package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.module.telemetry; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.BuildConfig; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.Mapbox; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.constants.MapboxConstants; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.TelemetryDefinition; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.offline.OfflineRegionDefinition; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.offline.OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition; import java.util.UUID; public class TelemetryImpl implements TelemetryDefinition { private final MapboxTelemetry telemetry; private final Context appContext; public TelemetryImpl() { appContext = Mapbox.getApplicationContext(); String accessToken = Mapbox.getAccessToken(); telemetry = new MapboxTelemetry(appContext, accessToken, BuildConfig.MAPBOX_EVENTS_USER_AGENT); TelemetryEnabler.State telemetryState = TelemetryEnabler.retrieveTelemetryStateFromPreferences(); if (TelemetryEnabler.State.ENABLED.equals(telemetryState)) { telemetry.enable(); } } /** * Register the app user turnstile event */ @Override public void onAppUserTurnstileEvent() { AppUserTurnstile turnstileEvent = new AppUserTurnstile(BuildConfig.MAPBOX_SDK_IDENTIFIER, BuildConfig.MAPBOX_SDK_VERSION); turnstileEvent.setSkuId(MapboxAccounts.SKU_ID_MAPS_MAUS); telemetry.push(turnstileEvent); telemetry.push(MapEventFactory.buildMapLoadEvent(new PhoneState(appContext))); } /** * Register an end-user gesture interaction event. * * @param eventType type of gesture event occurred * @param latitude the latitude value of the gesture focal point * @param longitude the longitude value of the gesture focal point * @param zoom current zoom of the map * @deprecated since 7.5.0, this event is no longer supported */ @Deprecated @Override public void onGestureInteraction(String eventType, double latitude, double longitude, @FloatRange(from = MapboxConstants.MINIMUM_ZOOM, to = MapboxConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOM) double zoom) { //no-op } /** * Set the end-user selected state to participate or opt-out in telemetry collection. * * @param enabledTelemetry true if enabled, false otherwise */ @Override public void setUserTelemetryRequestState(boolean enabledTelemetry) { if (enabledTelemetry) { TelemetryEnabler.updateTelemetryState(TelemetryEnabler.State.ENABLED); telemetry.enable(); } else { telemetry.disable(); TelemetryEnabler.updateTelemetryState(TelemetryEnabler.State.DISABLED); } } /** * Set the debug logging state of telemetry. * * @param debugLoggingEnabled true to enable logging */ @Override public void setDebugLoggingEnabled(boolean debugLoggingEnabled) { telemetry.updateDebugLoggingEnabled(debugLoggingEnabled); } /** * Set the telemetry rotation session id interval * * @param interval the selected session interval * @return true if rotation session id was updated */ @Override public boolean setSessionIdRotationInterval(int interval) { return telemetry.updateSessionIdRotationInterval(new SessionInterval(interval)); } /** * Register an offline region creation event. * * @param offlineDefinition the offline region definition */ @Override public void onCreateOfflineRegion(@NonNull OfflineRegionDefinition offlineDefinition) { telemetry.push(MapEventFactory.buildOfflineDownloadStartEvent(new PhoneState(appContext), offlineDefinition instanceof OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition ? "tileregion" : "shaperegion", offlineDefinition.getMinZoom(), offlineDefinition.getMaxZoom(), offlineDefinition.getStyleURL()) ); } /** * Register a performance event * * @param data performance event data */ @Override public void onPerformanceEvent(Bundle data) { if (data == null) { data = new Bundle(); } telemetry.push(MapEventFactory.buildPerformanceEvent(new PhoneState(appContext), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), data)); } }