// This file is generated. Edit android/platform/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make android-style-code`. package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.layers; import android.support.annotation.ColorInt; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.annotation.UiThread; import static com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.utils.ColorUtils.rgbaToColor; import com.google.gson.JsonArray; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.expressions.Expression; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.layers.TransitionOptions; /** * A filled polygon with an optional stroked border. * * @see The online documentation */ @UiThread public class FillLayer extends Layer { /** * Creates a FillLayer. * * @param nativePtr pointer used by core */ public FillLayer(long nativePtr) { super(nativePtr); } /** * Creates a FillLayer. * * @param layerId the id of the layer * @param sourceId the id of the source */ public FillLayer(String layerId, String sourceId) { initialize(layerId, sourceId); } protected native void initialize(String layerId, String sourceId); /** * Set the source layer. * * @param sourceLayer the source layer to set */ public void setSourceLayer(String sourceLayer) { nativeSetSourceLayer(sourceLayer); } /** * Set the source Layer. * * @param sourceLayer the source layer to set * @return This */ public FillLayer withSourceLayer(String sourceLayer) { setSourceLayer(sourceLayer); return this; } /** * Get the source layer. * * @return sourceLayer the source layer to get */ public String getSourceLayer() { return nativeGetSourceLayer(); } /** * Set a single expression filter. * * @param filter the expression filter to set */ public void setFilter(Expression filter) { nativeSetFilter(filter.toArray()); } /** * Set a single expression filter. * * @param filter the expression filter to set * @return This */ public FillLayer withFilter(Expression filter) { setFilter(filter); return this; } /** * Get a single expression filter. * * @return the expression filter to get */ @Nullable public Expression getFilter() { Expression expression = null; JsonArray array = (JsonArray) nativeGetFilter(); if (array != null) { expression = Expression.Converter.convert(array); } return expression; } /** * Set a property or properties. * * @param properties the var-args properties * @return This */ public FillLayer withProperties(@NonNull PropertyValue... properties) { setProperties(properties); return this; } // Property getters /** * Get the FillAntialias property * * @return property wrapper value around Boolean */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillAntialias() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-antialias", nativeGetFillAntialias()); } /** * Get the FillOpacity property * * @return property wrapper value around Float */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillOpacity() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-opacity", nativeGetFillOpacity()); } /** * Get the FillOpacity property transition options * * @return transition options for Float */ public TransitionOptions getFillOpacityTransition() { return nativeGetFillOpacityTransition(); } /** * Set the FillOpacity property transition options * * @param options transition options for Float */ public void setFillOpacityTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetFillOpacityTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } /** * Get the FillColor property * * @return property wrapper value around String */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillColor() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-color", nativeGetFillColor()); } /** * The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as `rgba` with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used. * * @return int representation of a rgba string color * @throws RuntimeException thrown if property isn't a value */ @ColorInt public int getFillColorAsInt() { PropertyValue value = getFillColor(); if (value.isValue()) { return rgbaToColor(value.getValue()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("fill-color was set as a Function"); } } /** * Get the FillColor property transition options * * @return transition options for String */ public TransitionOptions getFillColorTransition() { return nativeGetFillColorTransition(); } /** * Set the FillColor property transition options * * @param options transition options for String */ public void setFillColorTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetFillColorTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } /** * Get the FillOutlineColor property * * @return property wrapper value around String */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillOutlineColor() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-outline-color", nativeGetFillOutlineColor()); } /** * The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of `fill-color` if unspecified. * * @return int representation of a rgba string color * @throws RuntimeException thrown if property isn't a value */ @ColorInt public int getFillOutlineColorAsInt() { PropertyValue value = getFillOutlineColor(); if (value.isValue()) { return rgbaToColor(value.getValue()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("fill-outline-color was set as a Function"); } } /** * Get the FillOutlineColor property transition options * * @return transition options for String */ public TransitionOptions getFillOutlineColorTransition() { return nativeGetFillOutlineColorTransition(); } /** * Set the FillOutlineColor property transition options * * @param options transition options for String */ public void setFillOutlineColorTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetFillOutlineColorTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } /** * Get the FillTranslate property * * @return property wrapper value around Float[] */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillTranslate() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-translate", nativeGetFillTranslate()); } /** * Get the FillTranslate property transition options * * @return transition options for Float[] */ public TransitionOptions getFillTranslateTransition() { return nativeGetFillTranslateTransition(); } /** * Set the FillTranslate property transition options * * @param options transition options for Float[] */ public void setFillTranslateTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetFillTranslateTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } /** * Get the FillTranslateAnchor property * * @return property wrapper value around String */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillTranslateAnchor() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-translate-anchor", nativeGetFillTranslateAnchor()); } /** * Get the FillPattern property * * @return property wrapper value around String */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getFillPattern() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("fill-pattern", nativeGetFillPattern()); } /** * Get the FillPattern property transition options * * @return transition options for String */ public TransitionOptions getFillPatternTransition() { return nativeGetFillPatternTransition(); } /** * Set the FillPattern property transition options * * @param options transition options for String */ public void setFillPatternTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetFillPatternTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } private native Object nativeGetFillAntialias(); private native Object nativeGetFillOpacity(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetFillOpacityTransition(); private native void nativeSetFillOpacityTransition(long duration, long delay); private native Object nativeGetFillColor(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetFillColorTransition(); private native void nativeSetFillColorTransition(long duration, long delay); private native Object nativeGetFillOutlineColor(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetFillOutlineColorTransition(); private native void nativeSetFillOutlineColorTransition(long duration, long delay); private native Object nativeGetFillTranslate(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetFillTranslateTransition(); private native void nativeSetFillTranslateTransition(long duration, long delay); private native Object nativeGetFillTranslateAnchor(); private native Object nativeGetFillPattern(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetFillPatternTransition(); private native void nativeSetFillPatternTransition(long duration, long delay); @Override protected native void finalize() throws Throwable; }