package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps; import; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.constants.MapboxConstants; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.log.Logger; import static com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapboxMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener; /** * Internal use. *

* Resembles the current Map transformation. *


* Responsible for synchronising {@link CameraPosition} state and notifying camera change listeners. *

*/ public final class Transform implements MapView.OnCameraDidChangeListener { private static final String TAG = "Mbgl-Transform"; private final NativeMap nativeMap; private final MapView mapView; private final Handler handler = new Handler(); @Nullable private CameraPosition cameraPosition; @Nullable private MapboxMap.CancelableCallback cameraCancelableCallback; private CameraChangeDispatcher cameraChangeDispatcher; private final MapView.OnCameraDidChangeListener moveByChangeListener = new MapView.OnCameraDidChangeListener() { @Override public void onCameraDidChange(boolean animated) { if (animated) { cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraIdle(); mapView.removeOnCameraDidChangeListener(this); } } }; Transform(MapView mapView, NativeMap nativeMap, CameraChangeDispatcher cameraChangeDispatcher) { this.mapView = mapView; this.nativeMap = nativeMap; this.cameraChangeDispatcher = cameraChangeDispatcher; } void initialise(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap, @NonNull MapboxMapOptions options) { CameraPosition position = options.getCamera(); if (position != null && !position.equals(CameraPosition.DEFAULT)) { moveCamera(mapboxMap, CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(position), null); } setMinZoom(options.getMinZoomPreference()); setMaxZoom(options.getMaxZoomPreference()); } // // Camera API // @Nullable @UiThread public final CameraPosition getCameraPosition() { if (cameraPosition == null) { cameraPosition = invalidateCameraPosition(); } return cameraPosition; } @Override public void onCameraDidChange(boolean animated) { if (animated) { invalidateCameraPosition(); if (cameraCancelableCallback != null) { final MapboxMap.CancelableCallback callback = cameraCancelableCallback; // nullification has to happen before Handler#post, see cameraCancelableCallback = null; Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callback.onFinish(); } }); } cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraIdle(); mapView.removeOnCameraDidChangeListener(this); } } /** * Internal use. */ @UiThread public final void moveCamera(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap, CameraUpdate update, @Nullable final MapboxMap.CancelableCallback callback) { CameraPosition cameraPosition = update.getCameraPosition(mapboxMap); if (isValidCameraPosition(cameraPosition)) { cancelTransitions(); cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraMoveStarted(OnCameraMoveStartedListener.REASON_API_ANIMATION); nativeMap.jumpTo(, cameraPosition.zoom, cameraPosition.tilt, cameraPosition.bearing, cameraPosition.padding); cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraIdle(); invalidateCameraPosition(); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callback != null) { callback.onFinish(); } } }); } } @UiThread final void easeCamera(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap, CameraUpdate update, int durationMs, boolean easingInterpolator, @Nullable final MapboxMap.CancelableCallback callback) { CameraPosition cameraPosition = update.getCameraPosition(mapboxMap); if (isValidCameraPosition(cameraPosition)) { cancelTransitions(); cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraMoveStarted(OnCameraMoveStartedListener.REASON_API_ANIMATION); if (callback != null) { cameraCancelableCallback = callback; } mapView.addOnCameraDidChangeListener(this); nativeMap.easeTo(, cameraPosition.zoom, cameraPosition.bearing, cameraPosition.tilt, cameraPosition.padding, durationMs, easingInterpolator); } } /** * Internal use. */ @UiThread public final void animateCamera(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap, CameraUpdate update, int durationMs, @Nullable final MapboxMap.CancelableCallback callback) { CameraPosition cameraPosition = update.getCameraPosition(mapboxMap); if (isValidCameraPosition(cameraPosition)) { cancelTransitions(); cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraMoveStarted(OnCameraMoveStartedListener.REASON_API_ANIMATION); if (callback != null) { cameraCancelableCallback = callback; } mapView.addOnCameraDidChangeListener(this); nativeMap.flyTo(, cameraPosition.zoom, cameraPosition.bearing, cameraPosition.tilt, cameraPosition.padding, durationMs); } } private boolean isValidCameraPosition(@Nullable CameraPosition cameraPosition) { return cameraPosition != null && !cameraPosition.equals(this.cameraPosition); } @UiThread @Nullable CameraPosition invalidateCameraPosition() { if (nativeMap != null) { CameraPosition cameraPosition = nativeMap.getCameraPosition(); if (this.cameraPosition != null && !this.cameraPosition.equals(cameraPosition)) { cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraMove(); } this.cameraPosition = cameraPosition; } return cameraPosition; } void cancelTransitions() { // notify user about cancel cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraMoveCanceled(); // notify animateCamera and easeCamera about cancelling if (cameraCancelableCallback != null) { final MapboxMap.CancelableCallback callback = cameraCancelableCallback; cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraIdle(); // nullification has to happen before Handler#post, see cameraCancelableCallback = null; Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callback.onCancel(); } }); } // cancel ongoing transitions nativeMap.cancelTransitions(); cameraChangeDispatcher.onCameraIdle(); } @UiThread void resetNorth() { cancelTransitions(); nativeMap.resetNorth(); } // // non Camera API // // Zoom in or out double getRawZoom() { return nativeMap.getZoom(); } void zoomBy(double zoomAddition, @NonNull PointF focalPoint) { setZoom(nativeMap.getZoom() + zoomAddition, focalPoint); } void setZoom(double zoom, @NonNull PointF focalPoint) { nativeMap.setZoom(zoom, focalPoint, 0); } // Direction double getBearing() { double direction = -nativeMap.getBearing(); while (direction > 360) { direction -= 360; } while (direction < 0) { direction += 360; } return direction; } double getRawBearing() { return nativeMap.getBearing(); } void setBearing(double bearing) { nativeMap.setBearing(bearing, 0); } void setBearing(double bearing, float focalX, float focalY) { nativeMap.setBearing(bearing, focalX, focalY, 0); } void setBearing(double bearing, float focalX, float focalY, long duration) { nativeMap.setBearing(bearing, focalX, focalY, duration); } // // LatLng / CenterCoordinate // LatLng getLatLng() { return nativeMap.getLatLng(); } // // Pitch / Tilt // double getTilt() { return nativeMap.getPitch(); } void setTilt(Double pitch) { nativeMap.setPitch(pitch, 0); } // // Center coordinate // LatLng getCenterCoordinate() { return nativeMap.getLatLng(); } void setCenterCoordinate(LatLng centerCoordinate) { nativeMap.setLatLng(centerCoordinate, 0); } void setGestureInProgress(boolean gestureInProgress) { nativeMap.setGestureInProgress(gestureInProgress); if (!gestureInProgress) { invalidateCameraPosition(); } } void moveBy(double offsetX, double offsetY, long duration) { if (duration > 0) { mapView.addOnCameraDidChangeListener(moveByChangeListener); } nativeMap.moveBy(offsetX, offsetY, duration); } // // Min & Max ZoomLevel // void setMinZoom(double minZoom) { if ((minZoom < MapboxConstants.MINIMUM_ZOOM) || (minZoom > MapboxConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOM)) { Logger.e(TAG, String.format("Not setting minZoomPreference, value is in unsupported range: %s", minZoom)); return; } nativeMap.setMinZoom(minZoom); } double getMinZoom() { return nativeMap.getMinZoom(); } void setMaxZoom(double maxZoom) { if ((maxZoom < MapboxConstants.MINIMUM_ZOOM) || (maxZoom > MapboxConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOM)) { Logger.e(TAG, String.format("Not setting maxZoomPreference, value is in unsupported range: %s", maxZoom)); return; } nativeMap.setMaxZoom(maxZoom); } double getMaxZoom() { return nativeMap.getMaxZoom(); } }