package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.opengl.GLSurfaceView; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.LibraryLoader; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Icon; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Marker; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Polygon; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Polyline; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLngBounds; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.ProjectedMeters; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.renderer.RenderThread; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.utils.BitmapUtils; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import timber.log.Timber; // Class that wraps the native methods for convenience final class NativeMapView implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer { // Flag to indicating destroy was called private boolean destroyed = false; // Holds the pointer to JNI NativeMapView private long nativePtr = 0; // Used for callbacks private MapView mapView; // Used to schedule work on the render thread private RenderThread renderThread; //Hold a reference to prevent it from being GC'd as long as it's used on the native side private final FileSource fileSource; // Device density private final float pixelRatio; // Listener invoked to return a bitmap of the map private MapboxMap.SnapshotReadyCallback snapshotReadyCallback; static { LibraryLoader.load(); } // // Constructors // public NativeMapView(final MapView mapView) { Context context = mapView.getContext(); fileSource = FileSource.getInstance(context); pixelRatio = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; this.mapView = mapView; String programCacheDir = context.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(); nativeInitialize(this, fileSource, pixelRatio, programCacheDir); } // // Methods // public void setRenderThread(RenderThread renderThread) { this.renderThread = renderThread; } private boolean isDestroyedOn(String callingMethod) { if (destroyed && !TextUtils.isEmpty(callingMethod)) { Timber.e( "You're calling `%s` after the `MapView` was destroyed, were you invoking it after `onDestroy()`?", callingMethod ); } return destroyed; } public void destroy() { nativeDestroy(); mapView = null; destroyed = true; } public void update() { if (isDestroyedOn("update")) { return; } requestRender(); } public void render() { if (isDestroyedOn("render")) { return; } nativeRender(); } public void resizeView(int width, int height) { if (isDestroyedOn("resizeView")) { return; } width = (int) (width / pixelRatio); height = (int) (height / pixelRatio); if (width < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be negative."); } if (height < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be negative."); } if (width > 65535) { // we have seen edge cases where devices return incorrect values #6111 Timber.e("Device returned an out of range width size, " + "capping value at 65535 instead of %s", width); width = 65535; } if (height > 65535) { // we have seen edge cases where devices return incorrect values #6111 Timber.e("Device returned an out of range height size, " + "capping value at 65535 instead of %s", height); height = 65535; } nativeResizeView(width, height); } private void resizeFramebuffer(int fbWidth, int fbHeight) { if (isDestroyedOn("resizeFramebuffer")) { return; } if (fbWidth < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fbWidth cannot be negative."); } if (fbHeight < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fbHeight cannot be negative."); } if (fbWidth > 65535) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fbWidth cannot be greater than 65535."); } if (fbHeight > 65535) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fbHeight cannot be greater than 65535."); } nativeResizeFramebuffer(fbWidth, fbHeight); } public void setStyleUrl(String url) { if (isDestroyedOn("setStyleUrl")) { return; } nativeSetStyleUrl(url); } public String getStyleUrl() { if (isDestroyedOn("getStyleUrl")) { return null; } return nativeGetStyleUrl(); } public void setStyleJson(String newStyleJson) { if (isDestroyedOn("setStyleJson")) { return; } nativeSetStyleJson(newStyleJson); } public String getStyleJson() { if (isDestroyedOn("getStyleJson")) { return null; } return nativeGetStyleJson(); } public void setLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds latLngBounds) { if (isDestroyedOn("setLatLngBounds")) { return; } nativeSetLatLngBounds(latLngBounds); } public void cancelTransitions() { if (isDestroyedOn("cancelTransitions")) { return; } nativeCancelTransitions(); } public void setGestureInProgress(boolean inProgress) { if (isDestroyedOn("setGestureInProgress")) { return; } nativeSetGestureInProgress(inProgress); } public void moveBy(double dx, double dy) { if (isDestroyedOn("moveBy")) { return; } moveBy(dx, dy, 0); } public void moveBy(double dx, double dy, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("moveBy")) { return; } nativeMoveBy(dx / pixelRatio, dy / pixelRatio, duration); } public void setLatLng(LatLng latLng) { if (isDestroyedOn("setLatLng")) { return; } setLatLng(latLng, 0); } public void setLatLng(LatLng latLng, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("setLatLng")) { return; } nativeSetLatLng(latLng.getLatitude(), latLng.getLongitude(), duration); } public LatLng getLatLng() { if (isDestroyedOn("")) { return new LatLng(); } // wrap longitude values coming from core return nativeGetLatLng().wrap(); } public CameraPosition getCameraForLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds latLngBounds) { if (isDestroyedOn("getCameraForLatLngBounds")) { return null; } return nativeGetCameraForLatLngBounds(latLngBounds); } public void resetPosition() { if (isDestroyedOn("resetPosition")) { return; } nativeResetPosition(); } public double getPitch() { if (isDestroyedOn("getPitch")) { return 0; } return nativeGetPitch(); } public void setPitch(double pitch, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("setPitch")) { return; } nativeSetPitch(pitch, duration); } public void setZoom(double zoom, PointF focalPoint, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("setZoom")) { return; } nativeSetZoom(zoom, focalPoint.x / pixelRatio, focalPoint.y / pixelRatio, duration); } public double getZoom() { if (isDestroyedOn("getZoom")) { return 0; } return nativeGetZoom(); } public void resetZoom() { if (isDestroyedOn("resetZoom")) { return; } nativeResetZoom(); } public void setMinZoom(double zoom) { if (isDestroyedOn("setMinZoom")) { return; } nativeSetMinZoom(zoom); } public double getMinZoom() { if (isDestroyedOn("getMinZoom")) { return 0; } return nativeGetMinZoom(); } public void setMaxZoom(double zoom) { if (isDestroyedOn("setMaxZoom")) { return; } nativeSetMaxZoom(zoom); } public double getMaxZoom() { if (isDestroyedOn("getMaxZoom")) { return 0; } return nativeGetMaxZoom(); } public void rotateBy(double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey) { if (isDestroyedOn("rotateBy")) { return; } rotateBy(sx, sy, ex, ey, 0); } public void rotateBy(double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("rotateBy")) { return; } nativeRotateBy(sx / pixelRatio, sy / pixelRatio, ex, ey, duration); } public void setContentPadding(int[] padding) { if (isDestroyedOn("setContentPadding")) { return; } nativeSetContentPadding( padding[1] / pixelRatio, padding[0] / pixelRatio, padding[3] / pixelRatio, padding[2] / pixelRatio); } public void setBearing(double degrees) { if (isDestroyedOn("setBearing")) { return; } setBearing(degrees, 0); } public void setBearing(double degrees, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("setBearing")) { return; } nativeSetBearing(degrees, duration); } public void setBearing(double degrees, double cx, double cy) { if (isDestroyedOn("setBearing")) { return; } setBearing(degrees, cx, cy, 0); } public void setBearing(double degrees, double fx, double fy, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("setBearing")) { return; } nativeSetBearingXY(degrees, fx / pixelRatio, fy / pixelRatio, duration); } public double getBearing() { if (isDestroyedOn("getBearing")) { return 0; } return nativeGetBearing(); } public void resetNorth() { if (isDestroyedOn("resetNorth")) { return; } nativeResetNorth(); } public long addMarker(Marker marker) { if (isDestroyedOn("addMarker")) { return 0; } Marker[] markers = {marker}; return nativeAddMarkers(markers)[0]; } public long[] addMarkers(List markers) { if (isDestroyedOn("addMarkers")) { return new long[] {}; } return nativeAddMarkers(markers.toArray(new Marker[markers.size()])); } public long addPolyline(Polyline polyline) { if (isDestroyedOn("addPolyline")) { return 0; } Polyline[] polylines = {polyline}; return nativeAddPolylines(polylines)[0]; } public long[] addPolylines(List polylines) { if (isDestroyedOn("addPolylines")) { return new long[] {}; } return nativeAddPolylines(polylines.toArray(new Polyline[polylines.size()])); } public long addPolygon(Polygon polygon) { if (isDestroyedOn("addPolygon")) { return 0; } Polygon[] polygons = {polygon}; return nativeAddPolygons(polygons)[0]; } public long[] addPolygons(List polygons) { if (isDestroyedOn("addPolygons")) { return new long[] {}; } return nativeAddPolygons(polygons.toArray(new Polygon[polygons.size()])); } public void updateMarker(Marker marker) { if (isDestroyedOn("updateMarker")) { return; } LatLng position = marker.getPosition(); Icon icon = marker.getIcon(); nativeUpdateMarker(marker.getId(), position.getLatitude(), position.getLongitude(), icon.getId()); } public void updatePolygon(Polygon polygon) { if (isDestroyedOn("updatePolygon")) { return; } nativeUpdatePolygon(polygon.getId(), polygon); } public void updatePolyline(Polyline polyline) { if (isDestroyedOn("updatePolyline")) { return; } nativeUpdatePolyline(polyline.getId(), polyline); } public void removeAnnotation(long id) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeAnnotation")) { return; } long[] ids = {id}; removeAnnotations(ids); } public void removeAnnotations(long[] ids) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeAnnotations")) { return; } nativeRemoveAnnotations(ids); } public long[] queryPointAnnotations(RectF rect) { if (isDestroyedOn("queryPointAnnotations")) { return new long[] {}; } return nativeQueryPointAnnotations(rect); } public void addAnnotationIcon(String symbol, int width, int height, float scale, byte[] pixels) { if (isDestroyedOn("addAnnotationIcon")) { return; } nativeAddAnnotationIcon(symbol, width, height, scale, pixels); } public void removeAnnotationIcon(String symbol) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeAnnotationIcon")) { return; } nativeRemoveAnnotationIcon(symbol); } public void setVisibleCoordinateBounds(LatLng[] coordinates, RectF padding, double direction, long duration) { if (isDestroyedOn("setVisibleCoordinateBounds")) { return; } nativeSetVisibleCoordinateBounds(coordinates, padding, direction, duration); } public void onLowMemory() { if (isDestroyedOn("onLowMemory")) { return; } nativeOnLowMemory(); } public void setDebug(boolean debug) { if (isDestroyedOn("setDebug")) { return; } nativeSetDebug(debug); } public void cycleDebugOptions() { if (isDestroyedOn("cycleDebugOptions")) { return; } nativeCycleDebugOptions(); } public boolean getDebug() { if (isDestroyedOn("getDebug")) { return false; } return nativeGetDebug(); } public void setEnableFps(boolean enable) { if (isDestroyedOn("setEnableFps")) { return; } nativeSetEnableFps(enable); } public boolean isFullyLoaded() { if (isDestroyedOn("isFullyLoaded")) { return false; } return nativeIsFullyLoaded(); } public void setReachability(boolean status) { if (isDestroyedOn("setReachability")) { return; } nativeSetReachability(status); } public double getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(double lat) { if (isDestroyedOn("getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude")) { return 0; } return nativeGetMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(lat, getZoom()) / pixelRatio; } public ProjectedMeters projectedMetersForLatLng(LatLng latLng) { if (isDestroyedOn("projectedMetersForLatLng")) { return null; } return nativeProjectedMetersForLatLng(latLng.getLatitude(), latLng.getLongitude()); } public LatLng latLngForProjectedMeters(ProjectedMeters projectedMeters) { if (isDestroyedOn("latLngForProjectedMeters")) { return new LatLng(); } return nativeLatLngForProjectedMeters(projectedMeters.getNorthing(), projectedMeters.getEasting()).wrap(); } public PointF pixelForLatLng(LatLng latLng) { if (isDestroyedOn("pixelForLatLng")) { return new PointF(); } PointF pointF = nativePixelForLatLng(latLng.getLatitude(), latLng.getLongitude()); pointF.set(pointF.x * pixelRatio, pointF.y * pixelRatio); return pointF; } public LatLng latLngForPixel(PointF pixel) { if (isDestroyedOn("latLngForPixel")) { return new LatLng(); } return nativeLatLngForPixel(pixel.x / pixelRatio, pixel.y / pixelRatio).wrap(); } public double getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(String symbolName) { if (isDestroyedOn("getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol")) { return 0; } return nativeGetTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(symbolName); } public void jumpTo(double angle, LatLng center, double pitch, double zoom) { if (isDestroyedOn("jumpTo")) { return; } nativeJumpTo(angle, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), pitch, zoom); } public void easeTo(double angle, LatLng center, long duration, double pitch, double zoom, boolean easingInterpolator) { if (isDestroyedOn("easeTo")) { return; } nativeEaseTo(angle, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), duration, pitch, zoom, easingInterpolator); } public void flyTo(double angle, LatLng center, long duration, double pitch, double zoom) { if (isDestroyedOn("flyTo")) { return; } nativeFlyTo(angle, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), duration, pitch, zoom); } public CameraPosition getCameraPosition() { if (isDestroyedOn("getCameraValues")) { return new CameraPosition.Builder().build(); } return nativeGetCameraPosition(); } public void setPrefetchesTiles(boolean enable) { if (isDestroyedOn("setPrefetchesTiles")) { return; } nativeSetPrefetchesTiles(enable); } public boolean getPrefetchesTiles() { if (isDestroyedOn("getPrefetchesTiles")) { return false; } return nativeGetPrefetchesTiles(); } // Runtime style Api public long getTransitionDuration() { return nativeGetTransitionDuration(); } public void setTransitionDuration(long duration) { nativeSetTransitionDuration(duration); } public long getTransitionDelay() { return nativeGetTransitionDelay(); } public void setTransitionDelay(long delay) { nativeSetTransitionDelay(delay); } public List getLayers() { if (isDestroyedOn("getLayers")) { return null; } return Arrays.asList(nativeGetLayers()); } public Layer getLayer(String layerId) { if (isDestroyedOn("getLayer")) { return null; } return nativeGetLayer(layerId); } public void addLayer(@NonNull Layer layer) { if (isDestroyedOn("addLayer")) { return; } nativeAddLayer(layer.getNativePtr(), null); } public void addLayerBelow(@NonNull Layer layer, @NonNull String below) { if (isDestroyedOn("addLayerBelow")) { return; } nativeAddLayer(layer.getNativePtr(), below); } public void addLayerAbove(@NonNull Layer layer, @NonNull String above) { if (isDestroyedOn("addLayerAbove")) { return; } nativeAddLayerAbove(layer.getNativePtr(), above); } public void addLayerAt(@NonNull Layer layer, @IntRange(from = 0) int index) { if (isDestroyedOn("addLayerAt")) { return; } nativeAddLayerAt(layer.getNativePtr(), index); } @Nullable public Layer removeLayer(@NonNull String layerId) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeLayer")) { return null; } return nativeRemoveLayerById(layerId); } @Nullable public Layer removeLayer(@NonNull Layer layer) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeLayer")) { return null; } nativeRemoveLayer(layer.getNativePtr()); return layer; } @Nullable public Layer removeLayerAt(@IntRange(from = 0) int index) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeLayerAt")) { return null; } return nativeRemoveLayerAt(index); } public List getSources() { if (isDestroyedOn("getSources")) { return null; } return Arrays.asList(nativeGetSources()); } public Source getSource(@NonNull String sourceId) { if (isDestroyedOn("getSource")) { return null; } return nativeGetSource(sourceId); } public void addSource(@NonNull Source source) { if (isDestroyedOn("addSource")) { return; } nativeAddSource(source.getNativePtr()); } @Nullable public Source removeSource(@NonNull String sourceId) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeSource")) { return null; } return nativeRemoveSourceById(sourceId); } public Source removeSource(@NonNull Source source) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeSource")) { return null; } nativeRemoveSource(source.getNativePtr()); return source; } public void addImage(@NonNull String name, @NonNull Bitmap image) { if (isDestroyedOn("addImage")) { return; } // Check/correct config if (image.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) { image = image.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, false); } // Get pixels ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(image.getByteCount()); image.copyPixelsToBuffer(buffer); // Determine pixel ratio float density = image.getDensity() == Bitmap.DENSITY_NONE ? Bitmap.DENSITY_NONE : image.getDensity(); float pixelRatio = density / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; nativeAddImage(name, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), pixelRatio, buffer.array()); } public void removeImage(String name) { if (isDestroyedOn("removeImage")) { return; } nativeRemoveImage(name); } public Bitmap getImage(String name) { if (isDestroyedOn("getImage")) { return null; } return nativeGetImage(name); } // Feature querying @NonNull public List queryRenderedFeatures(@NonNull PointF coordinates, @Nullable String[] layerIds, @Nullable Filter.Statement filter) { if (isDestroyedOn("queryRenderedFeatures")) { return new ArrayList<>(); } Feature[] features = nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForPoint(coordinates.x / pixelRatio, coordinates.y / pixelRatio, layerIds, filter != null ? filter.toArray() : null); return features != null ? Arrays.asList(features) : new ArrayList(); } @NonNull public List queryRenderedFeatures(@NonNull RectF coordinates, @Nullable String[] layerIds, @Nullable Filter.Statement filter) { if (isDestroyedOn("queryRenderedFeatures")) { return new ArrayList<>(); } Feature[] features = nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForBox( coordinates.left / pixelRatio, / pixelRatio, coordinates.right / pixelRatio, coordinates.bottom / pixelRatio, layerIds, filter != null ? filter.toArray() : null); return features != null ? Arrays.asList(features) : new ArrayList(); } public void scheduleTakeSnapshot() { if (isDestroyedOn("scheduleTakeSnapshot")) { return; } nativeTakeSnapshot(); } public void setApiBaseUrl(String baseUrl) { if (isDestroyedOn("setApiBaseUrl")) { return; } fileSource.setApiBaseUrl(baseUrl); } public Light getLight() { if (isDestroyedOn("getLight")) { return null; } return nativeGetLight(); } public float getPixelRatio() { return pixelRatio; } // // Callbacks // /** * Called from JNI whenever the native map * needs rendering. */ protected void requestRender() { if (renderThread != null) { renderThread.requestRender(); } } /** * Called from JNI when work needs to be processed on * the Renderer Thread. */ protected void requestProcessing() { if (renderThread != null) { renderThread.queueEvent(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { nativeProcess(); } }); } } protected void onMapChanged(int rawChange) { if (mapView != null) { mapView.onMapChange(rawChange); } } protected void onFpsChanged(double fps) { if (isDestroyedOn("OnFpsChanged")) { return; } mapView.onFpsChanged(fps); } protected void onSnapshotReady(Bitmap mapContent) { if (isDestroyedOn("OnSnapshotReady")) { return; } Bitmap viewContent = BitmapUtils.createBitmapFromView(mapView); if (snapshotReadyCallback != null && mapContent != null && viewContent != null) { snapshotReadyCallback.onSnapshotReady(BitmapUtils.mergeBitmap(mapContent, viewContent)); } } // // JNI methods // private native void nativeInitialize(NativeMapView nativeMapView, FileSource fileSource, float pixelRatio, String programCacheDir); private native void nativeDestroy(); private native void nativeProcess(); private native void nativeInitializeDisplay(); private native void nativeTerminateDisplay(); private native void nativeInitializeContext(); private native void nativeTerminateContext(); private native void nativeCreateSurface(Object surface); private native void nativeDestroySurface(); private native void nativeUpdate(); private native void nativeRender(); private native void nativeResizeView(int width, int height); private native void nativeResizeFramebuffer(int fbWidth, int fbHeight); private native void nativeSetStyleUrl(String url); private native String nativeGetStyleUrl(); private native void nativeSetStyleJson(String newStyleJson); private native String nativeGetStyleJson(); private native void nativeSetLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds latLngBounds); private native void nativeCancelTransitions(); private native void nativeSetGestureInProgress(boolean inProgress); private native void nativeMoveBy(double dx, double dy, long duration); private native void nativeSetLatLng(double latitude, double longitude, long duration); private native LatLng nativeGetLatLng(); private native CameraPosition nativeGetCameraForLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds latLngBounds); private native void nativeResetPosition(); private native double nativeGetPitch(); private native void nativeSetPitch(double pitch, long duration); private native void nativeSetZoom(double zoom, double cx, double cy, long duration); private native double nativeGetZoom(); private native void nativeResetZoom(); private native void nativeSetMinZoom(double zoom); private native double nativeGetMinZoom(); private native void nativeSetMaxZoom(double zoom); private native double nativeGetMaxZoom(); private native void nativeRotateBy(double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey, long duration); private native void nativeSetContentPadding(double top, double left, double bottom, double right); private native void nativeSetBearing(double degrees, long duration); private native void nativeSetBearingXY(double degrees, double fx, double fy, long duration); private native double nativeGetBearing(); private native void nativeResetNorth(); private native void nativeUpdateMarker(long markerId, double lat, double lon, String iconId); private native long[] nativeAddMarkers(Marker[] markers); private native long[] nativeAddPolylines(Polyline[] polylines); private native long[] nativeAddPolygons(Polygon[] polygons); private native void nativeRemoveAnnotations(long[] id); private native long[] nativeQueryPointAnnotations(RectF rect); private native void nativeAddAnnotationIcon(String symbol, int width, int height, float scale, byte[] pixels); private native void nativeRemoveAnnotationIcon(String symbol); private native void nativeSetVisibleCoordinateBounds(LatLng[] coordinates, RectF padding, double direction, long duration); private native void nativeOnLowMemory(); private native void nativeSetDebug(boolean debug); private native void nativeCycleDebugOptions(); private native boolean nativeGetDebug(); private native void nativeSetEnableFps(boolean enable); private native boolean nativeIsFullyLoaded(); private native void nativeSetReachability(boolean status); private native double nativeGetMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(double lat, double zoom); private native ProjectedMeters nativeProjectedMetersForLatLng(double latitude, double longitude); private native LatLng nativeLatLngForProjectedMeters(double northing, double easting); private native PointF nativePixelForLatLng(double lat, double lon); private native LatLng nativeLatLngForPixel(float x, float y); private native double nativeGetTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(String symbolName); private native void nativeJumpTo(double angle, double latitude, double longitude, double pitch, double zoom); private native void nativeEaseTo(double angle, double latitude, double longitude, long duration, double pitch, double zoom, boolean easingInterpolator); private native void nativeFlyTo(double angle, double latitude, double longitude, long duration, double pitch, double zoom); private native CameraPosition nativeGetCameraPosition(); private native long nativeGetTransitionDuration(); private native void nativeSetTransitionDuration(long duration); private native long nativeGetTransitionDelay(); private native void nativeSetTransitionDelay(long delay); private native Layer[] nativeGetLayers(); private native Layer nativeGetLayer(String layerId); private native void nativeAddLayer(long layerPtr, String before) throws CannotAddLayerException; private native void nativeAddLayerAbove(long layerPtr, String above) throws CannotAddLayerException; private native void nativeAddLayerAt(long layerPtr, int index) throws CannotAddLayerException; private native Layer nativeRemoveLayerById(String layerId); private native void nativeRemoveLayer(long layerId); private native Layer nativeRemoveLayerAt(int index); private native Source[] nativeGetSources(); private native Source nativeGetSource(String sourceId); private native void nativeAddSource(long nativeSourcePtr) throws CannotAddSourceException; private native Source nativeRemoveSourceById(String sourceId); private native void nativeRemoveSource(long sourcePtr); private native void nativeAddImage(String name, int width, int height, float pixelRatio, byte[] array); private native void nativeRemoveImage(String name); private native Bitmap nativeGetImage(String name); private native void nativeUpdatePolygon(long polygonId, Polygon polygon); private native void nativeUpdatePolyline(long polylineId, Polyline polyline); private native void nativeTakeSnapshot(); private native Feature[] nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForPoint(float x, float y, String[] layerIds, Object[] filter); private native Feature[] nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForBox(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, String[] layerIds, Object[] filter); private native Light nativeGetLight(); private native void nativeSetPrefetchesTiles(boolean enable); private native boolean nativeGetPrefetchesTiles(); int getWidth() { if (isDestroyedOn("")) { return 0; } return mapView.getWidth(); } int getHeight() { if (isDestroyedOn("")) { return 0; } return mapView.getHeight(); } // // MapChangeEvents // void addOnMapChangedListener(@NonNull MapView.OnMapChangedListener listener) { mapView.addOnMapChangedListener(listener); } void removeOnMapChangedListener(@NonNull MapView.OnMapChangedListener listener) { mapView.removeOnMapChangedListener(listener); } // // Snapshot // void addSnapshotCallback(@NonNull MapboxMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback) { snapshotReadyCallback = callback; scheduleTakeSnapshot(); renderThread.requestRender(); } // // GLSurfaceView.Renderer // @Override public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) { Timber.i("[%s] onSurfaceCreated", Thread.currentThread().getName()); //TODO: callback to map to re-create renderer? } @Override public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) { Timber.i("[%s] onSurfaceChanged %sx%s", Thread.currentThread().getName(), width, height); // Sets the current view port to the new size. gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height); resizeFramebuffer(width, height); // resizeView(width, height); Done from MapView#onSizeChanged } @Override public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) { nativeRender(); } }