package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.attribution; import android.text.Html; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Responsible for parsing attribution data coming from Sources and MapSnapshot. *

* Exposes multiple configuration options to manipulate data being parsed. * Use the Options object to build these configurations. *

*/ public class AttributionParser { private final Set attributions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final String attributionData; private final boolean withImproveMap; private final boolean withCopyrightSign; private final boolean withTelemetryAttribution; private final boolean withMapboxAttribution; AttributionParser(String attributionData, boolean withImproveMap, boolean withCopyrightSign, boolean withTelemetryAttribution, boolean withMapboxAttribution) { this.attributionData = attributionData; this.withImproveMap = withImproveMap; this.withCopyrightSign = withCopyrightSign; this.withTelemetryAttribution = withTelemetryAttribution; this.withMapboxAttribution = withMapboxAttribution; } /** * Get parsed attributions. * * @return the attributions */ public Set getAttributions() { return attributions; } /** * Get parsed attribution string. * * @return the parsed attribution string */ public String createAttributionString() { return createAttributionString(false); } /** * Get parsed attribution string. * * @param shortenedOutput if attribution string should contain shortened output * @return the parsed attribution string */ public String createAttributionString(boolean shortenedOutput) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(withCopyrightSign ? "" : "© "); int counter = 0; for (Attribution attribution : attributions) { counter++; stringBuilder.append(!shortenedOutput ? attribution.getTitle() : attribution.getTitleAbbreviated()); if (counter != attributions.size()) { stringBuilder.append(" / "); } } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Main attribution for configuration */ protected void parse() { parseAttributions(); addAdditionalAttributions(); } /** * Parse attributions */ private void parseAttributions() { SpannableStringBuilder htmlBuilder = (SpannableStringBuilder) fromHtml(attributionData); URLSpan[] urlSpans = htmlBuilder.getSpans(0, htmlBuilder.length(), URLSpan.class); for (URLSpan urlSpan : urlSpans) { parseUrlSpan(htmlBuilder, urlSpan); } } /** * Parse an URLSpan containing an attribution. * * @param htmlBuilder the html builder * @param urlSpan the url span to be parsed */ private void parseUrlSpan(SpannableStringBuilder htmlBuilder, URLSpan urlSpan) { String url = urlSpan.getURL(); if (isUrlValid(url)) { String anchor = parseAnchorValue(htmlBuilder, urlSpan); attributions.add(new Attribution(anchor, url)); } } /** * Invoked to validate if an url is valid to be included in the final attribution. * * @param url the url to be validated * @return if the url is valid */ private boolean isUrlValid(String url) { return isValidForImproveThisMap(url) && isValidForMapbox(url); } /** * Invoked to validate if an url is valid for the improve map configuration. * * @param url the url to be validated * @return if the url is valid for improve this map */ private boolean isValidForImproveThisMap(String url) { return withImproveMap || !url.equals(Attribution.IMPROVE_MAP_URL); } /** * Invoked to validate if an url is valid for the Mapbox configuration. * * @param url the url to be validated * @return if the url is valid for Mapbox */ private boolean isValidForMapbox(String url) { return withMapboxAttribution || !url.equals(Attribution.MAPBOX_URL); } /** * Parse the attribution by parsing the anchor value of html href tag. * * @param htmlBuilder the html builder * @param urlSpan the current urlSpan * @return the parsed anchor value */ private String parseAnchorValue(SpannableStringBuilder htmlBuilder, URLSpan urlSpan) { int start = htmlBuilder.getSpanStart(urlSpan); int end = htmlBuilder.getSpanEnd(urlSpan); int length = end - start; char[] charKey = new char[length]; htmlBuilder.getChars(start, end, charKey, 0); return stripCopyright(String.valueOf(charKey)); } /** * Utility to strip the copyright sign from an attribution * * @param anchor the attribution string to strip * @return the stripped attribution string without the copyright sign */ private String stripCopyright(String anchor) { if (!withCopyrightSign && anchor.startsWith("© ")) { anchor = anchor.substring(2, anchor.length()); } return anchor; } /** * Invoked to manually add attributions */ private void addAdditionalAttributions() { if (withTelemetryAttribution) { attributions.add(new Attribution(Attribution.TELEMETRY, Attribution.TELEMETRY_URL)); } } /** * Convert a string to a spanned html representation. * * @param html the string to convert * @return the spanned html representation */ private static Spanned fromHtml(String html) { Spanned result; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { result = Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY); } else { result = Html.fromHtml(html); } return result; } /** * Builder to configure using an AttributionParser. *

* AttributionData, set with {@link #withAttributionData(String...)}, is the only required property to build * the underlying AttributionParser. Other properties include trimming the copyright sign, adding telemetry * attribution or hiding attribution as improve this map and Mapbox. *

*/ public static class Options { private boolean withImproveMap = true; private boolean withCopyrightSign = true; private boolean withTelemetryAttribution = false; private boolean withMapboxAttribution = true; private String[] attributionDataStringArray; public Options withAttributionData(String... attributionData) { this.attributionDataStringArray = attributionData; return this; } public Options withImproveMap(boolean withImproveMap) { this.withImproveMap = withImproveMap; return this; } public Options withCopyrightSign(boolean withCopyrightSign) { this.withCopyrightSign = withCopyrightSign; return this; } public Options withTelemetryAttribution(boolean withTelemetryAttribution) { this.withTelemetryAttribution = withTelemetryAttribution; return this; } public Options withMapboxAttribution(boolean withMapboxAttribution) { this.withMapboxAttribution = withMapboxAttribution; return this; } public AttributionParser build() { if (attributionDataStringArray == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Using builder without providing attribution data"); } String fullAttributionString = parseAttribution(attributionDataStringArray); AttributionParser attributionParser = new AttributionParser( fullAttributionString, withImproveMap, withCopyrightSign, withTelemetryAttribution, withMapboxAttribution ); attributionParser.parse(); return attributionParser; } private String parseAttribution(String[] attribution) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String attr : attribution) { if (!attr.isEmpty()) { builder.append(attr); } } return builder.toString(); } } }