package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location; import android.animation.TypeEvaluator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.List; /** * Abstract class for all of the plugin animators. * * @param Data type that will be animated. * @param Listener of animation updates. */ abstract class MapboxAnimator extends ValueAnimator implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener { @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef( { ANIMATOR_LAYER_LATLNG, ANIMATOR_CAMERA_LATLNG, ANIMATOR_LAYER_GPS_BEARING, ANIMATOR_LAYER_COMPASS_BEARING, ANIMATOR_CAMERA_GPS_BEARING, ANIMATOR_CAMERA_COMPASS_BEARING, ANIMATOR_LAYER_ACCURACY, ANIMATOR_ZOOM, ANIMATOR_TILT }) @interface Type { } static final int ANIMATOR_LAYER_LATLNG = 0; static final int ANIMATOR_CAMERA_LATLNG = 1; static final int ANIMATOR_LAYER_GPS_BEARING = 2; static final int ANIMATOR_LAYER_COMPASS_BEARING = 3; static final int ANIMATOR_CAMERA_GPS_BEARING = 4; static final int ANIMATOR_CAMERA_COMPASS_BEARING = 5; static final int ANIMATOR_LAYER_ACCURACY = 6; static final int ANIMATOR_ZOOM = 7; static final int ANIMATOR_TILT = 8; private final int animatorType = provideAnimatorType(); final List updateListeners; private final K target; MapboxAnimator(K previous, K target, List updateListeners) { setObjectValues(previous, target); setEvaluator(provideEvaluator()); this.updateListeners = updateListeners; = target; addUpdateListener(this); } K getTarget() { return target; } @Type int getAnimatorType() { return animatorType; } @Type abstract int provideAnimatorType(); abstract TypeEvaluator provideEvaluator(); interface OnLayerAnimationsValuesChangeListener { void onNewLatLngValue(LatLng latLng); void onNewGpsBearingValue(float gpsBearing); void onNewCompassBearingValue(float compassBearing); void onNewAccuracyRadiusValue(float accuracyRadiusValue); } interface OnCameraAnimationsValuesChangeListener { void onNewLatLngValue(LatLng latLng); void onNewGpsBearingValue(float gpsBearing); void onNewCompassBearingValue(float compassBearing); void onNewZoomValue(float zoom); void onNewTiltValue(float tilt); } }