package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.utils.ThreadUtils; /** * Base class for the different Layer types */ public abstract class Layer { @Keep private long nativePtr; @Keep private boolean invalidated; private boolean detached; @Keep protected Layer(long nativePtr) { checkThread(); this.nativePtr = nativePtr; } public Layer() { checkThread(); } /** * Validates if layer interaction is happening on the UI thread */ protected void checkThread() { ThreadUtils.checkThread("Layer"); } public void setProperties(@NonNull PropertyValue... properties) { if (detached) { return; } checkThread(); if (properties.length == 0) { return; } for (PropertyValue property : properties) { Object converted = convertValue(property.value); if (property instanceof PaintPropertyValue) { nativeSetPaintProperty(, converted); } else { nativeSetLayoutProperty(, converted); } } } @NonNull public String getId() { checkThread(); return nativeGetId(); } @NonNull public PropertyValue getVisibility() { checkThread(); return new PaintPropertyValue<>("visibility", (String) nativeGetVisibility()); } public float getMinZoom() { checkThread(); return nativeGetMinZoom(); } public float getMaxZoom() { checkThread(); return nativeGetMaxZoom(); } public void setMinZoom(float zoom) { checkThread(); nativeSetMinZoom(zoom); } public void setMaxZoom(float zoom) { checkThread(); nativeSetMaxZoom(zoom); } @Override @Keep protected native void finalize() throws Throwable; @NonNull @Keep protected native String nativeGetId(); @NonNull @Keep protected native Object nativeGetVisibility(); @Keep protected native void nativeSetLayoutProperty(String name, Object value); @Keep protected native void nativeSetPaintProperty(String name, Object value); @Keep protected native void nativeSetFilter(Object[] filter); @Nullable @Keep protected native JsonElement nativeGetFilter(); @Keep protected native void nativeSetSourceLayer(String sourceLayer); @NonNull @Keep protected native String nativeGetSourceLayer(); @NonNull @Keep protected native String nativeGetSourceId(); @Keep protected native float nativeGetMinZoom(); @Keep protected native float nativeGetMaxZoom(); @Keep protected native void nativeSetMinZoom(float zoom); @Keep protected native void nativeSetMaxZoom(float zoom); public long getNativePtr() { return nativePtr; } @Nullable private Object convertValue(@Nullable Object value) { if (value instanceof Expression) { return ((Expression) value).toArray(); } else if (value instanceof Formatted) { return ((Formatted) value).toArray(); } else { return value; } } public void setDetached() { detached = true; } public boolean isDetached() { return detached; } }