#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { class CanonicalTileID; class UnwrappedTileID; using ScreenCoordinate = mapbox::geometry::point; using ScreenLineString = mapbox::geometry::line_string; using ScreenBox = mapbox::geometry::box; class LatLng { private: double lat; double lon; public: enum WrapMode : bool { Unwrapped, Wrapped }; LatLng(double lat_ = 0, double lon_ = 0, WrapMode mode = Unwrapped) : lat(lat_), lon(lon_) { if (std::isnan(lat)) { throw std::domain_error("latitude must not be NaN"); } if (std::isnan(lon)) { throw std::domain_error("longitude must not be NaN"); } if (std::abs(lat) > 90.0) { throw std::domain_error("latitude must be between -90 and 90"); } if (!std::isfinite(lon)) { throw std::domain_error("longitude must not be infinite"); } if (mode == Wrapped) { wrap(); } } double latitude() const { return lat; } double longitude() const { return lon; } LatLng wrapped() const { return { lat, lon, Wrapped }; } void wrap() { lon = util::wrap(lon, -util::LONGITUDE_MAX, util::LONGITUDE_MAX); } // If the distance from start to end longitudes is between half and full // world, unwrap the start longitude to ensure the shortest path is taken. void unwrapForShortestPath(const LatLng& end) { const double delta = std::abs(end.lon - lon); if (delta < util::LONGITUDE_MAX || delta > util::DEGREES_MAX) return; if (lon > 0 && end.lon < 0) lon -= util::DEGREES_MAX; else if (lon < 0 && end.lon > 0) lon += util::DEGREES_MAX; } // Constructs a LatLng object with the top left position of the specified tile. LatLng(const CanonicalTileID& id); LatLng(const UnwrappedTileID& id); friend constexpr bool operator==(const LatLng& a, const LatLng& b) { return a.lat == b.lat && a.lon == b.lon; } friend constexpr bool operator!=(const LatLng& a, const LatLng& b) { return !(a == b); } }; class ProjectedMeters { public: double northing; double easting; ProjectedMeters(double n = 0, double e = 0) : northing(n), easting(e) {} }; constexpr bool operator==(const ProjectedMeters& a, const ProjectedMeters& b) { return a.northing == b.northing && a.easting == b.easting; } class LatLngBounds { public: // Return a bounds covering the entire (unwrapped) world. static LatLngBounds world() { return LatLngBounds({-90, -180}, {90, 180}); } // Return the bounds consisting of the single point. static LatLngBounds singleton(const LatLng& a) { return LatLngBounds(a, a); } // Return the convex hull of two points; the smallest bounds that contains both. static LatLngBounds hull(const LatLng& a, const LatLng& b) { LatLngBounds bounds(a, a); bounds.extend(b); return bounds; } // Return a bounds that may serve as the identity element for the extend operation. static LatLngBounds empty() { LatLngBounds bounds = world(); std::swap(bounds.sw, bounds.ne); return bounds; } // Constructs a LatLngBounds object with the tile's exact boundaries. LatLngBounds(const CanonicalTileID&); bool valid() const { return (sw.latitude() <= ne.latitude()) && (sw.longitude() <= ne.longitude()); } double south() const { return sw.latitude(); } double west() const { return sw.longitude(); } double north() const { return ne.latitude(); } double east() const { return ne.longitude(); } LatLng southwest() const { return sw; } LatLng northeast() const { return ne; } LatLng southeast() const { return LatLng(south(), east()); } LatLng northwest() const { return LatLng(north(), west()); } LatLng center() const { return LatLng((sw.latitude() + ne.latitude()) / 2, (sw.longitude() + ne.longitude()) / 2); } LatLng constrain(const LatLng& p) const { if (contains(p)) { return p; } return LatLng { util::clamp(p.latitude(), sw.latitude(), ne.latitude()), util::clamp(p.longitude(), sw.longitude(), ne.longitude()) }; } void extend(const LatLng& point) { sw = LatLng(std::min(point.latitude(), sw.latitude()), std::min(point.longitude(), sw.longitude())); ne = LatLng(std::max(point.latitude(), ne.latitude()), std::max(point.longitude(), ne.longitude())); } void extend(const LatLngBounds& bounds) { extend(bounds.sw); extend(bounds.ne); } bool isEmpty() const { return sw.latitude() > ne.latitude() || sw.longitude() > ne.longitude(); } bool contains(const LatLng& point) const { return (point.latitude() >= sw.latitude() && point.latitude() <= ne.latitude() && point.longitude() >= sw.longitude() && point.longitude() <= ne.longitude()); } bool intersects(const LatLngBounds area) const { return (area.ne.latitude() > sw.latitude() && area.sw.latitude() < ne.latitude() && area.ne.longitude() > sw.longitude() && area.sw.longitude() < ne.longitude()); } private: LatLng sw; LatLng ne; LatLngBounds(LatLng sw_, LatLng ne_) : sw(std::move(sw_)), ne(std::move(ne_)) {} friend constexpr bool operator==(const LatLngBounds&, const LatLngBounds&); friend constexpr bool operator!=(const LatLngBounds&, const LatLngBounds&); }; constexpr bool operator==(const LatLngBounds& a, const LatLngBounds& b) { return a.sw == b.sw && a.ne == b.ne; } constexpr bool operator!=(const LatLngBounds& a, const LatLngBounds& b) { return !(a == b); } // Determines the orientation of the map. enum class NorthOrientation : uint8_t { Upwards, // Default Rightwards, Downwards, Leftwards, }; /// The distance on each side between a rectangle and a rectangle within. class EdgeInsets { public: double top = 0; // Number of pixels inset from the top edge. double left = 0; // Number of pixels inset from the left edge. double bottom = 0; // Number of pixels inset from the bottom edge. double right = 0; // Number of pixels inset from the right edge. EdgeInsets() {} EdgeInsets(const double t, const double l, const double b, const double r) : top(t), left(l), bottom(b), right(r) {} bool isFlush() const { return top == 0 && left == 0 && bottom == 0 && right == 0; } void operator+=(const EdgeInsets& o) { top += o.top; left += o.left; bottom += o.bottom; right += o.right; } EdgeInsets operator+(const EdgeInsets& o) const { return { top + o.top, left + o.left, bottom + o.bottom, right + o.right, }; } ScreenCoordinate getCenter(uint16_t width, uint16_t height) const; }; constexpr bool operator==(const EdgeInsets& a, const EdgeInsets& b) { return a.top == b.top && a.left == b.left && a.bottom == b.bottom && a.right == b.right; } constexpr bool operator!=(const EdgeInsets& a, const EdgeInsets& b) { return !(a == b); } } // namespace mbgl