package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Surface; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Icon; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Marker; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Polygon; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Polyline; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.constants.MapboxConstants; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.ProjectedMeters; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.offline.OfflineManager; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; // Class that wraps the native methods for convenience final class NativeMapView { boolean destroyed = false; // Holds the pointer to JNI NativeMapView private long nativeMapViewPtr = 0; // Used for callbacks private MapView mapView; private final float pixelRatio; // // Static methods // static { System.loadLibrary("mapbox-gl"); } // // Constructors // public NativeMapView(MapView mapView) { Context context = mapView.getContext(); String dataPath = OfflineManager.getDatabasePath(context); // With the availability of offline, we're unifying the ambient (cache) and the offline // databases to be in the same folder, outside cache, to avoid automatic deletion from // the system String cachePath = dataPath; pixelRatio = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; String apkPath = context.getPackageCodePath(); int availableProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); ActivityManager.MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo(); ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); activityManager.getMemoryInfo(memoryInfo); long totalMemory = memoryInfo.availMem; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { totalMemory = memoryInfo.totalMem; } if (availableProcessors < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("availableProcessors cannot be negative."); } if (totalMemory < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("totalMemory cannot be negative."); } this.mapView = mapView; nativeMapViewPtr = nativeCreate(cachePath, dataPath, apkPath, pixelRatio, availableProcessors, totalMemory); } // // Methods // public void destroy() { nativeDestroy(nativeMapViewPtr); nativeMapViewPtr = 0; mapView = null; destroyed = true; } public boolean wasDestroyed() { return destroyed; } public void initializeDisplay() { nativeInitializeDisplay(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void terminateDisplay() { nativeTerminateDisplay(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void initializeContext() { nativeInitializeContext(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void terminateContext() { nativeTerminateContext(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void createSurface(Surface surface) { nativeCreateSurface(nativeMapViewPtr, surface); } public void destroySurface() { nativeDestroySurface(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void update() { nativeUpdate(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void render() { nativeRender(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void resizeView(int width, int height) { if (width < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("width cannot be negative."); } if (height < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("height cannot be negative."); } if (width > 65535) { // we have seen edge cases where devices return incorrect values #6111 Log.e(MapboxConstants.TAG, "Device returned an out of range width size, " + "capping value at 65535 instead of " + width); width = 65535; } if (height > 65535) { // we have seen edge cases where devices return incorrect values #6111 Log.e(MapboxConstants.TAG, "Device returned an out of range height size, " + "capping value at 65535 instead of " + height); height = 65535; } nativeViewResize(nativeMapViewPtr, width, height); } public void resizeFramebuffer(int fbWidth, int fbHeight) { if (fbWidth < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fbWidth cannot be negative."); } if (fbHeight < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fbHeight cannot be negative."); } if (fbWidth > 65535) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fbWidth cannot be greater than 65535."); } if (fbHeight > 65535) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fbHeight cannot be greater than 65535."); } nativeFramebufferResize(nativeMapViewPtr, fbWidth, fbHeight); } public void addClass(String clazz) { nativeAddClass(nativeMapViewPtr, clazz); } public void removeClass(String clazz) { nativeRemoveClass(nativeMapViewPtr, clazz); } public boolean hasClass(String clazz) { return nativeHasClass(nativeMapViewPtr, clazz); } public void setClasses(List classes) { nativeSetClasses(nativeMapViewPtr, classes); } public List getClasses() { return nativeGetClasses(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setStyleUrl(String url) { nativeSetStyleUrl(nativeMapViewPtr, url); } public void setStyleJson(String newStyleJson) { nativeSetStyleJson(nativeMapViewPtr, newStyleJson); } public String getStyleJson() { return nativeGetStyleJson(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setAccessToken(String accessToken) { nativeSetAccessToken(nativeMapViewPtr, accessToken); } public String getAccessToken() { return nativeGetAccessToken(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void cancelTransitions() { nativeCancelTransitions(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setGestureInProgress(boolean inProgress) { nativeSetGestureInProgress(nativeMapViewPtr, inProgress); } public void moveBy(double dx, double dy) { moveBy(dx, dy, 0); } public void moveBy(double dx, double dy, long duration) { nativeMoveBy(nativeMapViewPtr, dx, dy, duration); } public void setLatLng(LatLng latLng) { setLatLng(latLng, 0); } public void setLatLng(LatLng latLng, long duration) { nativeSetLatLng(nativeMapViewPtr, latLng.getLatitude(), latLng.getLongitude(), duration); } public LatLng getLatLng() { return nativeGetLatLng(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void resetPosition() { nativeResetPosition(nativeMapViewPtr); } public double getPitch() { return nativeGetPitch(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setPitch(double pitch, long duration) { nativeSetPitch(nativeMapViewPtr, pitch, duration); } public void scaleBy(double ds) { scaleBy(ds, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } public void scaleBy(double ds, double cx, double cy) { scaleBy(ds, cx, cy, 0); } public void scaleBy(double ds, double cx, double cy, long duration) { nativeScaleBy(nativeMapViewPtr, ds, cx, cy, duration); } public void setScale(double scale) { setScale(scale, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } public void setScale(double scale, double cx, double cy) { setScale(scale, cx, cy, 0); } public void setScale(double scale, double cx, double cy, long duration) { nativeSetScale(nativeMapViewPtr, scale, cx, cy, duration); } public double getScale() { return nativeGetScale(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setZoom(double zoom) { setZoom(zoom, 0); } public void setZoom(double zoom, long duration) { nativeSetZoom(nativeMapViewPtr, zoom, duration); } public double getZoom() { return nativeGetZoom(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void resetZoom() { nativeResetZoom(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setMinZoom(double zoom) { nativeSetMinZoom(nativeMapViewPtr, zoom); } public double getMinZoom() { return nativeGetMinZoom(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setMaxZoom(double zoom) { nativeSetMaxZoom(nativeMapViewPtr, zoom); } public double getMaxZoom() { return nativeGetMaxZoom(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void rotateBy(double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey) { rotateBy(sx, sy, ex, ey, 0); } public void rotateBy(double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey, long duration) { nativeRotateBy(nativeMapViewPtr, sx, sy, ex, ey, duration); } public void setContentPadding(double top, double left, double bottom, double right) { nativeSetContentPadding(nativeMapViewPtr, top, left, bottom, right); } public void setBearing(double degrees) { setBearing(degrees, 0); } public void setBearing(double degrees, long duration) { nativeSetBearing(nativeMapViewPtr, degrees, duration); } public void setBearing(double degrees, double cx, double cy) { nativeSetBearingXY(nativeMapViewPtr, degrees, cx, cy); } public double getBearing() { return nativeGetBearing(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void resetNorth() { nativeResetNorth(nativeMapViewPtr); } public long addMarker(Marker marker) { Marker[] markers = {marker}; return nativeAddMarkers(nativeMapViewPtr, markers)[0]; } public long[] addMarkers(List markers) { return nativeAddMarkers(nativeMapViewPtr, markers.toArray(new Marker[markers.size()])); } public long addPolyline(Polyline polyline) { Polyline[] polylines = {polyline}; return nativeAddPolylines(nativeMapViewPtr, polylines)[0]; } public long[] addPolylines(List polylines) { return nativeAddPolylines(nativeMapViewPtr, polylines.toArray(new Polyline[polylines.size()])); } public long addPolygon(Polygon polygon) { Polygon[] polygons = {polygon}; return nativeAddPolygons(nativeMapViewPtr, polygons)[0]; } public long[] addPolygons(List polygons) { return nativeAddPolygons(nativeMapViewPtr, polygons.toArray(new Polygon[polygons.size()])); } public void updateMarker(Marker marker) { LatLng position = marker.getPosition(); Icon icon = marker.getIcon(); nativeUpdateMarker(nativeMapViewPtr, marker.getId(), position.getLatitude(), position.getLongitude(), icon.getId()); } public void updatePolygon(Polygon polygon) { nativeUpdatePolygon(nativeMapViewPtr, polygon.getId(), polygon); } public void updatePolyline(Polyline polyline) { nativeUpdatePolyline(nativeMapViewPtr, polyline.getId(), polyline); } public void removeAnnotation(long id) { long[] ids = {id}; removeAnnotations(ids); } public void removeAnnotations(long[] ids) { nativeRemoveAnnotations(nativeMapViewPtr, ids); } public long[] queryPointAnnotations(RectF rect) { return nativeQueryPointAnnotations(nativeMapViewPtr, rect); } public void addAnnotationIcon(String symbol, int width, int height, float scale, byte[] pixels) { nativeAddAnnotationIcon(nativeMapViewPtr, symbol, width, height, scale, pixels); } public void setVisibleCoordinateBounds(LatLng[] coordinates, RectF padding, double direction, long duration) { nativeSetVisibleCoordinateBounds(nativeMapViewPtr, coordinates, padding, direction, duration); } public void onLowMemory() { nativeOnLowMemory(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setDebug(boolean debug) { nativeSetDebug(nativeMapViewPtr, debug); } public void cycleDebugOptions() { nativeToggleDebug(nativeMapViewPtr); } public boolean getDebug() { return nativeGetDebug(nativeMapViewPtr); } public boolean isFullyLoaded() { return nativeIsFullyLoaded(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setReachability(boolean status) { nativeSetReachability(nativeMapViewPtr, status); } public double getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(double lat, double zoom) { return nativeGetMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(nativeMapViewPtr, lat, zoom); } public ProjectedMeters projectedMetersForLatLng(LatLng latLng) { return nativeProjectedMetersForLatLng(nativeMapViewPtr, latLng.getLatitude(), latLng.getLongitude()); } public LatLng latLngForProjectedMeters(ProjectedMeters projectedMeters) { return nativeLatLngForProjectedMeters(nativeMapViewPtr, projectedMeters.getNorthing(), projectedMeters.getEasting()); } public PointF pixelForLatLng(LatLng latLng) { return nativePixelForLatLng(nativeMapViewPtr, latLng.getLatitude(), latLng.getLongitude()); } public LatLng latLngForPixel(PointF pixel) { return nativeLatLngForPixel(nativeMapViewPtr, pixel.x, pixel.y); } public double getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(String symbolName) { return nativeGetTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(nativeMapViewPtr, symbolName); } public void jumpTo(double angle, LatLng center, double pitch, double zoom) { nativeJumpTo(nativeMapViewPtr, angle, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), pitch, zoom); } public void easeTo(double angle, LatLng center, long duration, double pitch, double zoom, boolean easingInterpolator) { nativeEaseTo(nativeMapViewPtr, angle, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), duration, pitch, zoom, easingInterpolator); } public void flyTo(double angle, LatLng center, long duration, double pitch, double zoom) { nativeFlyTo(nativeMapViewPtr, angle, center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), duration, pitch, zoom); } public double[] getCameraValues() { return nativeGetCameraValues(nativeMapViewPtr); } // Runtime style Api public Layer getLayer(String layerId) { return nativeGetLayer(nativeMapViewPtr, layerId); } public void addLayer(@NonNull Layer layer, @Nullable String before) { nativeAddLayer(nativeMapViewPtr, layer.getNativePtr(), before); } public void removeLayer(@NonNull String layerId) throws NoSuchLayerException { nativeRemoveLayer(nativeMapViewPtr, layerId); } public Source getSource(@NonNull String sourceId) { return nativeGetSource(nativeMapViewPtr, sourceId); } public void addSource(@NonNull Source source) { nativeAddSource(nativeMapViewPtr, source.getNativePtr()); } public void removeSource(@NonNull String sourceId) throws NoSuchSourceException { nativeRemoveSource(nativeMapViewPtr, sourceId); } public void addImage(@NonNull String name, @NonNull Bitmap image) { //Check/correct config if (image.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) { image = image.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, false); } //Get pixels ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(image.getByteCount()); image.copyPixelsToBuffer(buffer); //Determine pixel ratio float density = image.getDensity() == Bitmap.DENSITY_NONE ? Bitmap.DENSITY_NONE : image.getDensity(); float pixelRatio = density / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; nativeAddImage(nativeMapViewPtr, name, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), pixelRatio, buffer.array()); } public void removeImage(String name) { nativeRemoveImage(nativeMapViewPtr, name); } // Feature querying @NonNull public List queryRenderedFeatures(PointF coordinates, String... layerIds) { Feature[] features = nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForPoint(nativeMapViewPtr, coordinates.x / pixelRatio, coordinates.y / pixelRatio, layerIds); return features != null ? Arrays.asList(features) : new ArrayList(); } @NonNull public List queryRenderedFeatures(RectF coordinates, String... layerIds) { Feature[] features = nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForBox( nativeMapViewPtr, coordinates.left / pixelRatio, / pixelRatio, coordinates.right / pixelRatio, coordinates.bottom / pixelRatio, layerIds); return features != null ? Arrays.asList(features) : new ArrayList(); } public void scheduleTakeSnapshot() { nativeScheduleTakeSnapshot(nativeMapViewPtr); } public void setApiBaseUrl(String baseUrl) { nativeSetAPIBaseURL(nativeMapViewPtr, baseUrl); } public float getPixelRatio() { return pixelRatio; } public Context getContext() { return mapView.getContext(); } // // Callbacks // protected void onInvalidate() { mapView.onInvalidate(); } protected void onMapChanged(int rawChange) { mapView.onMapChanged(rawChange); } protected void onFpsChanged(double fps) { mapView.onFpsChanged(fps); } protected void onSnapshotReady(byte[] bytes) { mapView.onSnapshotReady(bytes); } // // JNI methods // private native long nativeCreate(String cachePath, String dataPath, String apkPath, float pixelRatio, int availableProcessors, long totalMemory); private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeInitializeDisplay(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeTerminateDisplay(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeInitializeContext(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeTerminateContext(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeCreateSurface(long nativeMapViewPtr, Surface surface); private native void nativeDestroySurface(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeUpdate(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeRender(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeViewResize(long nativeMapViewPtr, int width, int height); private native void nativeFramebufferResize(long nativeMapViewPtr, int fbWidth, int fbHeight); private native void nativeAddClass(long nativeMapViewPtr, String clazz); private native void nativeRemoveClass(long nativeMapViewPtr, String clazz); private native boolean nativeHasClass(long nativeMapViewPtr, String clazz); private native void nativeSetClasses(long nativeMapViewPtr, List classes); private native List nativeGetClasses(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetStyleUrl(long nativeMapViewPtr, String url); private native void nativeSetStyleJson(long nativeMapViewPtr, String newStyleJson); private native String nativeGetStyleJson(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetAccessToken(long nativeMapViewPtr, String accessToken); private native String nativeGetAccessToken(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeCancelTransitions(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetGestureInProgress(long nativeMapViewPtr, boolean inProgress); private native void nativeMoveBy(long nativeMapViewPtr, double dx, double dy, long duration); private native void nativeSetLatLng(long nativeMapViewPtr, double latitude, double longitude, long duration); private native LatLng nativeGetLatLng(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeResetPosition(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native double nativeGetPitch(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetPitch(long nativeMapViewPtr, double pitch, long duration); private native void nativeScaleBy(long nativeMapViewPtr, double ds, double cx, double cy, long duration); private native void nativeSetScale(long nativeMapViewPtr, double scale, double cx, double cy, long duration); private native double nativeGetScale(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr, double zoom, long duration); private native double nativeGetZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeResetZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetMinZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr, double zoom); private native double nativeGetMinZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetMaxZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr, double zoom); private native double nativeGetMaxZoom(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeRotateBy(long nativeMapViewPtr, double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey, long duration); private native void nativeSetContentPadding(long nativeMapViewPtr, double top, double left, double bottom, double right); private native void nativeSetBearing(long nativeMapViewPtr, double degrees, long duration); private native void nativeSetBearingXY(long nativeMapViewPtr, double degrees, double cx, double cy); private native double nativeGetBearing(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeResetNorth(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeUpdateMarker(long nativeMapViewPtr, long markerId, double lat, double lon, String iconId); private native long[] nativeAddMarkers(long nativeMapViewPtr, Marker[] markers); private native long[] nativeAddPolylines(long nativeMapViewPtr, Polyline[] polylines); private native long[] nativeAddPolygons(long nativeMapViewPtr, Polygon[] polygons); private native void nativeRemoveAnnotations(long nativeMapViewPtr, long[] id); private native long[] nativeQueryPointAnnotations(long nativeMapViewPtr, RectF rect); private native void nativeAddAnnotationIcon(long nativeMapViewPtr, String symbol, int width, int height, float scale, byte[] pixels); private native void nativeSetVisibleCoordinateBounds(long nativeMapViewPtr, LatLng[] coordinates, RectF padding, double direction, long duration); private native void nativeOnLowMemory(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetDebug(long nativeMapViewPtr, boolean debug); private native void nativeToggleDebug(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native boolean nativeGetDebug(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native boolean nativeIsFullyLoaded(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native void nativeSetReachability(long nativeMapViewPtr, boolean status); private native double nativeGetMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(long nativeMapViewPtr, double lat, double zoom); private native ProjectedMeters nativeProjectedMetersForLatLng(long nativeMapViewPtr, double latitude, double longitude); private native LatLng nativeLatLngForProjectedMeters(long nativeMapViewPtr, double northing, double easting); private native PointF nativePixelForLatLng(long nativeMapViewPtr, double lat, double lon); private native LatLng nativeLatLngForPixel(long nativeMapViewPtr, float x, float y); private native double nativeGetTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(long nativeMapViewPtr, String symbolName); private native void nativeJumpTo(long nativeMapViewPtr, double angle, double latitude, double longitude, double pitch, double zoom); private native void nativeEaseTo(long nativeMapViewPtr, double angle, double latitude, double longitude, long duration, double pitch, double zoom, boolean easingInterpolator); private native void nativeFlyTo(long nativeMapViewPtr, double angle, double latitude, double longitude, long duration, double pitch, double zoom); private native double[] nativeGetCameraValues(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native Layer nativeGetLayer(long nativeMapViewPtr, String layerId); private native void nativeAddLayer(long nativeMapViewPtr, long layerPtr, String before); private native void nativeRemoveLayer(long nativeMapViewPtr, String layerId) throws NoSuchLayerException; private native Source nativeGetSource(long nativeMapViewPtr, String sourceId); private native void nativeAddSource(long nativeMapViewPtr, long nativeSourcePtr); private native void nativeRemoveSource(long nativeMapViewPtr, String sourceId) throws NoSuchSourceException; private native void nativeAddImage(long nativeMapViewPtr, String name, int width, int height, float pixelRatio, byte[] array); private native void nativeRemoveImage(long nativeMapViewPtr, String name); private native void nativeUpdatePolygon(long nativeMapViewPtr, long polygonId, Polygon polygon); private native void nativeUpdatePolyline(long nativeMapviewPtr, long polylineId, Polyline polyline); private native void nativeScheduleTakeSnapshot(long nativeMapViewPtr); private native Feature[] nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForPoint(long nativeMapViewPtr, float x, float y, String[] layerIds); private native Feature[] nativeQueryRenderedFeaturesForBox(long nativeMapViewPtr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, String[] layerIds); private native void nativeSetAPIBaseURL(long nativeMapViewPtr, String baseUrl); }