package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location; /** * Contains all the constants being used for the {@link LocationComponent}. */ public final class LocationComponentConstants { // Controls the compass update rate in milliseconds static final long COMPASS_UPDATE_RATE_MS = 500; // Sets the transition animation duration when switching camera modes. static final long TRANSITION_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 750; // Sets the max allowed time for the location icon animation from one LatLng to another. static final long MAX_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 2000; // Sets the duration of change of accuracy radius when a different value is provided. static final long ACCURACY_RADIUS_ANIMATION_DURATION = 250; // Default animation duration for zooming while tracking. static final long DEFAULT_TRACKING_ZOOM_ANIM_DURATION = 750; // Default animation duration for tilting while tracking. static final long DEFAULT_TRACKING_TILT_ANIM_DURATION = 1250; // Threshold value to perform immediate camera/layer position update. static final double INSTANT_LOCATION_TRANSITION_THRESHOLD = 50_000; // Default interval between location updates static final long DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000; // Default fastest acceptable interval between location updates static final long DEFAULT_FASTEST_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000; // Sources static final String LOCATION_SOURCE = "mapbox-location-source"; static final String PROPERTY_GPS_BEARING = "mapbox-property-gps-bearing"; static final String PROPERTY_COMPASS_BEARING = "mapbox-property-compass-bearing"; static final String PROPERTY_LOCATION_STALE = "mapbox-property-location-stale"; static final String PROPERTY_ACCURACY_RADIUS = "mapbox-property-accuracy-radius"; static final String PROPERTY_ACCURACY_COLOR = "mapbox-property-accuracy-color"; static final String PROPERTY_ACCURACY_ALPHA = "mapbox-property-accuracy-alpha"; static final String PROPERTY_FOREGROUND_ICON_OFFSET = "mapbox-property-foreground-icon-offset"; static final String PROPERTY_SHADOW_ICON_OFFSET = "mapbox-property-shadow-icon-offset"; static final String PROPERTY_FOREGROUND_ICON = "mapbox-property-foreground-icon"; static final String PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_ICON = "mapbox-property-background-icon"; static final String PROPERTY_FOREGROUND_STALE_ICON = "mapbox-property-foreground-stale-icon"; static final String PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_STALE_ICON = "mapbox-property-background-stale-icon"; static final String PROPERTY_BEARING_ICON = "mapbox-property-shadow-icon"; // Layers /** * Layer ID of the location shadow. */ public static final String SHADOW_LAYER = "mapbox-location-shadow-layer"; /** * Layer ID of the location foreground icon. */ public static final String FOREGROUND_LAYER = "mapbox-location-foreground-layer"; /** * Layer ID of the location background icon. */ public static final String BACKGROUND_LAYER = "mapbox-location-background-layer"; /** * Layer ID of the location accuracy. */ public static final String ACCURACY_LAYER = "mapbox-location-accuracy-layer"; /** * Layer ID of the location bearing icon. */ public static final String BEARING_LAYER = "mapbox-location-bearing-layer"; // Icons static final String FOREGROUND_ICON = "mapbox-location-icon"; static final String BACKGROUND_ICON = "mapbox-location-stroke-icon"; static final String FOREGROUND_STALE_ICON = "mapbox-location-stale-icon"; static final String BACKGROUND_STALE_ICON = "mapbox-location-background-stale-icon"; static final String SHADOW_ICON = "mapbox-location-shadow-icon"; static final String BEARING_ICON = "mapbox-location-bearing-icon"; private LocationComponentConstants() { // Class should not be initialized } }