package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.annotations; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.widget.TextView; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.R; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapView; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapboxMap; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * {@code InfoWindow} is a tooltip shown when a {@link Marker} or {@link MarkerView} is tapped. Only * one info window is displayed at a time. When the user clicks on a marker, the currently open info * window will be closed and the new info window will be displayed. If the user clicks the same * marker while its info window is currently open, the info window will be closed. *

* The info window is drawn oriented against the device's screen, centered above its associated * marker by default. The info window anchoring can be adjusted using * {@link MarkerView#setInfoWindowAnchor(float, float)} for {@link MarkerView}. The default info * window contains the title in bold and snippet text below the title. While either the title and * snippet are optional, at least one is required to open the info window. *

*/ public class InfoWindow { private WeakReference boundMarker; private WeakReference mapboxMap; protected WeakReference view; private float markerHeightOffset; private float markerWidthOffset; private float viewWidthOffset; private float viewHeightOffset; private PointF coordinates; private boolean isVisible; @LayoutRes private int layoutRes; InfoWindow(MapView mapView, int layoutResId, MapboxMap mapboxMap) { layoutRes = layoutResId; View view = LayoutInflater.from(mapView.getContext()).inflate(layoutResId, mapView, false); initialize(view, mapboxMap); } InfoWindow(@NonNull View view, MapboxMap mapboxMap) { initialize(view, mapboxMap); } private void initialize(@NonNull View view, MapboxMap mapboxMap) { this.mapboxMap = new WeakReference<>(mapboxMap); isVisible = false; this.view = new WeakReference<>(view); view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { MapboxMap mapboxMap = InfoWindow.this.mapboxMap.get(); if (mapboxMap != null) { MapboxMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener onInfoWindowClickListener = mapboxMap.getOnInfoWindowClickListener(); boolean handledDefaultClick = false; if (onInfoWindowClickListener != null) { handledDefaultClick = onInfoWindowClickListener.onInfoWindowClick(getBoundMarker()); } if (!handledDefaultClick) { // default behavior: close it when clicking on the tooltip: closeInfoWindow(); } } } }); view.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { MapboxMap mapboxMap = InfoWindow.this.mapboxMap.get(); if (mapboxMap != null) { MapboxMap.OnInfoWindowLongClickListener listener = mapboxMap.getOnInfoWindowLongClickListener(); if (listener != null) { listener.onInfoWindowLongClick(getBoundMarker()); } } return true; } }); } private void closeInfoWindow() { MapboxMap mapbox = mapboxMap.get(); Marker marker = boundMarker.get(); if (marker != null && mapbox != null) { mapbox.deselectMarker(marker); } close(); } /** * Open the info window at the specified position. * * @param boundMarker The marker on which is hooked the view. * @param position to place the window on the map. * @param offsetX The offset of the view to the position, in pixels. This allows to offset * the view from the object position. * @param offsetY The offset of the view to the position, in pixels. This allows to offset * the view from the object position. * @return this {@link InfoWindow}. */ @NonNull InfoWindow open(@NonNull MapView mapView, Marker boundMarker, @NonNull LatLng position, int offsetX, int offsetY) { setBoundMarker(boundMarker); MapView.LayoutParams lp = new MapView.LayoutParams(MapView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, MapView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); MapboxMap mapboxMap = this.mapboxMap.get(); View view = this.view.get(); if (view != null && mapboxMap != null) { view.measure(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); markerHeightOffset = offsetY; markerWidthOffset = -offsetX; // Calculate default Android x,y coordinate coordinates = mapboxMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(position); float x = coordinates.x - (view.getMeasuredWidth() / 2) + offsetX; float y = coordinates.y - view.getMeasuredHeight() + offsetY; if (view instanceof BubbleLayout) { // only apply repositioning/margin for InfoWindowView Resources resources = mapView.getContext().getResources(); // get right/left popup window float rightSideInfowWindow = x + view.getMeasuredWidth(); float leftSideInfoWindow = x; // get right/left map view final float mapRight = mapView.getRight(); final float mapLeft = mapView.getLeft(); float marginHorizontal = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.mapbox_infowindow_margin); float tipViewOffset = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.mapbox_infowindow_tipview_width) / 2; float tipViewMarginLeft = view.getMeasuredWidth() / 2 - tipViewOffset; boolean outOfBoundsLeft = false; boolean outOfBoundsRight = false; // only optimise margins if view is inside current viewport if (coordinates.x >= 0 && coordinates.x <= mapView.getWidth() && coordinates.y >= 0 && coordinates.y <= mapView.getHeight()) { // if out of bounds right if (rightSideInfowWindow > mapRight) { outOfBoundsRight = true; x -= rightSideInfowWindow - mapRight; tipViewMarginLeft += rightSideInfowWindow - mapRight + tipViewOffset; rightSideInfowWindow = x + view.getMeasuredWidth(); } // fit screen left if (leftSideInfoWindow < mapLeft) { outOfBoundsLeft = true; x += mapLeft - leftSideInfoWindow; tipViewMarginLeft -= mapLeft - leftSideInfoWindow + tipViewOffset; leftSideInfoWindow = x; } // Add margin right if (outOfBoundsRight && mapRight - rightSideInfowWindow < marginHorizontal) { x -= marginHorizontal - (mapRight - rightSideInfowWindow); tipViewMarginLeft += marginHorizontal - (mapRight - rightSideInfowWindow) - tipViewOffset; leftSideInfoWindow = x; } // Add margin left if (outOfBoundsLeft && leftSideInfoWindow - mapLeft < marginHorizontal) { x += marginHorizontal - (leftSideInfoWindow - mapLeft); tipViewMarginLeft -= (marginHorizontal - (leftSideInfoWindow - mapLeft)) - tipViewOffset; } } // Adjust tipView ((BubbleLayout) view).setArrowPosition(tipViewMarginLeft); } // set anchor popupwindowview view.setX(x); view.setY(y); // Calculate x-offset and y-offset for update method viewWidthOffset = x - coordinates.x - offsetX; viewHeightOffset = -view.getMeasuredHeight() + offsetY; close(); // if it was already opened mapView.addView(view, lp); isVisible = true; } return this; } /** * Close this {@link InfoWindow} if it is visible, otherwise calling this will do nothing. * * @return This {@link InfoWindow} */ @NonNull InfoWindow close() { MapboxMap mapboxMap = this.mapboxMap.get(); if (isVisible && mapboxMap != null) { isVisible = false; View view = this.view.get(); if (view != null && view.getParent() != null) { ((ViewGroup) view.getParent()).removeView(view); } Marker marker = getBoundMarker(); MapboxMap.OnInfoWindowCloseListener listener = mapboxMap.getOnInfoWindowCloseListener(); if (listener != null) { listener.onInfoWindowClose(marker); } setBoundMarker(null); } return this; } /** * Constructs the view that is displayed when the InfoWindow opens. This retrieves data from * overlayItem and shows it in the tooltip. * * @param overlayItem the tapped overlay item */ void adaptDefaultMarker(@NonNull Marker overlayItem, MapboxMap mapboxMap, @NonNull MapView mapView) { View view = this.view.get(); if (view == null) { view = LayoutInflater.from(mapView.getContext()).inflate(layoutRes, mapView, false); initialize(view, mapboxMap); } this.mapboxMap = new WeakReference<>(mapboxMap); String title = overlayItem.getTitle(); TextView titleTextView = ((TextView) view.findViewById(; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { titleTextView.setText(title); titleTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { titleTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } String snippet = overlayItem.getSnippet(); TextView snippetTextView = ((TextView) view.findViewById(; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(snippet)) { snippetTextView.setText(snippet); snippetTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { snippetTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } @NonNull InfoWindow setBoundMarker(Marker boundMarker) { this.boundMarker = new WeakReference<>(boundMarker); return this; } @Nullable Marker getBoundMarker() { if (boundMarker == null) { return null; } return boundMarker.get(); } /** * Will result in getting this {@link InfoWindow} and updating the view being displayed. */ public void update() { MapboxMap mapboxMap = this.mapboxMap.get(); Marker marker = boundMarker.get(); View view = this.view.get(); if (mapboxMap != null && marker != null && view != null) { coordinates = mapboxMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(marker.getPosition()); if (view instanceof BubbleLayout) { view.setX(coordinates.x + viewWidthOffset - markerWidthOffset); } else { view.setX(coordinates.x - (view.getMeasuredWidth() / 2) - markerWidthOffset); } view.setY(coordinates.y + viewHeightOffset); } } void onContentUpdate() { //recalculate y-offset and update position View view = this.view.get(); if (view != null) { ViewTreeObserver viewTreeObserver = view.getViewTreeObserver(); if (viewTreeObserver.isAlive()) { viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(contentUpdateListener); } } } @Nullable private final ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener contentUpdateListener = new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { View view = InfoWindow.this.view.get(); if (view != null) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { view.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); } else { view.getViewTreeObserver().removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(this); } viewHeightOffset = -view.getMeasuredHeight() + markerHeightOffset; update(); } } }; /** * Retrieve this {@link InfoWindow}'s current view being used. * * @return This {@link InfoWindow}'s current View. */ @Nullable public View getView() { return view != null ? view.get() : null; } boolean isVisible() { return isVisible; } }