#pragma once #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace style { class Position { public: Position() = default; Position(std::array& position_) : radial(position_[0]), azimuthal(position_[1]), polar(position_[2]) { calculateCartesian(); }; friend bool operator==(const Position& lhs, const Position& rhs) { return lhs.radial == rhs.radial && lhs.azimuthal == rhs.azimuthal && lhs.polar == rhs.polar; // TODO this doesn't address wrapping, which would be better addressed by comparing cartesian coordinates but being calculated floats are ont to be trusted. } friend bool operator!=(const Position& lhs, const Position& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } std::array getCartesian() const { return {{x, y, z}}; }; std::array getSpherical() const { return {{radial, azimuthal, polar}}; }; void set(std::array& position_) { radial = position_[0]; azimuthal = position_[1]; polar = position_[2]; calculateCartesian(); }; // Utility function to be used only during interpolation; this leaves spherical coordinates undefined. void setCartesian(std::array& position_) { x = position_[0]; y = position_[1]; z = position_[2]; } private: float radial; float azimuthal; float polar; float x; float y; float z; void calculateCartesian() { // We abstract "north"/"up" (compass-wise) to be 0° when really this is 90° (π/2): we // correct for that here const float _a = (azimuthal + 90) * util::DEG2RAD; const float _p = polar * util::DEG2RAD; x = radial * std::cos(_a) * std::sin(_p); y = radial * std::sin(_a) * std::sin(_p); z = radial * std::cos(_p); }; }; } // namespace style } // namespace mbgl