package; import; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Builder class for composing CustomGeometrySource objects. */ public class CustomGeometrySourceOptions extends HashMap { /** * If the data includes wrapped coordinates, setting this to true unwraps the coordinates. * * @param wrap defaults to false * @return the current instance for chaining */ @NonNull public CustomGeometrySourceOptions withWrap(boolean wrap) { this.put("wrap", wrap); return this; } /** * If the data includes geometry outside the tile boundaries, setting this to true clips the geometry * to the tile boundaries. * * @param clip defaults to false * @return the current instance for chaining */ @NonNull public CustomGeometrySourceOptions withClip(boolean clip) { this.put("clip", clip); return this; } /** * Minimum zoom level at which to create vector tiles (lower means more field of view detail at low zoom levels). * * @param minZoom the minimum zoom - Defaults to 0. * @return the current instance for chaining */ @NonNull public CustomGeometrySourceOptions withMinZoom(int minZoom) { this.put("minzoom", minZoom); return this; } /** * Maximum zoom level at which to create vector tiles (higher means greater detail at high zoom levels). * * @param maxZoom the maximum zoom - Defaults to 25.5 * @return the current instance for chaining */ @NonNull public CustomGeometrySourceOptions withMaxZoom(int maxZoom) { this.put("maxzoom", maxZoom); return this; } /** * Tile buffer size on each side (measured in 1/512ths of a tile; higher means fewer rendering artifacts near tile * edges but slower performance). * * @param buffer the buffer size - Defaults to 128. * @return the current instance for chaining */ @NonNull public CustomGeometrySourceOptions withBuffer(int buffer) { this.put("buffer", buffer); return this; } /** * Douglas-Peucker simplification tolerance (higher means simpler geometries and faster performance). * * @param tolerance the tolerance - Defaults to 0.375 * @return the current instance for chaining */ @NonNull public CustomGeometrySourceOptions withTolerance(float tolerance) { this.put("tolerance", tolerance); return this; } }