// This file is generated. Edit android/platform/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make android-style-code`. package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.layers; import android.support.annotation.ColorInt; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.expressions.Expression; import java.util.Locale; /** * Constructs paint/layout properties for Layers * * @see Layer style documentation */ public class PropertyFactory { /** * Set the property visibility. * * @param value the visibility value * @return property wrapper around visibility */ public static PropertyValue visibility(@Property.VISIBILITY String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("visibility", value); } /** * Whether or not the fill should be antialiased. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue fillAntialias(Boolean value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-antialias", value); } /** * Whether or not the fill should be antialiased. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillAntialias(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-antialias", expression); } /** * The opacity of the entire fill layer. In contrast to the {@link PropertyFactory#fillColor}, this value will also affect the 1px stroke around the fill, if the stroke is used. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue fillOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity of the entire fill layer. In contrast to the {@link PropertyFactory#fillColor}, this value will also affect the 1px stroke around the fill, if the stroke is used. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-opacity", expression); } /** * The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as `rgba` with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue fillColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as `rgba` with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-color", value); } /** * The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as `rgba` with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-color", expression); } /** * The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of {@link PropertyFactory#fillColor} if unspecified. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue fillOutlineColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-outline-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of {@link PropertyFactory#fillColor} if unspecified. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillOutlineColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-outline-color", value); } /** * The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of {@link PropertyFactory#fillColor} if unspecified. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillOutlineColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-outline-color", expression); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue fillTranslate(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-translate", value); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillTranslate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-translate", expression); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#fillTranslate}. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillTranslateAnchor(@Property.FILL_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-translate-anchor", value); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#fillTranslate}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillTranslateAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-translate-anchor", expression); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillPattern(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-pattern", value); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillPattern(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-pattern", expression); } /** * The opacity at which the line will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity at which the line will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-opacity", expression); } /** * The color with which the line will be drawn. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue lineColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color with which the line will be drawn. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue lineColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-color", value); } /** * The color with which the line will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-color", expression); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue lineTranslate(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-translate", value); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineTranslate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-translate", expression); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#lineTranslate}. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue lineTranslateAnchor(@Property.LINE_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-translate-anchor", value); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#lineTranslate}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineTranslateAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-translate-anchor", expression); } /** * Stroke thickness. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineWidth(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-width", value); } /** * Stroke thickness. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineWidth(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-width", expression); } /** * Draws a line casing outside of a line's actual path. Value indicates the width of the inner gap. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineGapWidth(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-gap-width", value); } /** * Draws a line casing outside of a line's actual path. Value indicates the width of the inner gap. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineGapWidth(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-gap-width", expression); } /** * The line's offset. For linear features, a positive value offsets the line to the right, relative to the direction of the line, and a negative value to the left. For polygon features, a positive value results in an inset, and a negative value results in an outset. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineOffset(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-offset", value); } /** * The line's offset. For linear features, a positive value offsets the line to the right, relative to the direction of the line, and a negative value to the left. For polygon features, a positive value results in an inset, and a negative value results in an outset. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineOffset(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-offset", expression); } /** * Blur applied to the line, in density-independent pixels. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineBlur(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-blur", value); } /** * Blur applied to the line, in density-independent pixels. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineBlur(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-blur", expression); } /** * Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern. The lengths are later scaled by the line width. To convert a dash length to density-independent pixels, multiply the length by the current line width. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue lineDasharray(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-dasharray", value); } /** * Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern. The lengths are later scaled by the line width. To convert a dash length to density-independent pixels, multiply the length by the current line width. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue lineDasharray(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-dasharray", expression); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image lines. For seamless patterns, image width must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue linePattern(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-pattern", value); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image lines. For seamless patterns, image width must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue linePattern(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("line-pattern", expression); } /** * The opacity at which the icon will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity at which the icon will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-opacity", expression); } /** * The color of the icon. This can only be used with sdf icons. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue iconColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color of the icon. This can only be used with sdf icons. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-color", value); } /** * The color of the icon. This can only be used with sdf icons. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-color", expression); } /** * The color of the icon's halo. Icon halos can only be used with SDF icons. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color of the icon's halo. Icon halos can only be used with SDF icons. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-color", value); } /** * The color of the icon's halo. Icon halos can only be used with SDF icons. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-color", expression); } /** * Distance of halo to the icon outline. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloWidth(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-width", value); } /** * Distance of halo to the icon outline. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloWidth(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-width", expression); } /** * Fade out the halo towards the outside. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloBlur(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-blur", value); } /** * Fade out the halo towards the outside. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconHaloBlur(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-halo-blur", expression); } /** * Distance that the icon's anchor is moved from its original placement. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue iconTranslate(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-translate", value); } /** * Distance that the icon's anchor is moved from its original placement. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconTranslate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-translate", expression); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#iconTranslate}. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconTranslateAnchor(@Property.ICON_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-translate-anchor", value); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#iconTranslate}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue iconTranslateAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("icon-translate-anchor", expression); } /** * The opacity at which the text will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity at which the text will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-opacity", expression); } /** * The color with which the text will be drawn. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue textColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color with which the text will be drawn. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-color", value); } /** * The color with which the text will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-color", expression); } /** * The color of the text's halo, which helps it stand out from backgrounds. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue textHaloColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color of the text's halo, which helps it stand out from backgrounds. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textHaloColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-color", value); } /** * The color of the text's halo, which helps it stand out from backgrounds. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textHaloColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-color", expression); } /** * Distance of halo to the font outline. Max text halo width is 1/4 of the font-size. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textHaloWidth(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-width", value); } /** * Distance of halo to the font outline. Max text halo width is 1/4 of the font-size. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textHaloWidth(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-width", expression); } /** * The halo's fadeout distance towards the outside. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textHaloBlur(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-blur", value); } /** * The halo's fadeout distance towards the outside. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textHaloBlur(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-halo-blur", expression); } /** * Distance that the text's anchor is moved from its original placement. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue textTranslate(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-translate", value); } /** * Distance that the text's anchor is moved from its original placement. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textTranslate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-translate", expression); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#textTranslate}. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textTranslateAnchor(@Property.TEXT_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-translate-anchor", value); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#textTranslate}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue textTranslateAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("text-translate-anchor", expression); } /** * Circle radius. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue circleRadius(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-radius", value); } /** * Circle radius. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleRadius(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-radius", expression); } /** * The fill color of the circle. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue circleColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The fill color of the circle. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue circleColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-color", value); } /** * The fill color of the circle. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-color", expression); } /** * Amount to blur the circle. 1 blurs the circle such that only the centerpoint is full opacity. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue circleBlur(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-blur", value); } /** * Amount to blur the circle. 1 blurs the circle such that only the centerpoint is full opacity. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleBlur(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-blur", expression); } /** * The opacity at which the circle will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue circleOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity at which the circle will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-opacity", expression); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue circleTranslate(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-translate", value); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleTranslate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-translate", expression); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#circleTranslate}. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue circleTranslateAnchor(@Property.CIRCLE_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-translate-anchor", value); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#circleTranslate}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleTranslateAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-translate-anchor", expression); } /** * Controls the scaling behavior of the circle when the map is pitched. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue circlePitchScale(@Property.CIRCLE_PITCH_SCALE String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-pitch-scale", value); } /** * Controls the scaling behavior of the circle when the map is pitched. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circlePitchScale(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-pitch-scale", expression); } /** * Orientation of circle when map is pitched. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue circlePitchAlignment(@Property.CIRCLE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-pitch-alignment", value); } /** * Orientation of circle when map is pitched. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circlePitchAlignment(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-pitch-alignment", expression); } /** * The width of the circle's stroke. Strokes are placed outside of the {@link PropertyFactory#circleRadius}. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeWidth(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-width", value); } /** * The width of the circle's stroke. Strokes are placed outside of the {@link PropertyFactory#circleRadius}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeWidth(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-width", expression); } /** * The stroke color of the circle. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The stroke color of the circle. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-color", value); } /** * The stroke color of the circle. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-color", expression); } /** * The opacity of the circle's stroke. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity of the circle's stroke. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue circleStrokeOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("circle-stroke-opacity", expression); } /** * Radius of influence of one heatmap point in density-independent pixels. Increasing the value makes the heatmap smoother, but less detailed. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue heatmapRadius(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-radius", value); } /** * Radius of influence of one heatmap point in density-independent pixels. Increasing the value makes the heatmap smoother, but less detailed. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue heatmapRadius(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-radius", expression); } /** * A measure of how much an individual point contributes to the heatmap. A value of 10 would be equivalent to having 10 points of weight 1 in the same spot. Especially useful when combined with clustering. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue heatmapWeight(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-weight", value); } /** * A measure of how much an individual point contributes to the heatmap. A value of 10 would be equivalent to having 10 points of weight 1 in the same spot. Especially useful when combined with clustering. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue heatmapWeight(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-weight", expression); } /** * Similar to {@link PropertyFactory#heatmapWeight} but controls the intensity of the heatmap globally. Primarily used for adjusting the heatmap based on zoom level. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue heatmapIntensity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-intensity", value); } /** * Similar to {@link PropertyFactory#heatmapWeight} but controls the intensity of the heatmap globally. Primarily used for adjusting the heatmap based on zoom level. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue heatmapIntensity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-intensity", expression); } /** * Defines the color of each pixel based on its density value in a heatmap. Should be an expression that uses `["heatmap-density"]` as input. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue heatmapColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * Defines the color of each pixel based on its density value in a heatmap. Should be an expression that uses `["heatmap-density"]` as input. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue heatmapColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-color", value); } /** * Defines the color of each pixel based on its density value in a heatmap. Should be an expression that uses `["heatmap-density"]` as input. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue heatmapColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-color", expression); } /** * The global opacity at which the heatmap layer will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue heatmapOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-opacity", value); } /** * The global opacity at which the heatmap layer will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue heatmapOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("heatmap-opacity", expression); } /** * The opacity of the entire fill extrusion layer. This is rendered on a per-layer, not per-feature, basis, and data-driven styling is not available. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity of the entire fill extrusion layer. This is rendered on a per-layer, not per-feature, basis, and data-driven styling is not available. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-opacity", expression); } /** * The base color of the extruded fill. The extrusion's surfaces will be shaded differently based on this color in combination with the root `light` settings. If this color is specified as `rgba` with an alpha component, the alpha component will be ignored; use {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionOpacity} to set layer opacity. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The base color of the extruded fill. The extrusion's surfaces will be shaded differently based on this color in combination with the root `light` settings. If this color is specified as `rgba` with an alpha component, the alpha component will be ignored; use {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionOpacity} to set layer opacity. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-color", value); } /** * The base color of the extruded fill. The extrusion's surfaces will be shaded differently based on this color in combination with the root `light` settings. If this color is specified as `rgba` with an alpha component, the alpha component will be ignored; use {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionOpacity} to set layer opacity. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-color", expression); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up (on the flat plane), respectively. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionTranslate(Float[] value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-translate", value); } /** * The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up (on the flat plane), respectively. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionTranslate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-translate", expression); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionTranslate}. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor(@Property.FILL_EXTRUSION_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-translate-anchor", value); } /** * Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionTranslate}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-translate-anchor", expression); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionPattern(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-pattern", value); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionPattern(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-pattern", expression); } /** * The height with which to extrude this layer. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionHeight(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-height", value); } /** * The height with which to extrude this layer. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionHeight(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-height", expression); } /** * The height with which to extrude the base of this layer. Must be less than or equal to {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionHeight}. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionBase(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-base", value); } /** * The height with which to extrude the base of this layer. Must be less than or equal to {@link PropertyFactory#fillExtrusionHeight}. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue fillExtrusionBase(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("fill-extrusion-base", expression); } /** * The opacity at which the image will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity at which the image will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-opacity", expression); } /** * Rotates hues around the color wheel. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterHueRotate(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-hue-rotate", value); } /** * Rotates hues around the color wheel. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterHueRotate(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-hue-rotate", expression); } /** * Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the minimum brightness. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterBrightnessMin(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-brightness-min", value); } /** * Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the minimum brightness. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterBrightnessMin(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-brightness-min", expression); } /** * Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the maximum brightness. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterBrightnessMax(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-brightness-max", value); } /** * Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the maximum brightness. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterBrightnessMax(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-brightness-max", expression); } /** * Increase or reduce the saturation of the image. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterSaturation(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-saturation", value); } /** * Increase or reduce the saturation of the image. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterSaturation(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-saturation", expression); } /** * Increase or reduce the contrast of the image. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterContrast(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-contrast", value); } /** * Increase or reduce the contrast of the image. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterContrast(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-contrast", expression); } /** * Fade duration when a new tile is added. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue rasterFadeDuration(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-fade-duration", value); } /** * Fade duration when a new tile is added. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue rasterFadeDuration(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("raster-fade-duration", expression); } /** * The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if {@link Property.HILLSHADE_ILLUMINATION_ANCHOR} is set to `viewport` and due north if {@link Property.HILLSHADE_ILLUMINATION_ANCHOR} is set to `map`. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeIlluminationDirection(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-illumination-direction", value); } /** * The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if {@link Property.HILLSHADE_ILLUMINATION_ANCHOR} is set to `viewport` and due north if {@link Property.HILLSHADE_ILLUMINATION_ANCHOR} is set to `map`. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeIlluminationDirection(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-illumination-direction", expression); } /** * Direction of light source when map is rotated. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeIlluminationAnchor(@Property.HILLSHADE_ILLUMINATION_ANCHOR String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-illumination-anchor", value); } /** * Direction of light source when map is rotated. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeIlluminationAnchor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-illumination-anchor", expression); } /** * Intensity of the hillshade * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeExaggeration(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-exaggeration", value); } /** * Intensity of the hillshade * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeExaggeration(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-exaggeration", expression); } /** * The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeShadowColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-shadow-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeShadowColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-shadow-color", value); } /** * The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeShadowColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-shadow-color", expression); } /** * The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeHighlightColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-highlight-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeHighlightColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-highlight-color", value); } /** * The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeHighlightColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-highlight-color", expression); } /** * The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeAccentColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-accent-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeAccentColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-accent-color", value); } /** * The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue hillshadeAccentColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("hillshade-accent-color", expression); } /** * The color with which the background will be drawn. * * @param value a int color value * @return property wrapper around String color */ public static PropertyValue backgroundColor(@ColorInt int value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-color", colorToRgbaString(value)); } /** * The color with which the background will be drawn. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue backgroundColor(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-color", value); } /** * The color with which the background will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue backgroundColor(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-color", expression); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing an image background. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue backgroundPattern(String value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-pattern", value); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing an image background. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue backgroundPattern(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-pattern", expression); } /** * The opacity at which the background will be drawn. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue backgroundOpacity(Float value) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-opacity", value); } /** * The opacity at which the background will be drawn. * * @param expression an expression statement * @return property wrapper around an expression statement */ public static PropertyValue backgroundOpacity(Expression expression) { return new PaintPropertyValue<>("background-opacity", expression); } /** * The display of line endings. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue lineCap(@Property.LINE_CAP String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-cap", value); } /** * The display of line endings. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue lineCap(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-cap", value); } /** * The display of lines when joining. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue lineJoin(@Property.LINE_JOIN String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-join", value); } /** * The display of lines when joining. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue lineJoin(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-join", value); } /** * Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineMiterLimit(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-miter-limit", value); } /** * Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineMiterLimit(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-miter-limit", value); } /** * Used to automatically convert round joins to miter joins for shallow angles. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineRoundLimit(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-round-limit", value); } /** * Used to automatically convert round joins to miter joins for shallow angles. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue lineRoundLimit(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("line-round-limit", value); } /** * Label placement relative to its geometry. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue symbolPlacement(@Property.SYMBOL_PLACEMENT String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("symbol-placement", value); } /** * Label placement relative to its geometry. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue symbolPlacement(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("symbol-placement", value); } /** * Distance between two symbol anchors. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue symbolSpacing(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("symbol-spacing", value); } /** * Distance between two symbol anchors. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue symbolSpacing(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("symbol-spacing", value); } /** * If true, the symbols will not cross tile edges to avoid mutual collisions. Recommended in layers that don't have enough padding in the vector tile to prevent collisions, or if it is a point symbol layer placed after a line symbol layer. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue symbolAvoidEdges(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("symbol-avoid-edges", value); } /** * If true, the symbols will not cross tile edges to avoid mutual collisions. Recommended in layers that don't have enough padding in the vector tile to prevent collisions, or if it is a point symbol layer placed after a line symbol layer. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue symbolAvoidEdges(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("symbol-avoid-edges", value); } /** * If true, the icon will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconAllowOverlap(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-allow-overlap", value); } /** * If true, the icon will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconAllowOverlap(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-allow-overlap", value); } /** * If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the icon. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconIgnorePlacement(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-ignore-placement", value); } /** * If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the icon. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconIgnorePlacement(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-ignore-placement", value); } /** * If true, text will display without their corresponding icons when the icon collides with other symbols and the text does not. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconOptional(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-optional", value); } /** * If true, text will display without their corresponding icons when the icon collides with other symbols and the text does not. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconOptional(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-optional", value); } /** * In combination with {@link Property.SYMBOL_PLACEMENT}, determines the rotation behavior of icons. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconRotationAlignment(@Property.ICON_ROTATION_ALIGNMENT String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-rotation-alignment", value); } /** * In combination with {@link Property.SYMBOL_PLACEMENT}, determines the rotation behavior of icons. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconRotationAlignment(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-rotation-alignment", value); } /** * Scales the original size of the icon by the provided factor. The new pixel size of the image will be the original pixel size multiplied by {@link PropertyFactory#iconSize}. 1 is the original size; 3 triples the size of the image. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconSize(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-size", value); } /** * Scales the original size of the icon by the provided factor. The new pixel size of the image will be the original pixel size multiplied by {@link PropertyFactory#iconSize}. 1 is the original size; 3 triples the size of the image. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconSize(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-size", value); } /** * Scales the icon to fit around the associated text. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconTextFit(@Property.ICON_TEXT_FIT String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-text-fit", value); } /** * Scales the icon to fit around the associated text. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconTextFit(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-text-fit", value); } /** * Size of the additional area added to dimensions determined by {@link Property.ICON_TEXT_FIT}, in clockwise order: top, right, bottom, left. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue iconTextFitPadding(Float[] value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-text-fit-padding", value); } /** * Size of the additional area added to dimensions determined by {@link Property.ICON_TEXT_FIT}, in clockwise order: top, right, bottom, left. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue iconTextFitPadding(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-text-fit-padding", value); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing an image background. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconImage(String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-image", value); } /** * Name of image in sprite to use for drawing an image background. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconImage(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-image", value); } /** * Rotates the icon clockwise. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconRotate(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-rotate", value); } /** * Rotates the icon clockwise. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconRotate(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-rotate", value); } /** * Size of the additional area around the icon bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconPadding(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-padding", value); } /** * Size of the additional area around the icon bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue iconPadding(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-padding", value); } /** * If true, the icon may be flipped to prevent it from being rendered upside-down. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconKeepUpright(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-keep-upright", value); } /** * If true, the icon may be flipped to prevent it from being rendered upside-down. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue iconKeepUpright(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-keep-upright", value); } /** * Offset distance of icon from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. Each component is multiplied by the value of {@link PropertyFactory#iconSize} to obtain the final offset in density-independent pixels. When combined with {@link PropertyFactory#iconRotate} the offset will be as if the rotated direction was up. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue iconOffset(Float[] value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-offset", value); } /** * Offset distance of icon from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. Each component is multiplied by the value of {@link PropertyFactory#iconSize} to obtain the final offset in density-independent pixels. When combined with {@link PropertyFactory#iconRotate} the offset will be as if the rotated direction was up. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue iconOffset(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-offset", value); } /** * Part of the icon placed closest to the anchor. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconAnchor(@Property.ICON_ANCHOR String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-anchor", value); } /** * Part of the icon placed closest to the anchor. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconAnchor(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-anchor", value); } /** * Orientation of icon when map is pitched. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconPitchAlignment(@Property.ICON_PITCH_ALIGNMENT String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-pitch-alignment", value); } /** * Orientation of icon when map is pitched. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue iconPitchAlignment(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("icon-pitch-alignment", value); } /** * Orientation of text when map is pitched. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textPitchAlignment(@Property.TEXT_PITCH_ALIGNMENT String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-pitch-alignment", value); } /** * Orientation of text when map is pitched. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textPitchAlignment(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-pitch-alignment", value); } /** * In combination with {@link Property.SYMBOL_PLACEMENT}, determines the rotation behavior of the individual glyphs forming the text. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textRotationAlignment(@Property.TEXT_ROTATION_ALIGNMENT String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-rotation-alignment", value); } /** * In combination with {@link Property.SYMBOL_PLACEMENT}, determines the rotation behavior of the individual glyphs forming the text. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textRotationAlignment(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-rotation-alignment", value); } /** * Value to use for a text label. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textField(String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-field", value); } /** * Value to use for a text label. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textField(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-field", value); } /** * Font stack to use for displaying text. * * @param value a String[] value * @return property wrapper around String[] */ public static PropertyValue textFont(String[] value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-font", value); } /** * Font stack to use for displaying text. * * @param value a String[] value * @return property wrapper around String[] */ public static PropertyValue textFont(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-font", value); } /** * Font size. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textSize(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-size", value); } /** * Font size. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textSize(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-size", value); } /** * The maximum line width for text wrapping. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textMaxWidth(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-max-width", value); } /** * The maximum line width for text wrapping. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textMaxWidth(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-max-width", value); } /** * Text leading value for multi-line text. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textLineHeight(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-line-height", value); } /** * Text leading value for multi-line text. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textLineHeight(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-line-height", value); } /** * Text tracking amount. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textLetterSpacing(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-letter-spacing", value); } /** * Text tracking amount. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textLetterSpacing(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-letter-spacing", value); } /** * Text justification options. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textJustify(@Property.TEXT_JUSTIFY String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-justify", value); } /** * Text justification options. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textJustify(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-justify", value); } /** * Part of the text placed closest to the anchor. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textAnchor(@Property.TEXT_ANCHOR String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-anchor", value); } /** * Part of the text placed closest to the anchor. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textAnchor(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-anchor", value); } /** * Maximum angle change between adjacent characters. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textMaxAngle(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-max-angle", value); } /** * Maximum angle change between adjacent characters. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textMaxAngle(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-max-angle", value); } /** * Rotates the text clockwise. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textRotate(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-rotate", value); } /** * Rotates the text clockwise. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textRotate(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-rotate", value); } /** * Size of the additional area around the text bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textPadding(Float value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-padding", value); } /** * Size of the additional area around the text bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions. * * @param value a Float value * @return property wrapper around Float */ public static PropertyValue textPadding(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-padding", value); } /** * If true, the text may be flipped vertically to prevent it from being rendered upside-down. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textKeepUpright(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-keep-upright", value); } /** * If true, the text may be flipped vertically to prevent it from being rendered upside-down. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textKeepUpright(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-keep-upright", value); } /** * Specifies how to capitalize text, similar to the CSS {@link PropertyFactory#textTransform} property. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textTransform(@Property.TEXT_TRANSFORM String value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-transform", value); } /** * Specifies how to capitalize text, similar to the CSS {@link PropertyFactory#textTransform} property. * * @param value a String value * @return property wrapper around String */ public static PropertyValue textTransform(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-transform", value); } /** * Offset distance of text from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue textOffset(Float[] value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-offset", value); } /** * Offset distance of text from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. * * @param value a Float[] value * @return property wrapper around Float[] */ public static PropertyValue textOffset(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-offset", value); } /** * If true, the text will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textAllowOverlap(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-allow-overlap", value); } /** * If true, the text will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textAllowOverlap(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-allow-overlap", value); } /** * If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the text. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textIgnorePlacement(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-ignore-placement", value); } /** * If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the text. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textIgnorePlacement(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-ignore-placement", value); } /** * If true, icons will display without their corresponding text when the text collides with other symbols and the icon does not. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textOptional(Boolean value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-optional", value); } /** * If true, icons will display without their corresponding text when the text collides with other symbols and the icon does not. * * @param value a Boolean value * @return property wrapper around Boolean */ public static PropertyValue textOptional(Expression value) { return new LayoutPropertyValue<>("text-optional", value); } public static String colorToRgbaString(@ColorInt int value) { return String.format(Locale.US,"rgba(%d, %d, %d, %d)", (value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF, (value >> 24) & 0xFF); } }