package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps; import android.content.Context; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.R; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.constants.MapboxConstants; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.widgets.CompassView; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.utils.ColorUtils; import; /** * Settings for the user interface of a MapboxMap. To obtain this interface, call getUiSettings(). */ public final class UiSettings { private final FocalPointChangeListener focalPointChangeListener; private final Projection projection; private final CompassView compassView; private final int[] compassMargins = new int[4]; private final ImageView attributionsView; private final int[] attributionsMargins = new int[4]; private final View logoView; private final int[] logoMargins = new int[4]; private float pixelRatio; private boolean rotateGesturesEnabled = true; private boolean rotateGestureChangeAllowed = true; private boolean tiltGesturesEnabled = true; private boolean tiltGestureChangeAllowed = true; private boolean zoomGesturesEnabled = true; private boolean zoomGestureChangeAllowed = true; private boolean scrollGesturesEnabled = true; private boolean scrollGestureChangeAllowed = true; private boolean zoomControlsEnabled; private boolean doubleTapGesturesEnabled = true; private boolean doubleTapGestureChangeAllowed = true; private boolean deselectMarkersOnTap = true; private PointF userProvidedFocalPoint; UiSettings(@NonNull Projection projection, @NonNull FocalPointChangeListener listener, @NonNull CompassView compassView, @NonNull ImageView attributionsView, @NonNull View logoView) { this.projection = projection; this.focalPointChangeListener = listener; this.compassView = compassView; this.attributionsView = attributionsView; this.logoView = logoView; if (logoView.getResources() != null) { this.pixelRatio = logoView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; } } void initialise(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull MapboxMapOptions options) { Resources resources = context.getResources(); initialiseGestures(options); initialiseCompass(options, resources); initialiseLogo(options, resources); initialiseAttribution(context, options); initialiseZoomControl(context); } void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { saveGestures(outState); saveCompass(outState); saveLogo(outState); saveAttribution(outState); saveZoomControl(outState); } void onRestoreInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle savedInstanceState) { restoreGestures(savedInstanceState); restoreCompass(savedInstanceState); restoreLogo(savedInstanceState); restoreAttribution(savedInstanceState); restoreZoomControl(savedInstanceState); } private void initialiseGestures(MapboxMapOptions options) { setZoomGesturesEnabled(options.getZoomGesturesEnabled()); setZoomGestureChangeAllowed(options.getZoomGesturesEnabled()); setScrollGesturesEnabled(options.getScrollGesturesEnabled()); setScrollGestureChangeAllowed(options.getScrollGesturesEnabled()); setRotateGesturesEnabled(options.getRotateGesturesEnabled()); setRotateGestureChangeAllowed(options.getRotateGesturesEnabled()); setTiltGesturesEnabled(options.getTiltGesturesEnabled()); setTiltGestureChangeAllowed(options.getTiltGesturesEnabled()); setZoomControlsEnabled(options.getZoomControlsEnabled()); setDoubleTapGesturesEnabled(options.getDoubleTapGesturesEnabled()); setDoubleTapGestureChangeAllowed(options.getDoubleTapGesturesEnabled()); } private void saveGestures(Bundle outState) { outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ZOOM_ENABLED, isZoomGesturesEnabled()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ZOOM_ENABLED_CHANGE, isZoomGestureChangeAllowed()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_SCROLL_ENABLED, isScrollGesturesEnabled()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_SCROLL_ENABLED_CHANGE, isScrollGestureChangeAllowed()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ROTATE_ENABLED, isRotateGesturesEnabled()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ROTATE_ENABLED_CHANGE, isRotateGestureChangeAllowed()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_TILT_ENABLED, isTiltGesturesEnabled()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_TILT_ENABLED_CHANGE, isTiltGestureChangeAllowed()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_DOUBLE_TAP_ENABLED, isDoubleTapGesturesEnabled()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_DOUBLE_TAP_ENABLED_CHANGE, isDoubleTapGestureChangeAllowed()); } private void restoreGestures(Bundle savedInstanceState) { setZoomGesturesEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ZOOM_ENABLED)); setZoomGestureChangeAllowed(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ZOOM_ENABLED_CHANGE)); setScrollGesturesEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_SCROLL_ENABLED)); setScrollGestureChangeAllowed(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_SCROLL_ENABLED_CHANGE)); setRotateGesturesEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ROTATE_ENABLED)); setRotateGestureChangeAllowed(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ROTATE_ENABLED_CHANGE)); setTiltGesturesEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_TILT_ENABLED)); setTiltGestureChangeAllowed(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_TILT_ENABLED_CHANGE)); setDoubleTapGesturesEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_DOUBLE_TAP_ENABLED)); setDoubleTapGestureChangeAllowed(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_DOUBLE_TAP_ENABLED_CHANGE)); } private void initialiseCompass(MapboxMapOptions options, Resources resources) { setCompassEnabled(options.getCompassEnabled()); setCompassGravity(options.getCompassGravity()); int[] compassMargins = options.getCompassMargins(); if (compassMargins != null) { setCompassMargins(compassMargins[0], compassMargins[1], compassMargins[2], compassMargins[3]); } else { int tenDp = (int) resources.getDimension(R.dimen.mapbox_four_dp); setCompassMargins(tenDp, tenDp, tenDp, tenDp); } setCompassFadeFacingNorth(options.getCompassFadeFacingNorth()); if (options.getCompassImage() == null) { options.compassImage(ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(resources, R.drawable.mapbox_compass_icon, null)); } setCompassImage(options.getCompassImage()); } private void saveCompass(Bundle outState) { outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_ENABLED, isCompassEnabled()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_GRAVITY, getCompassGravity()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_LEFT, getCompassMarginLeft()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_TOP, getCompassMarginTop()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_BOTTOM, getCompassMarginBottom()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_RIGHT, getCompassMarginRight()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_FADE_WHEN_FACING_NORTH, isCompassFadeWhenFacingNorth()); outState.putByteArray(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_IMAGE_BITMAP, convert(MapboxMapOptions.getBitmapFromDrawable(getCompassImage()))); } private byte[] convert(Bitmap resource) { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); resource.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, stream); return stream.toByteArray(); } private void restoreCompass(Bundle savedInstanceState) { setCompassEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_ENABLED)); setCompassGravity(savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_GRAVITY)); setCompassMargins(savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_LEFT), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_TOP), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_RIGHT), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_BOTTOM)); setCompassFadeFacingNorth(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_FADE_WHEN_FACING_NORTH)); setCompassImage(decode(savedInstanceState.getByteArray(MapboxConstants.STATE_COMPASS_IMAGE_BITMAP))); } private Drawable decode(byte[] bitmap) { Bitmap compass = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bitmap, 0, bitmap.length); return new BitmapDrawable(compassView.getResources(), compass); } private void initialiseLogo(MapboxMapOptions options, Resources resources) { setLogoEnabled(options.getLogoEnabled()); setLogoGravity(options.getLogoGravity()); setLogoMargins(resources, options.getLogoMargins()); } private void setLogoMargins(Resources resources, int[] logoMargins) { if (logoMargins != null) { setLogoMargins(logoMargins[0], logoMargins[1], logoMargins[2], logoMargins[3]); } else { // user did not specify margins when programmatically creating a map int fourDp = (int) resources.getDimension(R.dimen.mapbox_four_dp); setLogoMargins(fourDp, fourDp, fourDp, fourDp); } } private void saveLogo(Bundle outState) { outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_GRAVITY, getLogoGravity()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_LEFT, getLogoMarginLeft()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_TOP, getLogoMarginTop()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_RIGHT, getLogoMarginRight()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_BOTTOM, getLogoMarginBottom()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_ENABLED, isLogoEnabled()); } private void restoreLogo(Bundle savedInstanceState) { setLogoEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_ENABLED)); setLogoGravity(savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_GRAVITY)); setLogoMargins(savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_LEFT), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_TOP), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_RIGHT), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_BOTTOM)); } private void initialiseAttribution(Context context, MapboxMapOptions options) { setAttributionEnabled(options.getAttributionEnabled()); setAttributionGravity(options.getAttributionGravity()); setAttributionMargins(context, options.getAttributionMargins()); int attributionTintColor = options.getAttributionTintColor(); setAttributionTintColor(attributionTintColor != -1 ? attributionTintColor : ColorUtils.getPrimaryColor(context)); } private void setAttributionMargins(Context context, int[] attributionMargins) { if (attributionMargins != null) { setAttributionMargins(attributionMargins[0], attributionMargins[1], attributionMargins[2], attributionMargins[3]); } else { // user did not specify margins when programmatically creating a map Resources resources = context.getResources(); int margin = (int) resources.getDimension(R.dimen.mapbox_four_dp); int leftMargin = (int) resources.getDimension(R.dimen.mapbox_ninety_two_dp); setAttributionMargins(leftMargin, margin, margin, margin); } } private void saveAttribution(Bundle outState) { outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_GRAVITY, getAttributionGravity()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_LEFT, getAttributionMarginLeft()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_TOP, getAttributionMarginTop()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_RIGHT, getAttributionMarginRight()); outState.putInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_BOTTOM, getAttributionMarginBottom()); outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_ENABLED, isAttributionEnabled()); } private void restoreAttribution(Bundle savedInstanceState) { setAttributionEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_ENABLED)); setAttributionGravity(savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_GRAVITY)); setAttributionMargins(savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_LEFT), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_TOP), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_RIGHT), savedInstanceState.getInt(MapboxConstants.STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_BOTTOM)); } private void initialiseZoomControl(Context context) { if (!context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN_MULTITOUCH)) { setZoomControlsEnabled(true); } } private void saveZoomControl(Bundle outState) { outState.putBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ZOOM_CONTROLS_ENABLED, isZoomControlsEnabled()); } private void restoreZoomControl(Bundle savedInstanceState) { setZoomControlsEnabled(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(MapboxConstants.STATE_ZOOM_CONTROLS_ENABLED)); } /** *

* Enables or disables the compass. The compass is an icon on the map that indicates the * direction of north on the map. When a user clicks * the compass, the camera orients itself to its default orientation and fades away shortly * after. If disabled, the compass will never be displayed. *

* By default, the compass is enabled. * * @param compassEnabled True to enable the compass; false to disable the compass. */ public void setCompassEnabled(boolean compassEnabled) { compassView.setEnabled(compassEnabled); } /** * Returns whether the compass is enabled. * * @return True if the compass is enabled; false if the compass is disabled. */ public boolean isCompassEnabled() { return compassView.isEnabled(); } /** *

* Sets the gravity of the compass view. Use this to change the corner of the map view that the * compass is displayed in. *

* By default, the compass is in the top right corner. * * @param gravity Android SDK Gravity. */ @UiThread public void setCompassGravity(int gravity) { setWidgetGravity(compassView, gravity); } /** * Enables or disables fading of the compass when facing north. *

* By default this feature is enabled *

* * @param compassFadeFacingNorth True to enable the fading animation; false to disable it */ public void setCompassFadeFacingNorth(boolean compassFadeFacingNorth) { compassView.fadeCompassViewFacingNorth(compassFadeFacingNorth); } /** * Specifies the CompassView image. *

* By default this value is R.drawable.mapbox_compass_icon. *

* * @param compass the drawable to show as image compass */ public void setCompassImage(Drawable compass) { compassView.setCompassImage(compass); } /** * Returns whether the compass performs a fading animation out when facing north. * * @return True if the compass will fade, false if it remains visible */ public boolean isCompassFadeWhenFacingNorth() { return compassView.isFadeCompassViewFacingNorth(); } /** * Returns the gravity value of the CompassView * * @return The gravity */ public int getCompassGravity() { return ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) compassView.getLayoutParams()).gravity; } /** * Sets the margins of the compass view. Use this to change the distance of the compass from the * map view edge. * * @param left The left margin in pixels. * @param top The top margin in pixels. * @param right The right margin in pixels. * @param bottom The bottom margin in pixels. */ @UiThread public void setCompassMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { setWidgetMargins(compassView, compassMargins, left, top, right, bottom); } /** * Returns the left side margin of CompassView * * @return The left margin in pixels */ public int getCompassMarginLeft() { return compassMargins[0]; } /** * Returns the top side margin of CompassView * * @return The top margin in pixels */ public int getCompassMarginTop() { return compassMargins[1]; } /** * Returns the right side margin of CompassView * * @return The right margin in pixels */ public int getCompassMarginRight() { return compassMargins[2]; } /** * Returns the bottom side margin of CompassView * * @return The bottom margin in pixels */ public int getCompassMarginBottom() { return compassMargins[3]; } /** * Get the current configured CompassView image. * * @return the drawable used as compass image */ public Drawable getCompassImage() { return compassView.getCompassImage(); } void update(@NonNull CameraPosition cameraPosition) { if (!isCompassEnabled()) { return; } compassView.update(cameraPosition.bearing); } /** *

* Enables or disables the Mapbox logo. *

* By default, the logo is enabled. * * @param enabled True to enable the logo; false to disable the logo. */ public void setLogoEnabled(boolean enabled) { logoView.setVisibility(enabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } /** * Returns whether the logo is enabled. * * @return True if the logo is enabled; false if the logo is disabled. */ public boolean isLogoEnabled() { return logoView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; } /** *

* Sets the gravity of the logo view. Use this to change the corner of the map view that the * Mapbox logo is displayed in. *

* By default, the logo is in the bottom left corner. * * @param gravity Android SDK Gravity. */ public void setLogoGravity(int gravity) { setWidgetGravity(logoView, gravity); } /** * Returns the gravity value of the logo * * @return The gravity */ public int getLogoGravity() { return ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) logoView.getLayoutParams()).gravity; } /** * Sets the margins of the logo view. Use this to change the distance of the Mapbox logo from the * map view edge. * * @param left The left margin in pixels. * @param top The top margin in pixels. * @param right The right margin in pixels. * @param bottom The bottom margin in pixels. */ public void setLogoMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { setWidgetMargins(logoView, logoMargins, left, top, right, bottom); } /** * Returns the left side margin of the logo * * @return The left margin in pixels */ public int getLogoMarginLeft() { return logoMargins[0]; } /** * Returns the top side margin of the logo * * @return The top margin in pixels */ public int getLogoMarginTop() { return logoMargins[1]; } /** * Returns the right side margin of the logo * * @return The right margin in pixels */ public int getLogoMarginRight() { return logoMargins[2]; } /** * Returns the bottom side margin of the logo * * @return The bottom margin in pixels */ public int getLogoMarginBottom() { return logoMargins[3]; } /** *

* Enables or disables the attribution. *

* By default, the attribution is enabled. * * @param enabled True to enable the attribution; false to disable the attribution. */ public void setAttributionEnabled(boolean enabled) { attributionsView.setVisibility(enabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } /** * Returns whether the attribution is enabled. * * @return True if the attribution is enabled; false if the attribution is disabled. */ public boolean isAttributionEnabled() { return attributionsView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; } /** *

* Sets the gravity of the attribution. *

* By default, the attribution is in the bottom left corner next to the Mapbox logo. * * @param gravity Android SDK Gravity. */ public void setAttributionGravity(int gravity) { setWidgetGravity(attributionsView, gravity); } /** * Returns the gravity value of the logo * * @return The gravity */ public int getAttributionGravity() { return ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) attributionsView.getLayoutParams()).gravity; } /** * Sets the margins of the attribution view. * * @param left The left margin in pixels. * @param top The top margin in pixels. * @param right The right margin in pixels. * @param bottom The bottom margin in pixels. */ public void setAttributionMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { setWidgetMargins(attributionsView, attributionsMargins, left, top, right, bottom); } /** *

* Sets the tint of the attribution view. Use this to change the color of the attribution. *

* By default, the logo is tinted with the primary color of your theme. * * @param tintColor Color to tint the attribution. */ public void setAttributionTintColor(@ColorInt int tintColor) { // Check that the tint color being passed in isn't transparent. if (Color.alpha(tintColor) == 0) { ColorUtils.setTintList(attributionsView, ContextCompat.getColor(attributionsView.getContext(), R.color.mapbox_blue)); } else { ColorUtils.setTintList(attributionsView, tintColor); } } /** * Returns the left side margin of the attribution view. * * @return The left margin in pixels */ public int getAttributionMarginLeft() { return attributionsMargins[0]; } /** * Returns the top side margin of the attribution view. * * @return The top margin in pixels */ public int getAttributionMarginTop() { return attributionsMargins[1]; } /** * Returns the right side margin of the attribution view. * * @return The right margin in pixels */ public int getAttributionMarginRight() { return attributionsMargins[2]; } /** * Returns the bottom side margin of the logo * * @return The bottom margin in pixels */ public int getAttributionMarginBottom() { return attributionsMargins[3]; } /** *

* Changes whether the user may rotate the map. *


* This setting controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the value to false, * you may still change the map location programmatically. *

* The default value is true. * * @param rotateGesturesEnabled If true, rotating is enabled. */ public void setRotateGesturesEnabled(boolean rotateGesturesEnabled) { if (rotateGestureChangeAllowed) { this.rotateGesturesEnabled = rotateGesturesEnabled; } } /** * Returns whether the user may rotate the map. * * @return If true, rotating is enabled. */ public boolean isRotateGesturesEnabled() { return rotateGesturesEnabled; } void setRotateGestureChangeAllowed(boolean rotateGestureChangeAllowed) { this.rotateGestureChangeAllowed = rotateGestureChangeAllowed; } boolean isRotateGestureChangeAllowed() { return rotateGestureChangeAllowed; } /** *

* Changes whether the user may tilt the map. *


* This setting controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the value to false, * you may still change the map location programmatically. *

* The default value is true. * * @param tiltGesturesEnabled If true, tilting is enabled. */ public void setTiltGesturesEnabled(boolean tiltGesturesEnabled) { if (tiltGestureChangeAllowed) { this.tiltGesturesEnabled = tiltGesturesEnabled; } } /** * Returns whether the user may tilt the map. * * @return If true, tilting is enabled. */ public boolean isTiltGesturesEnabled() { return tiltGesturesEnabled; } void setTiltGestureChangeAllowed(boolean tiltGestureChangeAllowed) { this.tiltGestureChangeAllowed = tiltGestureChangeAllowed; } boolean isTiltGestureChangeAllowed() { return tiltGestureChangeAllowed; } /** *

* Changes whether the user may zoom the map. *


* This setting controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the value to false, * you may still change the map location programmatically. *

* The default value is true. * * @param zoomGesturesEnabled If true, zooming is enabled. */ public void setZoomGesturesEnabled(boolean zoomGesturesEnabled) { if (zoomGestureChangeAllowed) { this.zoomGesturesEnabled = zoomGesturesEnabled; } } /** * Returns whether the user may zoom the map. * * @return If true, zooming is enabled. */ public boolean isZoomGesturesEnabled() { return zoomGesturesEnabled; } void setZoomGestureChangeAllowed(boolean zoomGestureChangeAllowed) { this.zoomGestureChangeAllowed = zoomGestureChangeAllowed; } boolean isZoomGestureChangeAllowed() { return zoomGestureChangeAllowed; } /** *

* Sets whether the zoom controls are enabled. * If enabled, the zoom controls are a pair of buttons * (one for zooming in, one for zooming out) that appear on the screen. * When pressed, they cause the camera to zoom in (or out) by one zoom level. * If disabled, the zoom controls are not shown. *

* By default the zoom controls are enabled if the device is only single touch capable; * * @param zoomControlsEnabled If true, the zoom controls are enabled. */ public void setZoomControlsEnabled(boolean zoomControlsEnabled) { this.zoomControlsEnabled = zoomControlsEnabled; } /** * Gets whether the zoom controls are enabled. * * @return If true, the zoom controls are enabled. */ public boolean isZoomControlsEnabled() { return zoomControlsEnabled; } /** *

* Changes whether the user may zoom the map with a double tap. *


* This setting controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the value to false, * you may still change the map location programmatically. *

* The default value is true. * * @param doubleTapGesturesEnabled If true, zooming with a double tap is enabled. */ public void setDoubleTapGesturesEnabled(boolean doubleTapGesturesEnabled) { if (doubleTapGestureChangeAllowed) { this.doubleTapGesturesEnabled = doubleTapGesturesEnabled; } } /** * Returns whether the user may zoom the map with a double tap. * * @return If true, zooming with a double tap is enabled. */ public boolean isDoubleTapGesturesEnabled() { return doubleTapGesturesEnabled; } void setDoubleTapGestureChangeAllowed(boolean doubleTapGestureChangeAllowed) { this.doubleTapGestureChangeAllowed = doubleTapGestureChangeAllowed; } boolean isDoubleTapGestureChangeAllowed() { return doubleTapGestureChangeAllowed; } /** * Gets whether the markers are automatically deselected (and therefore, their infowindows * closed) when a map tap is detected. * * @return If true, markers are deselected on a map tap. */ public boolean isDeselectMarkersOnTap() { return deselectMarkersOnTap; } /** * Sets whether the markers are automatically deselected (and therefore, their infowindows * closed) when a map tap is detected. * * @param deselectMarkersOnTap determines if markers should be deslected on tap */ public void setDeselectMarkersOnTap(boolean deselectMarkersOnTap) { this.deselectMarkersOnTap = deselectMarkersOnTap; } /** *

* Changes whether the user may scroll around the map. *


* This setting controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the value to false, * you may still change the map location programmatically. *

* The default value is true. * * @param scrollGesturesEnabled If true, scrolling is enabled. */ public void setScrollGesturesEnabled(boolean scrollGesturesEnabled) { if (scrollGestureChangeAllowed) { this.scrollGesturesEnabled = scrollGesturesEnabled; } } /** * Returns whether the user may scroll around the map. * * @return If true, scrolling is enabled. */ public boolean isScrollGesturesEnabled() { return scrollGesturesEnabled; } void setScrollGestureChangeAllowed(boolean scrollGestureChangeAllowed) { this.scrollGestureChangeAllowed = scrollGestureChangeAllowed; } boolean isScrollGestureChangeAllowed() { return scrollGestureChangeAllowed; } /** *

* Sets the preference for whether all gestures should be enabled or disabled. *


* This setting controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the value to false, * you may still change the map location programmatically. *

* The default value is true. * * @param enabled If true, all gestures are available; otherwise, all gestures are disabled. * @see #setZoomGesturesEnabled(boolean) ) * @see #setScrollGesturesEnabled(boolean) * @see #setRotateGesturesEnabled(boolean) * @see #setTiltGesturesEnabled(boolean) */ public void setAllGesturesEnabled(boolean enabled) { setScrollGesturesEnabled(enabled); setRotateGesturesEnabled(enabled); setTiltGesturesEnabled(enabled); setZoomGesturesEnabled(enabled); setDoubleTapGesturesEnabled(enabled); } /** * Sets the focal point used as center for a gesture * * @param focalPoint the focal point to be used. */ public void setFocalPoint(@Nullable PointF focalPoint) { this.userProvidedFocalPoint = focalPoint; focalPointChangeListener.onFocalPointChanged(focalPoint); } /** * Returns the gesture focal point * * @return The focal point */ public PointF getFocalPoint() { return userProvidedFocalPoint; } /** * Returns the measured height of the MapView * * @return height in pixels */ public float getHeight() { return projection.getHeight(); } /** * Returns the measured width of the MapView * * @return widht in pixels */ public float getWidth() { return projection.getWidth(); } float getPixelRatio() { return pixelRatio; } /** * Invalidates the ViewSettings instances shown on top of the MapView */ public void invalidate() { setLogoMargins(getLogoMarginLeft(), getLogoMarginTop(), getLogoMarginRight(), getLogoMarginBottom()); setCompassMargins(getCompassMarginLeft(), getCompassMarginTop(), getCompassMarginRight(), getCompassMarginBottom()); setAttributionMargins(getAttributionMarginLeft(), getAttributionMarginTop(), getAttributionMarginRight(), getAttributionMarginBottom()); } private void setWidgetGravity(@NonNull final View view, int gravity) { FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.gravity = gravity; view.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } private void setWidgetMargins(@NonNull final View view, int[] initMargins, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // keep state of initially set margins initMargins[0] = left; initMargins[1] = top; initMargins[2] = right; initMargins[3] = bottom; // convert inital margins with padding int[] contentPadding = projection.getContentPadding(); FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); left += contentPadding[0]; top += contentPadding[1]; right += contentPadding[2]; bottom += contentPadding[3]; layoutParams.setMargins(left, top, right, bottom); view.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } }