package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; /** * Utility to build filter expressions more easily. * * @see The online documentation */ public class Filter { /** * Base {@link Filter} statement. Subclassed to provide concrete statements. */ public abstract static class Statement { protected final String operator; public Statement(String operator) { this.operator = operator; } /** * Generate a raw array representation of the filter * * @return the filter represented as an array */ public abstract Object[] toArray(); } /** * Represents a {@link Filter} statement. Can be unary (eg `has()`, etc) or take any number of values. */ private static class SimpleStatement extends Statement { private final String key; private final Object[] values; /** * @param operator the operator (eg `=`, etc) * @param key the property key * @param values the values to operate on, if any */ SimpleStatement(String operator, String key, Object... values) { super(operator); this.key = key; this.values = values; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object[] toArray() { ArrayList array = new ArrayList<>(2 + values.length); array.add(operator); array.add(key); Collections.addAll(array, values); return array.toArray(); } } /** * Represents a collection of {@link Statement}s with an operator that describes their relationship */ private static class CompoundStatement extends Statement { private final Statement[] statements; /** * @param operator the relationship operator * @param statements the statements to compound */ CompoundStatement(String operator, Statement... statements) { super(operator); this.statements = statements; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object[] toArray() { ArrayList array = new ArrayList<>(1 + statements.length); array.add(operator); for (Statement statement : statements) { array.add(statement.toArray()); } return array.toArray(); } } /** * Groups a collection of statements in an 'all' relationship * * @param statements the collection of statements * @return the statements compounded */ public static Statement all(Statement... statements) { return new CompoundStatement("all", statements); } /** * Groups a collection of statements in an 'any' relationship * * @param statements the collection of statements * @return the statements compounded */ public static Statement any(Statement... statements) { return new CompoundStatement("any", statements); } /** * Groups a collection of statements in an 'none' relationship * * @param statements the collection of statements * @return the statements compounded */ public static Statement none(Statement... statements) { return new CompoundStatement("none", statements); } /** * Check the property's existence * * @param key the property key * @return the statement */ public static Statement has(String key) { return new SimpleStatement("has", key); } /** * Check the property's existence, negated * * @param key the property key * @return the statement */ public static Statement notHas(String key) { return new SimpleStatement("!has", key); } /** * Check the property equals the given value * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement eq(String key, Object value) { return new SimpleStatement("==", key, value); } /** * Check the property does not equals the given value * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement neq(String key, Object value) { return new SimpleStatement("!=", key, value); } /** * Check the property exceeds the given value * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement gt(String key, Object value) { return new SimpleStatement(">", key, value); } /** * Check the property exceeds or equals the given value * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement gte(String key, Object value) { return new SimpleStatement(">=", key, value); } /** * Check the property does not exceeds the given value * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement lt(String key, Object value) { return new SimpleStatement("<", key, value); } /** * Check the property equals or does not exceeds the given value * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement lte(String key, Object value) { return new SimpleStatement("<=", key, value); } /** * Check the property is within the given set * * @param key the property key * @param values the set of values to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement in(String key, Object... values) { return new SimpleStatement("in", key, values); } /** * Check the property is not within the given set * * @param key the property key * @param values the set of values to check against * @return the statement */ public static Statement notIn(String key, Object... values) { return new SimpleStatement("!in", key, values); } }