#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace util { constexpr double tileSize = 512; /* * The maximum extent of a feature that can be safely stored in the buffer. * In practice, all features are converted to this extent before being added. * * Positions are stored as signed 16bit integers. * One bit is lost for signedness to support features extending past the left edge of the tile. * One bit is lost because the line vertex buffer used to pack 1 bit of other data into the int. * This is no longer the case but we're reserving this bit anyway. * One bit is lost to support features extending past the extent on the right edge of the tile. * This leaves us with 2^13 = 8192 */ constexpr int32_t EXTENT = 8192; constexpr double DEG2RAD = M_PI / 180.0; constexpr double RAD2DEG = 180.0 / M_PI; constexpr double M2PI = M_PI * 2; constexpr double EARTH_RADIUS_M = 6378137; constexpr double LATITUDE_MAX = 85.051128779806604; constexpr double LONGITUDE_MAX = 180; constexpr double DEGREES_MAX = 360; constexpr double PITCH_MIN = 0.0; constexpr double PITCH_MAX = M_PI / 3; constexpr double MIN_ZOOM = 0.0; constexpr double MAX_ZOOM = 25.5; constexpr float MIN_ZOOM_F = MIN_ZOOM; constexpr float MAX_ZOOM_F = MAX_ZOOM; constexpr uint8_t DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM = 22; // ONE_EM constant used to go between "em" units used in style spec and "points" used internally for layout. constexpr float ONE_EM = 24.0f; constexpr uint8_t DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ZOOM_DELTA = 4; constexpr uint64_t DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 50 * 1024 * 1024; constexpr Duration DEFAULT_TRANSITION_DURATION = Milliseconds(300); constexpr Seconds CLOCK_SKEW_RETRY_TIMEOUT { 30 }; constexpr UnitBezier DEFAULT_TRANSITION_EASE = { 0, 0, 0.25, 1 }; constexpr int DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT_TIMEOUT = 5; constexpr const char* API_BASE_URL = "https://api.mapbox.com"; } // namespace util namespace debug { extern const bool tileParseWarnings; extern const bool styleParseWarnings; extern const bool spriteWarnings; extern const bool renderWarnings; extern const bool labelTextMissingWarning; extern const bool missingFontStackWarning; extern const bool missingFontFaceWarning; extern const bool glyphWarning; extern const bool shapingWarning; } // namespace debug } // namespace mbgl