#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { /** Various options for describing the viewpoint of a map. All fields are optional. Anchor and center points are mutually exclusive, with preference for the center point when both are set. */ struct CameraOptions { CameraOptions& withCenter(const optional& o) { center = o; return *this; } CameraOptions& withPadding(const EdgeInsets& p) { padding = p; return *this; } CameraOptions& withAnchor(const optional& o) { anchor = o; return *this; } CameraOptions& withZoom(const optional& o) { zoom = o; return *this; } CameraOptions& withBearing(const optional& o) { bearing = o; return *this; } CameraOptions& withPitch(const optional& o) { pitch = o; return *this; } /** Coordinate at the center of the map. */ optional center; /** Padding around the interior of the view that affects the frame of reference for `center`. */ EdgeInsets padding; /** Point of reference for `zoom` and `angle`, assuming an origin at the top-left corner of the view. */ optional anchor; /** Zero-based zoom level. Constrained to the minimum and maximum zoom levels. */ optional zoom; /** Bearing, measured in degrees from true north. Wrapped to [0, 360). */ optional bearing; /** Pitch toward the horizon measured in degrees , with 0 deg resulting in a two-dimensional map. */ optional pitch; }; constexpr bool operator==(const CameraOptions& a, const CameraOptions& b) { return a.center == b.center && a.padding == b.padding && a.anchor == b.anchor && a.zoom == b.zoom && a.bearing == b.bearing && a.pitch == b.pitch; } constexpr bool operator!=(const CameraOptions& a, const CameraOptions& b) { return !(a == b); } /** Various options for describing a transition between viewpoints with animation. All fields are optional; the default values depend on how this struct is used. */ struct AnimationOptions { /** Time to animate to the viewpoint defined herein. */ optional duration; /** Average velocity of a flyTo() transition, measured in screenfuls per second, assuming a linear timing curve. A screenful is the visible span in pixels. It does not correspond to a fixed physical distance but rather varies by zoom level. */ optional velocity; /** Zero-based zoom level at the peak of the flyTo() transition’s flight path. */ optional minZoom; /** The easing timing curve of the transition. */ optional easing; /** A function that is called on each frame of the transition, just before a screen update, except on the last frame. The first parameter indicates the elapsed time as a percentage of the duration. */ std::function transitionFrameFn; /** A function that is called once on the last frame of the transition, just before the corresponding screen update. */ std::function transitionFinishFn; /** Creates an animation with no options specified. */ AnimationOptions() {} /** Creates an animation with the specified duration. */ AnimationOptions(Duration d) : duration(d) {} }; } // namespace mbgl