#ifndef MBGL_UTIL_GEO #define MBGL_UTIL_GEO namespace mbgl { class TileID; struct LatLng { double latitude = 0; double longitude = 0; inline LatLng(double lat = 0, double lon = 0) : latitude(lat), longitude(lon) {} // Constructs a LatLng object with the top left position of the specified tile. LatLng(const TileID& id); }; struct ProjectedMeters { double northing = 0; double easting = 0; inline ProjectedMeters(double n = 0, double e = 0) : northing(n), easting(e) {} }; struct LatLngBounds { LatLng sw = {90, 180}; LatLng ne = {-90, -180}; inline LatLngBounds(LatLng sw_ = {90, 180}, LatLng ne_ = {-90, -180}) : sw(sw_), ne(ne_) {} // Constructs a LatLngBounds object with the tile's exact boundaries. LatLngBounds(const TileID& id); inline void extend(const LatLng& point) { if (point.latitude < sw.latitude) sw.latitude = point.latitude; if (point.latitude > ne.latitude) ne.latitude = point.latitude; if (point.longitude < sw.longitude) sw.longitude = point.longitude; if (point.longitude > ne.longitude) ne.longitude = point.longitude; } inline void extend(const LatLngBounds& bounds) { extend(bounds.sw); extend(bounds.ne); } inline bool contains(const LatLng& point) const { return (point.latitude >= sw.latitude && point.latitude <= ne.latitude && point.longitude >= sw.longitude && point.longitude <= ne.longitude); } inline bool intersects(const LatLngBounds area) const { return (area.ne.latitude > sw.latitude && area.sw.latitude < ne.latitude && area.ne.longitude > sw.longitude && area.sw.longitude < ne.longitude); } }; } #endif