// This file is generated. Edit android/platform/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make android-style-code`. package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.layers; import android.support.annotation.ColorInt; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import android.support.annotation.UiThread; import static com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.utils.ColorUtils.rgbaToColor; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.layers.TransitionOptions; /** * The background color or pattern of the map. * * @see The online documentation */ @UiThread public class BackgroundLayer extends Layer { /** * Creates a BackgroundLayer. * * @param nativePtr pointer used by core */ public BackgroundLayer(long nativePtr) { super(nativePtr); } /** * Creates a BackgroundLayer. * * @param layerId the id of the layer */ public BackgroundLayer(String layerId) { initialize(layerId); } protected native void initialize(String layerId); /** * Set a property or properties. * * @param properties the var-args properties * @return This */ public BackgroundLayer withProperties(@NonNull PropertyValue... properties) { setProperties(properties); return this; } // Property getters /** * Get the BackgroundColor property * * @return property wrapper value around String */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getBackgroundColor() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("background-color", nativeGetBackgroundColor()); } /** * The color with which the background will be drawn. * * @return int representation of a rgba string color * @throws RuntimeException thrown if property isn't a value */ @ColorInt public int getBackgroundColorAsInt() { PropertyValue value = getBackgroundColor(); if (value.isValue()) { return rgbaToColor(value.getValue()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("background-color was set as a Function"); } } /** * Get the BackgroundColor property transition options * * @return transition options for String */ public TransitionOptions getBackgroundColorTransition() { return nativeGetBackgroundColorTransition(); } /** * Set the BackgroundColor property transition options * * @param options transition options for String */ public void setBackgroundColorTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetBackgroundColorTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } /** * Get the BackgroundPattern property * * @return property wrapper value around String */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getBackgroundPattern() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("background-pattern", nativeGetBackgroundPattern()); } /** * Get the BackgroundPattern property transition options * * @return transition options for String */ public TransitionOptions getBackgroundPatternTransition() { return nativeGetBackgroundPatternTransition(); } /** * Set the BackgroundPattern property transition options * * @param options transition options for String */ public void setBackgroundPatternTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetBackgroundPatternTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } /** * Get the BackgroundOpacity property * * @return property wrapper value around Float */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PropertyValue getBackgroundOpacity() { return (PropertyValue) new PropertyValue("background-opacity", nativeGetBackgroundOpacity()); } /** * Get the BackgroundOpacity property transition options * * @return transition options for Float */ public TransitionOptions getBackgroundOpacityTransition() { return nativeGetBackgroundOpacityTransition(); } /** * Set the BackgroundOpacity property transition options * * @param options transition options for Float */ public void setBackgroundOpacityTransition(TransitionOptions options) { nativeSetBackgroundOpacityTransition(options.getDuration(), options.getDelay()); } private native Object nativeGetBackgroundColor(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetBackgroundColorTransition(); private native void nativeSetBackgroundColorTransition(long duration, long delay); private native Object nativeGetBackgroundPattern(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetBackgroundPatternTransition(); private native void nativeSetBackgroundPatternTransition(long duration, long delay); private native Object nativeGetBackgroundOpacity(); private native TransitionOptions nativeGetBackgroundOpacityTransition(); private native void nativeSetBackgroundOpacityTransition(long duration, long delay); @Override protected native void finalize() throws Throwable; }