0, 1, 2, 3}; Object[] actual = min(literal(0), literal(1), literal(2), literal(3)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMinLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"min", 0, 1, 2, 3}; Object[] actual = min(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMax() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"max", 0, 1, 2, 3}; Object[] actual = max(literal(0), literal(1), literal(2), literal(3)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testMaxLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"max", 0, 1, 2, 3}; Object[] actual = max(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testUpcase() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"upcase", "string"}; Object[] actual = upcase(literal("string")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testUpcaseLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"upcase", "string"}; Object[] actual = upcase("string").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testDowncase() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"downcase", "string"}; Object[] actual = downcase(literal("string")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testDowncaseLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"downcase", "string"}; Object[] actual = downcase("string").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testConcat() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"concat", "foo", "bar"}; Object[] actual = concat(literal("foo"), literal("bar")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testConcatLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"concat", "foo", "bar"}; Object[] actual = concat("foo", "bar").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testArray() throws Exception { Object[] get = new Object[] {"get", "keyToArray"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"array", get}; Object[] actual = array(get(literal("keyToArray"))).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testArrayLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] get = new Object[] {"get", "keyToArray"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"array", get}; Object[] actual = array(get("keyToArray")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testTypeOf() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"typeof", "value"}; Object[] actual = typeOf(literal("value")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testString() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"string", "value"}; Object[] actual = string(literal("value")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testNumber() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"number", 1}; Object[] actual = number(literal(1)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testBool() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"boolean", true}; Object[] actual = bool(literal(true)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testObject() throws Exception { Object object = new Object(); Object[] expected = new Object[] {"object", object}; Object[] actual = object(literal(object)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testToString() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"to-string", 3}; Object[] actual = Expression.toString(literal(3)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testToNumber() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"to-number", "3"}; Object[] actual = toNumber(literal("3")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testToBool() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"to-boolean", "true"}; Object[] actual = toBool(literal("true")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testToColor() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"to-color", "value"}; Object[] actual = toColor(literal("value")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLet() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"let", "letName", "value"}; Object[] actual = let(literal("letName"), literal("value")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testVar() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"var", "letName"}; Object[] actual = var(literal("letName")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testVarLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"var", "letName"}; Object[] actual = var("letName").toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testVarExpression() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"var", new Object[] {"get", "letName"}}; Object[] actual = var(get(literal("letName"))).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testVarExpressionLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"var", new Object[] {"get", "letName"}}; Object[] actual = var(get("letName")).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testZoom() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"zoom"}; Object[] actual = zoom().toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testStepBasic() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"step", 12, 11, 0, 111, 1, 1111}; Object[] actual = step(literal(12), literal(11), literal(0), literal(111), literal(1), literal(1111)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testStepBasicLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"step", new Object[] {"get", "line-width"}, 11, 0, 111, 1, 1111}; Object[] actual = step(get("line-width"), literal(11), stop(0, 111), stop(1, 1111)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testStepExpression() throws Exception { Object[] input = new Object[] {"get", "key"}; Object[] number = new Object[] {"to-number", input}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"step", number, 11, 0, 111, 1, 1111}; Object[] actual = step(toNumber(get(literal("key"))), literal(11), literal(0), literal(111), literal(1), literal(1111)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testStepExpressionLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] input = new Object[] {"get", "key"}; Object[] number = new Object[] {"to-number", input}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"step", number, 11, 0, 111, 1, 1111}; Object[] actual = step(toNumber(get("key")), literal(11), stop(0, 111), stop(1, 1111)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLinear() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", new Object[] {"linear"}, 12, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}; Object[] actual = interpolate( linear(), literal(12), literal(0), literal(1), literal(1), literal(2), literal(2), literal(3)) .toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLinearStops() throws Exception { Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", new Object[] {"linear"}, 12, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}; Object[] actual = interpolate(linear(), literal(12), stop(0, 1), stop(1, 2), stop(2, 3)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testExponential() throws Exception { Object[] exponential = new Object[] {"exponential", 12}; Object[] get = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", exponential, get, 0, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(exponential(literal(12)), get(literal("x")), literal(0), literal(100), literal(200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testExponentialLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] exponential = new Object[] {"exponential", 12}; Object[] get = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", exponential, get, 0, 100, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(exponential(12), get("x"), stop(0, 100), stop(100, 200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testExponentialExpressionLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] getX = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] exponential = new Object[] {"exponential", getX}; Object[] getY = new Object[] {"get", "y"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", exponential, getY, 0, 100, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(exponential(get("x")), get("y"), stop(0, 100), stop(100, 200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCubicBezier() throws Exception { Object[] cubicBezier = new Object[] {"cubic-bezier", 1, 1, 1, 1}; Object[] get = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", cubicBezier, get, 0, 100, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(cubicBezier(literal(1), literal(1), literal(1), literal(1)), get(literal("x")), literal(0), literal(100), literal(100), literal(200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCubicBezierLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] cubicBezier = new Object[] {"cubic-bezier", 1, 1, 1, 1}; Object[] get = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", cubicBezier, get, 0, 100, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(cubicBezier(1, 1, 1, 1), get("x"), stop(0, 100), stop(100, 200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCubicBezierExpression() throws Exception { Object[] getX = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] getY = new Object[] {"get", "y"}; Object[] getZ = new Object[] {"get", "z"}; Object[] cubicBezier = new Object[] {"cubic-bezier", getZ, 1, getY, 1}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", cubicBezier, getX, 0, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(cubicBezier(get(literal("z")), literal(1), get(literal("y")), literal(1)), get(literal("x")), literal(0), literal(100), literal(200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testCubicBezierExpressionLiteral() throws Exception { Object[] getX = new Object[] {"get", "x"}; Object[] getY = new Object[] {"get", "y"}; Object[] getZ = new Object[] {"get", "z"}; Object[] cubicBezier = new Object[] {"cubic-bezier", getZ, 1, getY, 1}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"interpolate", cubicBezier, getX, 0, 100, 100, 200}; Object[] actual = interpolate(cubicBezier(get("z"), literal(1), get("y"), literal(1)), get("x"), stop(0, 100), stop(100, 200)).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testExpressionConcatToString() throws Exception { String expected = "[\"concat\", foo, bar]"; String actual = concat(literal("foo"), literal("bar")).toString(); assertEquals("toString should match", expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpressionMinToString() throws Exception { String expected = "[\"min\", 0, 1, 2, 3]"; String actual = min(0, 1, 2, 3).toString(); assertEquals("toString should match", expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpressionExponentialToString() throws Exception { String expected = "[\"interpolate\", [\"cubic-bezier\", 1, 1, 1, 1], [\"get\", x], 0, 100, 100, 200]"; String actual = interpolate(cubicBezier(literal(1), literal(1), literal(1), literal(1)), get(literal("x")), literal(0), literal(100), literal(100), literal(200)).toString(); assertEquals("toString should match", expected, actual); } @Test public void testLiteralArray() throws Exception { Object[] array = new Object[] {1, "text"}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"literal", array}; Object[] actual = literal(array).toArray(); assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testLiteralArrayString() throws Exception { Object[] array = new Object[] {1, "text"}; String expected = "[\"literal\"], [1, \"text\"]]"; String actual = literal(array).toString(); assertEquals("literal array should match", expected, actual); } @Test public void testLiteralPrimitiveArrayConversion() throws Exception { float[] array = new float[] {0.2f, 0.5f}; Object[] expected = new Object[] {"literal", new Object[] {0.2f, 0.5f}}; Object[] actual = literal(array).toArray(); assertEquals("primitive array should be converted", expected, actual); } @Test public void testColorConversion() { Expression greenColor = color(0xFF00FF00); Object[] expected = new Object[] {"to-color", "rgba(0, 255, 0, 255)"}; assertTrue("expression should match", Arrays.deepEquals(expected, greenColor.toArray())); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testThrowIllegalArgumentExceptionForPropertyValueLiteral() { Expression expression = interpolate(exponential(1f), zoom(), stop(17f, lineOpacity(1f)), stop(16.5f, lineOpacity(0.5f)), stop(16f, lineOpacity(0f)) ); expression.toArray(); } }