package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.Mapbox; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Icon; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.IconFactory; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.Marker; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations.MarkerView; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Responsible for managing icons added to the Map. *

* Maintains a {@link List} of {@link Icon} and is responsible for initialising default markers and * setting up {@link MarkerView} annotation ghosting. *


* Keep track of icons added and the resulting average icon size. This is used internally by our * gestures detection to calculate the size of a touch target. *

*/ class IconManager { private final Map iconMap = new HashMap<>(); private NativeMapView nativeMapView; private int highestIconWidth; private int highestIconHeight; IconManager(NativeMapView nativeMapView) { this.nativeMapView = nativeMapView; // load transparent icon for MarkerView to trace actual markers, see #6352 loadIcon(IconFactory.recreate(IconFactory.ICON_MARKERVIEW_ID, IconFactory.ICON_MARKERVIEW_BITMAP)); } Icon loadIconForMarker(Marker marker) { Icon icon = marker.getIcon(); if (icon == null) { // TODO replace with anchor implementation, we are faking an anchor by adding extra pixels and diving height by 2 // TODO we can move this code afterwards to getIcon as with MarkerView.getIcon icon = loadDefaultIconForMarker(marker); } else { updateHighestIconSize(icon); } addIcon(icon); return icon; } void loadIconForMarkerView(MarkerView marker) { Icon icon = marker.getIcon(); Bitmap bitmap = icon.getBitmap(); updateHighestIconSize(bitmap); addIcon(icon, false); } int getTopOffsetPixelsForIcon(Icon icon) { return (int) (nativeMapView.getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(icon.getId()) * nativeMapView.getPixelRatio()); } int getHighestIconWidth() { return highestIconWidth; } int getHighestIconHeight() { return highestIconHeight; } private Icon loadDefaultIconForMarker(Marker marker) { Icon icon = IconFactory.getInstance(Mapbox.getApplicationContext()).defaultMarker(); Bitmap bitmap = icon.getBitmap(); updateHighestIconSize(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight() / 2); marker.setIcon(icon); return icon; } private void addIcon(Icon icon) { addIcon(icon, true); } private void addIcon(Icon icon, boolean addIconToMap) { if (!iconMap.keySet().contains(icon)) { iconMap.put(icon, 1); if (addIconToMap) { loadIcon(icon); } } else { iconMap.put(icon, iconMap.get(icon) + 1); } } private void updateHighestIconSize(Icon icon) { updateHighestIconSize(icon.getBitmap()); } private void updateHighestIconSize(Bitmap bitmap) { updateHighestIconSize(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); } private void updateHighestIconSize(int width, int height) { if (width > highestIconWidth) { highestIconWidth = width; } if (height > highestIconHeight) { highestIconHeight = height; } } private void loadIcon(Icon icon) { Bitmap bitmap = icon.getBitmap(); nativeMapView.addAnnotationIcon(icon.getId(), bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), icon.getScale(), icon.toBytes()); } void reloadIcons() { for (Icon icon : iconMap.keySet()) { loadIcon(icon); } } void ensureIconLoaded(Marker marker, MapboxMap mapboxMap) { Icon icon = marker.getIcon(); if (icon == null) { icon = loadDefaultIconForMarker(marker); } addIcon(icon); setTopOffsetPixels(marker, mapboxMap, icon); } private void setTopOffsetPixels(Marker marker, MapboxMap mapboxMap, Icon icon) { // this seems to be a costly operation according to the profiler so I'm trying to save some calls Marker previousMarker = marker.getId() != -1 ? (Marker) mapboxMap.getAnnotation(marker.getId()) : null; if (previousMarker == null || previousMarker.getIcon() == null || previousMarker.getIcon() != marker.getIcon()) { marker.setTopOffsetPixels(getTopOffsetPixelsForIcon(icon)); } } void iconCleanup(Icon icon) { Integer refCounter = iconMap.get(icon); if (refCounter != null) { refCounter--; if (refCounter == 0) { remove(icon); } else { updateIconRefCounter(icon, refCounter); } } } private void remove(Icon icon) { nativeMapView.removeAnnotationIcon(icon.getId()); iconMap.remove(icon); } private void updateIconRefCounter(Icon icon, int refCounter) { iconMap.put(icon, refCounter); } }